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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, July 21, 2014

One Movie & 4 TV Shows

Hello dear friends.  I hope you all had a great weekend.  We had fabulous weather again!   Remind me of the incredible weekend weather that we are experiencing in January, will you?

I am going to file this post under entertainment.  It includes a movie that I am waiting with bated breath to see, and some more TV shows that I recommend.  

OK, I heard that.  Someone out in blogland just whispered something under her breath about how much TV I watch.  I do admit to watching hours of my share of TV but I do it for research.  Just like when I go to Homegoods six days a week.  I have to explain it every time to the  Mister when he asks me what I am shopping for.  Research, Mister research.

Steven Spielberg + my girl Oprah+Helen Mirren = Megahit

Finally watched Season 2 of this thrilling political drama.  This show reminds me  of a bag of peanut M&M's.  Once you start watching the first show, you can't stop.  Kevin Spacey hits it a little too close to home as a cold, ambitious politician.  Just another day in the nation's capital.

The Mister and I took a chance on watching the first season of Ray Donovan on Showtime and we're glad that we did.  Liev Schreiber plays a very cool, high powered fixer in the entertainment industry. Angelina's Dad, Jon Voight, plays the father of Liev and his two brothers.  This drama has got everything - extortion, blackmail, murder, and conspiracy - the perfect cocktail for a boring week night.

We just started watching Suits last week at the suggestion of our girls.  One thing I have taught my girls - it takes a lot of talent to recognize a good TV show. I thought they lacked that gene when they became addicted to The Kardashians.  But their recommendation of Suits has restored my faith in them.

The Mister and I are only 3 episodes into the first season, and I must admit that we are addicted already.  The best part is we have two more seasons to watch.  Don't call me after 7 Pm.

Last summer, Below Deck premiered on my beloved Bravo.  This reality series takes place on a 10 million dollar luxury yacht.  Captain Lee runs a tight ship of a great looking crew.  Every week, some very wealthy, crazy people come on board as guests to throw the yacht and cute crew into some rough seas.  My favorite crew mates are back - Crazy Kat and Sexy Chef Ben.  I'm counting the minutes until August 4th.

Hope your Monday feels like a Friday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I fear that I'm losing interest in my Bravo shows, even the real housewives. Still watching, but not in the same way. I did enjoy Below Deck too and will watch season 2. Did you watch Southern Charm - it has been my favorite of the new shows?

  2. I love House of Cards and agree, maybe a little too real. But, have loved Kevin Spacey since Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I need some new shows will have to look up Suits and Ray Donovan. I also liked Southern Charm on Bravo. If nothing else the views of Charleston are worth it.

  3. We are into Scandal right now and then we are on to house of cards!!

  4. We are actually watching Ninja Warrior!! Amazed by the strength of some of the contestants. And, bring on Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef. Waiting with baited breath for the new season of Master Chef Junior!!

  5. I'm also waiting to to see The Hundred Foot Journey when it comes out next month; it looks really good...it was an excellent book. One of my summer reads. :-)

  6. Try Call the Midwife!!! I'm hooked! Sadly, it's only 3 seasons long.

  7. Comment just got eaten again....ugh! OK well I do love Below Deck what a fun show! And cannot wait to see the new flick, The hundred foot journey, looks amazing, so my kind of movie!! And you know my feelings on the housewives, my son and all my nieces and nephews are all addicted to Game of Thrones but they have no idea what they are missing, lol.

  8. Is it weird that I now fear the Metro after watching season 2 of "House of Cards"?

  9. Happy summer my preppy friend Katie! I've been in town only 3 days in a whole month so I'm finally able to catch up with my favorite bloggers. I LOVE 'Below Deck' too! Yachts, port towns, sea breezes....what's not to love?? I haven't watched some of these other shows but must admit I watched all the episodes of Orange is the New Black on my flights to Europe and back. Crazy..... Happy summer darling friend. xx

  10. Okay, I consider myself a pretty serious TV watcher and I am not sure how I missed Below Deck. Sound like just my speed...thanks for no spoilers. I will be on it.

  11. I'm anxious to see The Hundred Foot Journey. You had me at Helen Mirren. I have to say that I couldn't get into Below Deck. I'm not sure why. It is so unlike me to eschew anything on the Bravo Network! As a matter of fact I just finished watching the season finale of RHONY. Just like you, though, it is purely for research. I am VERY excited about the premier of Project Runway season one million although I liked it much better when it was a Bravo show. The Lifetime version is just one annoying product placement after another. But I still love Tim Gunn!

  12. Cannot wait for that movie either!! and a little trivia you might enjoy......we are sailors and last yr we used nanny cay as our homebase for our sailboat in the BVI's. The show was also using the marina as their homebase. Several times we were there the same time they were in between shoots....and of course, we all hung out at the bar together waaaay late into the nights!! We were fans of the show last yr...cuz hey! we're sailors!!! Can't wait to see how it all plays out this time.
    and I have to tell ya......Ben is to die for!!!! Very funny, Very sweet. And really kinda cute!!

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