J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Stunning Stripes on a Sunday

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that y'all are enjoying your weekend.  The Mister and I did a little shopping and went to see The Finest Hours yesterday, which I enjoyed a lot more that I thought I would.

The critics weren't so crazy about The Finest Hours, but I thought it was an interesting story and an exciting film.

But what do I know?


Today is all about stripes.  When the Mister and I lived in Boca Raton many years ago, we bought a house that had a very small dining room with very high ceilings.  I came up with the brilliant idea of putting a wallpaper with vertical stripes on the walls.  When the paper hanger finished his job, he told me that he developed a migraine from being in the room.  I told him that I would take that as a compliment and left out a tip when I wrote his check.

Boy, was he right.  It looked like a room from Alice in Wonderland.  The worst part of it was that I didn't want to let on to the Mister that I needed Dramamine every time I walked into the room.  That was one of many decorating mistakes that I made in my homes across the country.  Lucky for me, the Mister got transferred a lot.

Today, I offer you photos of rooms that wear their stripes well.


Style at Home

Style at Home

Love this settee.

Barker and Stonehouse


Bee Cottage

One of my favorite books.

Francesco Catalano


Love this whole room.
Canoe, canoe?


Harpers Bazaar

If the Mister would buy me a beach house, I would decorate one of the 12 baths just like this one.


Opal Houses

Yes, please!!

Home Bunch

There's always one smart acre that takes things too far...

What was your biggest decorating mistake?

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Bundled Up Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I am happy to report that it was 52 degrees yesterday.  The dirty snow is melting away, and I couldn't be more delighted.  Chowdah is ecstatic because the melting snow leads to some quality mud for digging. 

It's Wednesday which means it's time for Hodgepodge!

1.  Share a winter memory from your childhood.

The only thing that I can remember about my childhood winters was that I couldn't move much.  It took me hours to put on all the winter gear because my mother would make me go outside and get some fresh air.  

All I wanted to do is lay on the couch, eat pop tarts, and watch this guy.

2.  What was on your blog this time last year?  (Besides the Hodgepodge of course!)  If you weren't blogging, what in the world were you doing with all your free time?

This week last year I did a before and after post on my den.

A year ago this week I took this pic of Chowdah.  
This captures the essence of my winter of 2015.

3. Ellen Goodman is quoted as saying, 'We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done cracks to be patched.  Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk the rooms of our lives.... not looking for flaws, but for potential.'

Do you see more flaws or more potential in your life at the start of the new year?  Have you done anything specific this month to address either one?  Does the new year truly begin for you on January 1, or is there some other month of the year that feels like a fresh start and new beginning?

Wait, I have flaws??  
Have you been talking to the Mister?
Ellen can worry about patching her own cracks.
I don't have any.

4. Who's an athlete you admire or respect and why?

The first athlete that pops into my mind is Lou Gehrig.  He put a face on the vicious disease known as ALS and fought it with courage and dignity.

5.  Do you like cream in your coffee?  Whipped cream on your pumpkin pie?  Cream cheese on a bagel?  Sour cream on a baked potato?  Cream of wheat for breakfast?  Have you ever had a scone with clotted cream?  Of all the creamy foods mentioned, which one sounds most appealing to you right this very minute?

As I sit here at 6AM, Cream of Wheat sounds awfully good to me especially since they now have a Cinnabon flavor.

I have never had clotted cream.  Although it looks pretty good, the word "clotted" doesn't sound appetizing.

6.  Where were you last kept waiting for 'hours on end'?  Or what felt like hours on end?  How well did you cope?

Every time we move and I find myself at the RMV, I call the Mister to scream at tell him that "I'M NEVER MOVING AGAIN!"

7.  Believe it or not, when next week's Hodgepodge rolls around it will be February.  Huh?  Bid adieu to January in seven words or less.

 Don't let the door hit you in the #@%$!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Has anybody been watching The Bachelor this season?  I haven't watched it in years.  I am tuning in this year because my #1 was roommates with one of the bachelorettes during her freshman year in college.   Which one?  I'll give you one hint.  In my estimation, this particular bachelorette has gotten more camera time than any of the others. 

Can you guess which bachelorette was my #1's roommate in college?

Until next time...


Monday, January 25, 2016

A Bowl Full of Buffalo Checks

Hello, dear friends.  I bet a lot of you are happy that the weekend and the snow storm is in your rearview mirror.  What a storm!  We got more of the white stuff than we expected we would.  Along with the storm, we had blustery winds as well.  I wanted to put weights on Chili's little ankles so she wouldn't blow away.  Unfortunately, we had to miss the great party that I was looking forward to due to the Mister's safety first policy.

On top of the snow, many New Englander's hearts were broken on Sunday due to the Pat's loss.  As I used to tell myself in my late twenties on New Year's Eve with no boyfriends in sight... there's always next year.

Today is all about buffalo checks.  I love them and feature them in my sunroom.  So, as I watched the flakes come down this weekend, I pinned my little heart out.  Does anybody know how many calories you can burn from pinning?  I don't want to brag, but I think I lost three pounds. 

My sunroom is my favorite room in the house.

Let the checks begin!  



Living your Dreams

brabourne farm


Chalet San Moritz

Charles Faudree

Interior Design Pro

In my humble opinion, checks and toile are the best combo since peanut butter and jelly.  Or peanut butter and nutella.  Or peanut butter and plain ol' peanut butter.

These toile pics are for you Ann F.!


Joy Tribout Interiors

Stephanie Stokes

Blue & White Living

Until next time...

Oscar's Gourmet, Etsy

Friday, January 22, 2016

Dreamin' & Readin' in a Blizzard

Hello, dear friends.  Wednesday evening was filled with laughter, great food, and lively conversation at my book club.  It was hosted by a lovely lady at a charming antique home that was adorned with black shutters and a red door.  Quintessential New England. 

I just texted my #2 to warn her that she is going to get slammed with snow.  She informed me last night that the stomach flu has been running rampant through her college. Part of the reason for this is that the school is not doling out excused absences for illness this week.  Can you imagine a worse combo - a blizzard, the flu, and a bunch of crazy college students?  Ugh. 

Believe it or not, Boston is at the edge of the storm this time.  I'm hoping that we don't have much because we have a party invite for Saturday evening with some very fun people.  If I have to buy a sled with Chili and Chowdah leading it to get me there, I will.   

Chowdah & Chili in training.

I dedicate this post to all my blog buddies who are facing a mother of a storm this weekend.  Find a cozy corner and read a good book.  Or tune into a good movie or if you need some exercise, binge watch a series.  Bundle up and enjoy your free time.  
Now if you have small children or whiny teens - been there, done that - you have my deepest sympathy. 

Here are a few of my favorite books that I recommend for a snowbound weekend.  


Just finished this book, and positively adored it.


One of my all time faves.  
Warning: do not read without tissues.


Sequel to Me Before You and I liked it just as much.


This book has a great story centering around a political family and glamorous women, just like me.


Another one of my all time faves.  
Two of my book club buddies feel the same way.

Darling story.



A great story about a most lovable curmudgeon. 



Loads of twists and turns in this mystery. 


A sweet story centering around an enchanting southern couple dealing with love and sacrifice.  It is beautifully written by a fellow blogger, Kristy Woodson Harvey, from Design Chic



Read this one in two sittings.  
It's no wonder I'm chunky curvy.

New England Home


If you're crazy about dogs and appreciate a good love story, this book is for you.

Betsy Speert

If you don't feel like reading, I highly recommend this award- winning series.


Any recommendations for our snowbound friends? 

Until next time...

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