Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, December 2, 2024

Over 50 Gifts Under 50 Bucks/Take 2


I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was a dizzy one.  No, that was not a typo. I was hit with a bout of vertigo. My first whirl, and I am not a fan.  If anyone has any input or suggestions, please leave them in the comments or email me.  

But enough about me.

Now for some good news.  Our sweet Lucy said her first word, and it is on video.
Can anyone guess what the word was?


Happy Cyber Monday.  
This is the second half of my Over 50 Gifts Under 50 Bucks post.  

Baby Lucy loves her singing bunny, who plays peek-a-boo with his ears.

Rumor has it that Santa is delivering Puddles, who barks and wags his tail to Lucy.

He's presently 62% off!

Miss Rachel is a favorite of Miss Lucy's.  I had trouble tracking down this Miss Rachel talk-and-sing doll, and I am happy to report that Target saved the day.

No fuss or cleanup.

A place to stash one's keys.

For the dog lover who loves to predict the future.

For the guy who loves lobstah.

Kendra Scott

Kendra Scott

Is this not the best idea for layering necklaces?

Perfect for the multitasker, wash your hands while polishing your jewelry. 

A night light and a charger.

My favorite moisturizer/primer is on sale, and my #1 loves it too.

Great deal!


Estee Lauder lip gloss.

A skin-nourishing portable humidifier! 

For the person on the go who eats/works in their car.


For the coworker whose parade is always rained on.


For The Office fan

Between you and me, I don't think Princess Kate would be flattered.

For the traveler

For the fashion plate.

Cute gift for a couple.

The Mister loves this stuff.

Great gift for newlyweds.

A great gift for the boss you want to get out of your hair and hit the road.

This will probably be the most appreciated gift, considering it's cold and flu season.

Too much shopping?

Not only can you change your hair color in a matter of seconds, but you can also rock to some tunes on your walks.

Or you can ditch the tail for a light.

Leather air tag charm.

Include a GC for a pedi. and the giftee will wait on your hand and foot.

Hard to wrap but fun gift.

I think this cup is talking about me.

Stay tuned for Friday when a certain Millennial Mama will list her favorite things.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. So very sorry to hear about your dizziness. Please talk to an ear doctor or a physical therapist to get the crystals in your ear realigned. I know, I know it sounds crazy but I keep meeting older women (not your age - they are much older and over 40!) who have experienced this same phenomenon out of the blue. Somehow your crystals in your ears get out of wack and you need to go to someone who can show you the motions to reset them. Good luck. On another note: THANK YOU and your CA friend for the milea recommendation. I've been at it for 6 weeks now and I'm seeing results. I had tried everything ( or so I thought). Please do a guest host with this friend so we can see her other recommendations!

    1. Was going to give same advise...here is MAyo Clinic info... https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-bppv-dizziness-caused-by-inner-ear-crystals/

  2. Yes ! Go to ENT doctor .. I just had vertigo and they adjusted the crystals with some simple head maneuvers and I am 💯 now !

  3. Hope you get relief soon. Curious if the Dr. you see will mention the crystals. My husband had a bad bout with vertigo last spring . He saw a lot of doctor’s but I don’t remember mentioning crystals but I’m going to ask him.
    Lucy’s first word! We’re you there when she said it?
    A lot of great gift ideas, and agree that Kate’s ornament is not a flattering likeness.

    1. No mention of it. My favorite PA left the practice and the new one gave me a boatload of steroids to take. I should look like Schwarzeneger by Friday. No' I was not there for Lucy's Mama Moment but luckily her Mama was videotaping her.

  4. I started having episodes of tinnitus and vertigo about three years ago, so bad that the dizziness would cause awful nausea and I couldn't walk around for usually eight hours or so. My doctor gave me Betahistine which is mild, no side effects and helps a lot. I also read that daily Magnesium supplements of 100mg also helps. Since I started taking Magnesium daily, I get a mild episode only once or twice a year, which the Betahistine takes care of. Hope this helps, this ailment can be a nightmare and quite debilitating.

    Betahistine takes care of.

    1. Thank you so your recommendation. I left a message for my PA for Betahistine.

  5. Get on YouTube and find the Epley Maneuver. You can do it at home, and it will help tremendously. You may want to have the mister or someone with you in case you get really dizzy sitting up after the maneuver. Repeat several times a day until it goes away. Over the counter Meclizine helps too. Good luck. I know how horrible vertigo makes you feel. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. I’d be happy to help. This will give you immediate relief. 9037380224.

    1. Thank you, Dorian! I will try it today. I will have the Mister "spot" me however no cameras in the room allowed.

  6. That little Lucy is adorable! Question for you...can you share your wall color? I've been searching through posts, and will email you too. I know you've got nothing but time on your hands this month. Hope that vertigo gets resolved. Thank you, Carol S.

  7. I had vertigo in 2016 and it was quite an experience. As another person said you can Google exercises for vertigo and start doing them. I personally liked the half somersault exercise. I tried PT, however they have to put you back in vertigo to fix the problem and sometimes it takes several visits. I preferred doing them at home. You need to find out which ear the vertigo is in and as my doctor said sleep on your side with your good ear on the pillow and bad ear up. Hope this helps!

    1. Thanks so much for your advice. I would prefer to do them at home too. I don't need some young, handsome physical therapist ogling me as I am doing somersaults! Thanks for your comment!

  8. Cynthia, will you please let us know what the Milea recommendation?
    Thanks Nancy
    I had vertigo 4yrs ago and didn't know why I was so dizzy..I couldn't stand. Went to emergency room and told I had vertigo. Lasted 1 day only thankfully! Google how to reset your marbles in head...

    1. Hi Nancy! It got rid of my milia under my eye and bumps on my cheeks. I'm off to google.

  9. Oh my goodness... your sweet Lucy is crawling and saying "Mama"... things will never be the same! In fact, things will only get better! I remember being sad when each stage came to an end with my own children, only to discover that each new milestone only made life richer. This sense is only magnified with my grandbabies! Enjoy the holiday season ahead!

  10. The Sunday NYT published an article on Miss Rachel, you lucked out getting one. YAY Lucy!! Such a brilliant child. Hope the vertigo clears quickly, the exercises help quite a bit. I would gift you the I wish you lived next door mug. xoxox Annie G.

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  12. Physical therapy at the office worked much better for me than trying it at home. I've had it twice and immediately call the pt facility.


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