Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Party at Dudes!

Hello dear friends.  Dude was sweet enough to throw a little get together for some of the girls from high school in the area.  I have not lived in the East for over 20 years and I haven't seen these girls since graduation.  It was so fun to see every one.

Before the party, Dude's younger brother, John, and his lovely wife Cathy stopped by to say hello.  Ok... I might as well spill the beans.  John had a HUGE crush on me.  He just didn't know it.  It was the first time I met my competition his bride and I hate to admit  it - she's great.   

Doesn't Dude do a great job with her flowers?  Love her arrangements.

Priscilla, Rosie and the hostess with the mostess hogging the wine.

I guess that bottle is just for her...

Meg and a very suspicious looking Sista.

Meg is great.  She's a big shot in the publishing business.  I'm sure she felt a little intimidated by my career success.

Isn't Mike cute?  She lives within minutes of Dude.  Love her dress.

It was wonderful to see Priscilla (far left).  She has twin daughters,  lives in Connecticut, and is a landscape designer.  

Rosie, on the far right, was the smartest girl in our class.  She went to Princeton and is a big shot lawyer.  I always asked Rosie to save me a seat next to her during exams. 

Sista crying to Mike how jealous she is of me.

I couldn't find a gluten-free cake for Dude's birthday so I told her not to worry - I would eat her piece too.

Here's to renewed friendships!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Looks like a wonderful night! The table is just lovely and perfect for sitting around and catching up on life :-)

  2. What a beautiful setting. And, her flowers are gorgeous. Love hearing your stories of friendship. We moved around so much it was hard for me to have "life-long" friendships.

  3. Now that looks like a fun get together. You have been quite the social butterfly lately....I love the names of your friends, Mike, Dude...too cute. And I do love Mikes dress did you by any chance ask her where she got it? Enjoy your day....

  4. You are so blessed to have the nicest friends with the cutest outfits!

  5. I love renewed friendships! I hope that I am having dinner like this with my girlfriends for many years to come.

  6. Oh thank god for your blog when I am stressed you always make me laugh!Tell Sista "hello" from me!

  7. What fun and such a blessing to get together with friends!

  8. So much fun to renew friendships. Looks like you had a great time. xo Laura

  9. Loved all the photos and the back-stories. I felt very much like I was watching an episode of the Real Housewives of Connecticut...only everyone gets along, has a real job and most of all stays classy. You are a hoot, no wonder they are all so jealous... ;)

  10. What a lovely setting & how wonderful to reconnect with old friends! Sorry I'm responding so late

    What a lovely setting

    What a lovely setting & how wonderful to reconnect with old friends! Hugs, Dawn


  11. Katie,
    Seriously, I never want your posts to end. Now that you have introduced all the characters and started to give us snippets of the story, I want to read more. I mean you are the "protagonist" right? I love your writing and want to live vicariously through each and every post. Lucky for me, I have made an appearance last week and was so excited to "hob knob" with such a celeb like you and your "Sista" -
    You make me forget about all the "dark & stormy" parts of life with your "humor." I guess Mister really lucked out when he married such a Super Model like you. I say who needs brains, when you have looks and that wicked good humor.

  12. It looks like so much fun was had!! All of my high school buddies are in the same phase of life as I am...raising kids and managing grey hair that those kids have given us. Hopefully, sometime we will have time for such down times as this. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  13. Dude really knows how to throw a beautiful party - even if she does hog the wine! How fun for us to "meet" some of your friends from your life before you were a famous writer hanging out with Michael Douglas!

  14. What fun! You are lucky to have such great friends! Next time you come down to see Dude, let's all get together for cocktails! Have a fabulous weekend, my dear! xoxo

  15. You are my favorite blogger...soooooo funny! Wish you would write a book! Cheryl Ann

  16. Katie! What fun you had reconnecting with your fabulous friends. I'm sure they are all so jealous of you but they were kind not to show it ;). You are so cute. I enjoyed catching up on your fun blog and the photos of Dude's home (in the most recent post and here) are fab. She is quite the stylist and decorator. Enjoy your 'camp'!

  17. Love your writing ! So witty and entertaining! You and your friends are all so pretty!
    _Linda, NY

  18. It is so much fun getting together with old friends! That looks like a great time! Dude knows how to do it!


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