Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  The Friday Files is up and running a day early this week because tomorrow I will be on my way to see a certain special girl graduate.

Our house looks like Lilac City.  Two of our trees are in full bloom.  The lilac aroma reminds me of my old grammar school days. Some students would bring a bouquet from their garden into the teacher to suck up to her.  As one with experience with this tactic - it didn't help.

If you are looking for last minute Mother's Day inspiration and missed my posts on gift ideas you can find them here, here, and here.  

This week, we are highlighting Atlanta for our dream home tour.  This beauty is in Buckhead and it's for sale.  

Calgon, take me away!

I could fit ALL my sizes in this closet!

Our second gorgeous house is in Chapel Hill, NC.

I am drooling over this kitchen.
I would even consider learning to cook!

I can just picture myself in my mom-kini sunning by this pool. 
Maybe the Mister will buy it for me for Mother's Day.

Need some inspiration for throwing a Mother's Day brunch?
HGTV can help.

Or maybe you were thinking about having a Mother's Day tea party?

If you need some inspiration planting a perennial garden, you can find the scoop here.

I enjoyed this article about Ernest Hemingway's unrequited love interest and letters that got lost in the mail.

The Mister and I may bicker about a lot of things.  But the one thing that we have never snapped at each other about is being late.  Our girls, I am happy to report are always on time, as well.  

Do you know someone who is consecutively late?  Does it bug you?  Here is the psychology behind the behavior.

Here's some great news for college grads.

If you're a nervous flyer like me, this interview with a real pilot will set your mind at ease.

If you are looking for some tips on how to look more photogenic in those Mother's Day photos, read this.

The Mister and I saw The Circle last weekend.  
It was okay but not worth the price of the ticket.

I just finished Wait for Me and really enjoyed it.  It's a beautiful love story with a historical slant.  I highly recommend this one.


You know that you listen to a lot of audible books when you begin to recognize the voice of the reader.  Cassandra Campbell read The Baker's Secret and did justice to this wonderful novel.  I enjoyed every page of this book filled with colorful, quirky, and flawed characters fighting for their lives in the worst of circumstances.  Emma is the heroine and the town baker with a heart of gold who is brave, as well as clever in aiding her fellow villagers. 

As a side note... I love listening to audible books.  It was a gray, cool day today and I didn't want to go out for my walk.  But I did want to finish this book.  So instead of slacking off, I took my walk, finished the book, and felt much better when I got back.

I greeted you with lilacs, and I leave you with lilacs.

Enjoy your Mother's Day weekend.

Until next time...

My Painted Garden
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Thank you about the Pilot I truly needed that!!

  2. Wow, what beautiful homes! And, I love Audible. Have yourself a great Mother's Day and congrats on your daughter's graduation.

  3. Heading right over to read the pilot interview. And the picture tips too. I hope they tell me how to make the lines on my neck invisible! Congrats to your grad!!

  4. have a wonderful graduation Mother's Day weekend! Best mother's day gift I can think of....another child off of YOUR payroll!!! and maybe....just maybe, if your kids settle down here in the south.....you will come back here too!!

  5. Have a wonderful mother's day - what a great thing to do this weekend - watch your daughter graduate! -Jenn

  6. I wish we had lilacs here. They must smell heavenly! Thanks for the photo tips. I learned a few new ones. Not sure anything will help me! '-)
    Enjoy the weekend celebration.
    Went to a great new neighborhood restaurant tonight that I want to take you to next time you visit. You will love it and the little shop next door. '-) Tiny Boxwoods and The Garden House.

  7. Great post as always, Katie! Happy Mother's Day to you and enjoy your visit!

    Jane x

  8. Love the lilacs! And those homes - I'll take the Chapel Hill abode with all those glorious windows! #1 pet peeve - people who are late. Thank goodness my girls don't take after their dad. Enjoy the celebrations of this huge family milestone this weekend, Katie! Oh, and Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Katie, Congrats to your #2 and Happy Mother's Day! Your house selections today are amazing. Don't we all need a fireplace in our closets?? As I look at the gorgeous photo of your kitchen window with the lilacs I am inhaling, hoping for a whiff of my favorite scent. I'm still waiting for my white one to bloom this year after moving it, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Enjoy your special weekend! Linda

  10. Wait...that's a closet 😱 I might never be the same again... Happy Mother's Day Katie, it sounds like you're in for a special one, Congrats!

