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Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A Millennial Gift Guide


I hope that all is well in your world.  If you are hosting Thanksgiving, I am sure you have a long to-do list to take care of today.  

We are hosting Adorable Jonathon's family, including his twin, sweet Michael, which is always a good time.  We will also be joined by Darlin' Will, as well as our newest and most popular family member, sweet Lucy. 

A behind-the-scenes cutting-edge shot

The Mister and I share the chores necessary for hosting Thanksgiving evenly.  He designs the menu, shops, prepares, chops, slices, dices, cooks, plates the meal, and cleans up.  

I set the table.
Yup, the WHOLE table. 

I am thrilled to have my #2 as a guest today. 

Take it away, #2! 

The holidays are, no contest, my favorite time of year. There are few things I love more than finding the perfect gift for my favorite people. This year, my favorite people list is a little bit longer and a little more diverse, and I could not be more grateful. 

While there are quite realistically close to a million gift guides dedicated to various superlatives that have topped your feeds, sharing one that has a little bit of everything (i.e., one that is my own shopping list for the year). 

Inslee Desk Calendar

(I hope she is not reading this, but) my boyfriend's mom has the best taste; I ordered her this desk calendar made by an artist who went to my college! She has gorgeous options and sells easels on her site, too, so you can display the calendar. 

This is on my own wishlist. It has a sound machine and is supposed to wake you up with a simulated sunrise. Katie will let you know if I become a morning person (not likely).

 A friend of mine's husband was wearing one of these to a tailgate, and now my dad will be getting one to match. They have got all the school colors too.
I've had mine for years, and it's as soft as it was the day I got it. Asking for a new one this year in one of their latest prints. 

While I am still an extreme novice at Mahjong, some of my favorite people are most certainly not... I found this mini set so they can play wherever they want. 

Another add to my own wishlist is this retinol hand cream that prides itself on being both moisturizing and chic on a nightstand.

For the little ones.

Absolutely adorable!

 Let them be Spiderman - so fun.

 Includes ceramic knives that are both kid-safe and really work, so the kids can help with the cooking!  Just ordered.


  This is genius - you can personalize any cheer uniform (Etsy has tons of other options, too). I just got this in, and it is adorable.

That's all I have for now! Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season ahead and a Happy Thanksgiving! 

Thank you, #2!  Great job.

Do you need more gift inspo?

Lastly, I wish you all a happy, healthy Thanksgiving.  When I count my blessings, you and your support over the years are at the top of my list.


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Those are some creepy looking dolls, especially the one in the middle with the orange suit, black eyes and buck teeth. Looks like it should be part of the Chucky collection.

  2. Thank you #2! Excellent list. Katie. Please take precautions and don’t go for style points on setting that table! We don’t keep trophy wife status w/show off stunts in the domestic arena. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and all of the PEN community.
    Dana S

    1. You win best comment of the internet this week...take some of that snark over to some of the political sites, they can always do with some new material!

  3. Nice list #2! I cannot get the link for the boots onsie to open. Can you tell me the source, and I will find it. Ellen Shook

  4. Fun ideas from #2. Love how and you The Mister divide the chores for Thanksgiving dinner! If only I could be so lucky. Enjoy the time with your family. Melissa B from Frisco

  5. I just signed up for Mah Jong lessons- after hearing about the game on a few podcasts. Now it's even mentioned on here!

  6. love this list and mini mahjong set! AG dolls brings back so many memories! We had to send one to the AG hospital for a dislocated shoulder incident! Katie m have a wonderful thsnksgiving! My husband is hsnli g the turkey! I have the wine

  7. This was so helpful! Thank you #2. You have great taste. (The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree). 😊


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