Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, November 8, 2024

The Friday Files

I love a slow news week, don't you?  On a personal level, nothing exciting to report.  It's supposed to rain all day, which is fine with me.  I plan on starting my Christmas shopping. We'll see how that goes. I usually pack my cart with stuff for me, and then the Mister looks over my shoulder and reminds me that it is the season of giving. 

The Mister and I are headed to a house tour in Dallas tomorrow.  Later, we look forward to taking our #2 and Darlin' Will to lunch.  

Colleen Simonds put her signature on this colorful 18th century home.

This Hinsdale, IL estate was designed by Sarah Vaile.

Take a tour of this beautiful Atlanta home designed by Gordon Dunning.

Do you follow my friend, Laura, from Everyday Edits?  She is not only a fabulous blogger, but she gives great tips on decorating and DIY projects and offers a humorous slant on her family and adjusting to her empty nest.  Laura is also a successful realtor.  She recently wrote a post listing the things that you should remember before you move.

Does your family have arguments on holidays?  If not, you can move on to the recipes.  If so, this is an entertaining item about what you will argue about on Thanksgiving according to birth order.

The Pioneer Woman offers 15 French Onion recipes that look so good!

What's your favorite sandwich?  Mine is grilled cheese, bacon, and tomato.  Click here for 18 variations of the almighty grilled cheese sandwich.

Have you ever dreamed of moving to France?
You might want to read this first. 

I hate to be a negative Nellie, but I don't like it when the season of a show is split up by months.  I have enough trouble remembering what happened last week.

Calling all true crime aficionados!!!

I loved the first season.  I hope that this one tops it.


We are watching and enjoying this.

The Mister and I love this show!

I love winter white.

I think H&M is a no-smile zone.

I ordered this tablecloth and napkins for Christmas and they are on sale!

BOGO entire site at Container Store!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You've given me three new shows to add to my watch list. That Marlow Murder Club looks fun!

  2. You made me laugh with the first line! :D Thanks for all the viewing recommendations. I'm the same way with holiday shopping. I find so many things that I want to buy!

  3. I laugh thinking of your Christmas shopping; will there be anything left for Santa to bring Lucy?

    1. There will be plenty left. I'll just use the $$ that I was going to spend on the Mister.

  4. We are loving The Lincoln Lawyer! I know what you mean about a show being released/split up in months; we just picked up part 2 of the newest season of Outer Banks last night and I was like... "where's the recap? What is happening? Who is that person?"

  5. Love your content!!!

  6. I actually did already read the article about the couple who moved to France and want to move back to the States. We just stayed a month living like locals in a Paris suburb where my son and his family live. It would not be for us. I sent to the article to Brendan, and he said basically that did everything wrong. However, there is no doubt that unless one is literally filthy rich, life is much harder from day to day. We are used to spacious homes, our nice cars, anything we want to buy right at our fingertips, and anything at all we want for dinner being readily available. That is not the case for most people in France and most other parts of the world. That is why, when our way of life is being threatened, we grow so alarmed at the prospect of not having what we want when we want it. We do not know how good we have it till we try it the other way. Ellen Shook

  7. Can never get enough of Bobby Flay or True Crime and will definitely tune in to In Cold Water! Same ~ grilled cheese w/bacon, tomato and if I have them a roasted green chile. Love the Etsy site where your tablecloth is from and love your tablecloth! KTG


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