  11. You can have that kitchen since you have a personal chef! No need to get extreme and learn to cook. Every kitchen needs a "manager"...sign up for that position! Congrats to your kiddo. Proud Mama on the road!-Laurel Bledsoe

  12. Hey -- have a wonderful weekend and Congrats to your graduate!

  13. This post contained enough interesting material to last me all day. I did enjoy the pilot's article, found the Hemingway article very delightful, and also found the "late" article interesting. I once told a boss who was perpetually late, that being late was the greatest sign of egotism - it simply meant that he valued himself and his concerns higher than anyone elses. He simply agreed and continued to be late. UGH!! I will read the rest later. Have a great trip and congratulations to your graduating daughter. Happy Mother's Day!

  14. Lilacs, oh lilacs! Boston's "South Shore" will always be "home" to me but I now live in the South. One thing I greatly miss is the smell of lilacs in bloom! We've got "Confederate" Jasmine which is lovely but I miss the lilacs. They were such a sure sign of Spring after a long winter! Thanks Katie. Happy Mother's Day!

  15. Beautiful! Congrats and Happy Mothers Day!

  16. Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks so much for all the links, I am a terribly nervous flyer, in fact, didn't fly at all for 30 years! But have now, on occasion. This article really helped. Happy Mother's day!

  17. What a lovely way to end the week! Happy Mother's Day and congrats to the grad!
    C + C

  18. Mostly we only see lilacs in florist shops here. I can't imagine having such beautiful and fragrant plants in a cutting garden! Beautiful arrangement at your sink to enjoy. Oh what inspiration here today, I can't imagine having such a grand house as these. I love Buckhead, lucky for me my sister lives there. I know you will enjoy getting familiar with the area when you visit your daughter. Happy Mother's Day Katie........

  19. Lovely homes, though a little too grand for my lifestyle. Lilacs are blooming at my home in the Pacific Northwest right now. I love their scent, though it can be overwhelming if the blooms are brought indoors. Now is a beautiful time of year to visit Seattle's arboretum where azaleas, rhododendrons, and all kinds of trees are in bloom. Gorgeous! Love all your photos.

  20. Please give my heartiest congrats to my "niece", Sis. They are growing up quickly, no?

  21. I love your Friday Files Katie! Happy Mother's Day and congrats to your daughter!!

  22. I love all the photos of the flowers - make me anticipate them blooming in New England even more. Lilacs and Lilies of the Valley smell the best! Congratulations to your graduate(my husband and I celebrated when each kid dropped off the payroll!). Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  23. your posts are the best Katie! seriously. i know i don't often comment anymore...because it boggles my mind to try to do it on an iphone or ipad but just know i'm here reading, lurking about, gathering knowledge from all your tips. your book recommendations are the best...hope you have a Mother's Day as lovely as you are and as happy as you make me when I read your posts.


  24. Happy Mother's Day! Safe travels to 👩‍🎓graduation.

  25. Your lilacs are fabulous! And congratulations on the big weekend. Graduation is a big deal -- and I know everyone in the Clooney clan is thrilled!

  26. The lilacs are gorgeous! Mine are blooming now as well. Hopefully all this rain today won't knock them off! Enjoy your Mother's Day and thank you for the link to the pilot's advice for flying. I am such a big baby on planes!

  27. Fabulous tours. I love looking at houses. The lilacs are gorgeous. There's something so special about beautiful flowers. Have a lovely Mother's Day.

  28. How did I miss Friday Files this week??? Oh I totally agree with you about tardiness. I met a friend for breakfast the other morning and she was 30 minutes late. Thanks for the psychology lesson!!:)


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