Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Hello, dear friends.  Yesterday, the Mister and I broke up.  Don't get excited ladies - he's not back on the market.  I'm not about to give up on him now after training him for 26 years.  We went our separate ways at the movie theater.  So I offer you two movie previews for the price of one.  Lucky you.

I looked forward to seeing Carol for a couple of reasons.  Cate Blanchett is one of my favorite actresses and I was intrigued by all the hype.

First of all, let me tell you what I liked about Carol.  Cate did her usual stellar job in the acting department.  Rooney Mara also did a decent job playing the waif-like, quiet girl wrestling with her identity.  Cate Blanchard's clothes, home, and car were gorgeous. I mention the car because it was on screen for about three-quarters of the movie.

Carol is a character study.  The film is not plot driven.  It was a full two hours, and it is a very slow two hours.  I patiently waited through the first half of the movie for it to pick up steam, but it never did.  It just got tired and puckered out.

The Media is wondering why Carol was shut out of the Oscars in the major categories.  They speculate it is because of the subject matter.  I beg to differ. It's no mystery to me.

The Mister's review is a short one.  
13 Hours is raw and disturbing.  

The first thing we said to each other after we met in the lobby was that we were happy that we didn't see either one of the flicks together because we knew the other one would not appreciate the choice.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Why can't the industry watch their own movies and say . . . "uh oh. We'd better make a few changes." It's like not looking in the mirror before you leave the house. Thanks for the reviews.

  2. Ha thats funny, I am intrigued also by Carol but a friend who saw it yesterday said exactly the same thing, that it was too slow and should have been half the time. She did say Cate was fabulous though. I am supposed to see Brooklyn today or tomorrow, have heard such great things!! Always enjoy your reviews...hope you have a nice and relaxing Sunday:)

  3. I agree 100% with your review of Carol. Slooooow, but lots of "eye candy". They could have cut about 10 minutes from the middle. Love your reviews.

    1. Thank you, Anonymous. Great minds think alike. Enjoy your week.

  4. We saw 13 Hours yesterday and I loved it. But, I'm interested in politics and knew all the background so it didn't really sway my opinion. I love a true story based on a book and to hear the real soldiers give their view of the movie and how the actors portrayed them is in facinating.

  5. I would choose boring over raw and disturbing any day. To Leslie Anne's point, I think sometimes Hollywood covers up for what they know is not good by pretending that it is good and "artsy" and we just don't get it. Have you seen Joy?

  6. Hi Katie
    Your movie reviews are so good ..I may have to give 'Carol' a miss even though I love Cate Blanchett she is extraordinary. Very much looking forward to Brooklyn, which I will see in the city this week.
    Michael Caine was interviewed here on tv last night, his new movie looks really good. I think it has Oscar nominations?

    Sending love across the frozen pond, Sally xx

  7. My hubs and I sometimes split up for movies too. Thanks for the review. I can check both of those off my list now! Have a great week!

  8. Ah, ok! I had Carol on my list because I always try to cram all the nominated films into one week of movie going! I'm not sure I want to sit through either of these!

  9. Katie, I giggled when I read your blog today. My husband and I, who enjoy going to a good movie, have often gone our separate ways, of course, after he purchased my ticket.

  10. "we were happy that we didn't see either one of the flicks together because we knew the other one would not appreciate the choice." - that's 26 years of training right there ;)

  11. I am happy I did not see either one of these. Thanks for the reviews! I hope that you stay warm.


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