J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Medium Rare Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  My friend, Beansie sent me this clever quote, so I made a nifty little poster for you.  How is your week going?  Does it feel shorter?  Not so much to me - I'm just constantly confused as to what day it is.  I just looked at my phone, and it tells me it's Wednesday.  You know what that means.

It's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  What makes you feel accomplished?  Explain.

It doesn't take much to make me feel like I have accomplished something.  A small thing like zipping up my ever-shrinking jeans is a call for celebration.  And maybe an extra cookie.

Having these two hooligans listen to me and both look at the camera at the same time is another cause for me to give myself a pat on my back fat. 

I never thought it was possible for a dog to look bored but now I have two that have conquered the look. The last time I saw that expression, my kids were teenagers.

2.  If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?  Tell us why.

If I had my own talk show, I would be the happiest girl in the world.  That would be my dream job.

First, I would like to interview Kathy Lee and Hoda because I know that they would supply the beverages.
Btw... I'm counting them as one guest.

Secondly, I would like to interview Oprah because I would hope she would bring me a new car as a hostess gift.

And the third person on my guest list is Andy Cohen for two reasons.  I would want to hear every ounce of inside scoop about the reality stars on my favorite Bravo shows.  Also, I would hope that Andy would reciprocate and ask me to be the official bartender in the clubhouse.

3.  Do you have a great burger recipe?  What's in it?  What do you like on a hamburger and where is your favorite spot to order one out?

I do not have a great burger recipe.
Aren't you shocked?

Many years ago, I lived in the Chicago burbs.  My favorite place for a burger was Hackney's.  It was served on rye bread, and the first bite was so delish, it made my eyes water.  They also serve the best darn onion loaf I have ever had.

Rumor has it that it is not quite as good as I remember it.

4.  What's the biggest anxiety producing thing you do on a regular basis?

I sit down and write a blog post.

5.  This is the last Hodgepodge of May.  
Tell us about your summer plans.

This weekend, my #1, Adorable Jonathon, his twin, Adorable Michael, and their parents are coming for lunch.  They are vacationing in the area.  I can't wait to see them.

The rest of the summer will include a trip to Texas and Atlanta, hosting a neighborhood party, getting a few tattoos, joining a roller derby team, and plenty of day trips.  

6.  Insert you own random thought here.

Today is National Autonomous Vehicle Day, National Save Your Hearing Day, National Speak in Sentences Day, and National Senior Health and Fitness Day.

Do you think those poor people in charge of naming the days may be scraping the bottom of the barrel?  
Bad news, folks:  it's only May!

There is good news for people like me.
It's also National Macaroon Day

You can find the gluten-free recipe here.

Who would you like as a guest on your talk show?

Until next time...


Sunday, May 28, 2017

A Delightful Afternoon at Scituate Harbor

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you all are enjoying your long weekend.  We have had a busy one, a couple of fun parties in the 'hood, some friends for dinner, and a fabulous Arts Fest.

We hosted a small dinner for some of the Mister's friends from work, and this was the menu.

For apps, he served tuna tartare, grilled peaches wrapped in pancetta, burrata with beefsteak tomato coulis and fresh basil and Naan.

The entree consisted of lamb chops with avocado tzatziki and pistachio gremolata,  grilled baby carrots, grape tomatoes and micro greens with extra virgin olive oil and grated lemon.

Sorry, no pics of the dessert.  
I was in too much of a hurry to inhale it.
If my camera had gotten in the way, I probably would have eaten that too! 


The Mister knows how I feel about beautiful warm days.  I always want to go out to lunch on the water.  A couple of weeks ago we headed towards Scituate Harbor, which always guarantees great shopping and good food.

That day, the Mister was in the mood for a burger, so we ate at TK O'Malley's and enjoyed lunch waterside.  It was fun watching all the boats heading out for the first sail of the season.  

Scituate Harbor is a great place to stop on your way to the Cape.  It is 20 miles from Boston and about 35 miles from the Cape and well worth the trip.

I can never visit the Harbor without stopping into my favorite shop, Joye.  It is chock full of unique accessories and gifts at great prices.

I have noticed that these nautical bracelets are very popular around here.   They always look so great with a tan.  
But then again, what doesn't?

Lots of great bags in stock.  
I'm a sucker for navy and white, and as far as I'm concerned, a woman can never be too thin, too rich, or have too many totes.

My Mother used to tell my Sista and me to eat carrots for good eye sight.  I passed this pearl of wisdom on to my girls.

They listened to me with as much enthusiasm as I gave my Mother.  And it was usually topped with the almighty eye roll.  

These are really cute and a great size too.  

Great gift bags.

Lots of fun jewelry, too.

Scituate Harbor is a lovely place to spend an afternoon.  
If you are visiting the area, I highly recommend that you stop by.


A heartfelt thank you to all the brave men and women who have served our country.

Until next time...

Interesting story on military dogs right here.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I'm a day early, but still a dollar short this week.  Tomorrow, I am headed with three of my buddies to the Cape for a literary luncheon.  I won't be taking any pics outside because it is supposed to rain all day.  Oh well, my hydrangeas are happy.   

Here are some photos of the Lake Forest Showhouse.
I spent four years (almost five) going to college in beautiful Lake Forest.
Unfortunately, Barat College had to close their doors because they had trouble recruiting super smart, beautiful girls who also happened to be future trophy wives.


This gorgeous estate can be found in the great state of Virginia.

I don't think that I would have to take Tylenol PM ever again if I slept in this gorgeous room.


This lovely home in Martha's Vineyard is known as The Cliff Cottage.

Good news...

It's for sale.


I found these photos in an article written about unique window treatments for bedrooms.  There are 30 more examples here.


If you're interested in taking a road trip through my original home state, you'll enjoy reading this.


Speaking of reading, need some suggestions for this Summer's beach reads?
They're right here.


If you're thinking about grilling some pizzas this weekend, here are some helpful tips.


Did you know that your iPhone can work as a level?
Fourteen more tips and tricks can be found right here.


I'm almost finished listening to this one.  
It is a captivating story that is beautifully written. 

I'm still reading this inspiring novel about love, life's challenges, human flaws and bold courage.
I'm taking my time because I don't want it to end.
Stay tuned for my review.


The Ozzie and Harriet of national politics are back on the air May 30th.
I can't help but wonder if it will seem as crazy now as it did last year.


I just finished watching the last show of the season of Call the Midwife.  I can't believe that I have to wait a whole year to spend time with these delightful characters again.

If you're looking for a good show to binge watch this weekend, I highly recommend this one.

Scoop:  Guess who is dating in real life.
Yup, you heard it here first.


Meanwhile, I am off to celebrate the day.
It's National Wine Day!

Have a great weekend.

Until next time...

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