J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Friday, September 28, 2012

Parents Weekend... kind of

Last weekend, the Mister and I went down to see our #1 girl at college.  It was Parents Weekend but our girl does not like football and all that goes with it.  The only time she enters the brand new gorgeous college stadium is to sell football programs for her sorority and as soon as she finishes her shift, she goes home to her air conditioned house to recover and watches Real Housewives and Honey Boo Boo marathons.  What can I say?  She thinks she's in training to become a trophy wife.

So the Mister made reservations at Cafe Modern at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.  Our girl is an Art History minor so we knew she would be bubbling with excitement.  She wasn't exactly "bubbling" but she had a big ole smile on her face thinking about the free lunch.

The Museum architecture is spectacular.  It has an outdoor sculpture garden and terrace and a reflecting pond at the edge of the building.   
This sculpture sits at the entrance.  The Mister called it our version of #1  "I can't believe it Daddy, I got another speeding ticket." Everybody thought it was funny except #1.

Sorry I don't have any pictures of the restaurant.  I found nothing on line either.  It probably doesn't photograph well because it is so modern but it was packed.  Lots of college students with their parents for the weekend. 

We don't know whether that smile is a result of being surrounded by the beautiful art, or loving every minute of being with her "cool" parents, or just the thought of a free lunch.
The Mister and our #1 girl.   

Great menu!
Started off with a goat cheese cheesecake and great toasted bread. Yummmm...
 And this would be MY lunch.  Nothing better than steak, blue cheese and a great salad.
My girl ordered this mouth-watering burger and the best fries known to man.  I'm not sure but I think she was stockpiling calories until our next visit! 
Oh well, Mister (health nut) ... serves you right for ordering the healthy salad.  He kept eyeing our lunches with a very sad gaunt expression...
Sometimes I think my girl thinks shes a Kardashian.  As long as the Mister doesn't turn into Bruce ... I'm just fine.

On to... 

 My girl spying all the cute boys and parents in the dairy section.
Doesn't every girl where these comfy shoes grocery shopping? 

Wow... guess that burger and fries really filled her tummy.  Looks like diet time. 
Mister is thinking he has never spent so little on this kid in her lifetime!!!  
Mister is thinking... really?  It was that cheap???  #1 is thinking how she could have snuck a case of wine in that basket without him knowing.  

 Back to her little casa and her future husband friend came over to say hello to his future in-laws friend's parents.
A great day with our #1 girl!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Nursery Time!

Fall is by far my favorite season of the year.  Autumn in Texas is not quite as picturesque as the East Coast, but we can make up for it with mums and pumpkins.   
You can certainly tell the season by walking into our Starbucks.  It smells better this time of year than any other time. 
You can smell the Salted Carmel Mocha and Pumpkin Spice Lattes when you open the door. Nothing tastes better on a crisp morning!

I was born and raised in Connecticut.  As you can well imagine, if you haven't been there, October is positively breathtaking. My favorite nursery in the whole world is tucked away in Fairfield, Connecticut.  Not only do they carry the most beautiful flowers and plants, trees, and shrubs, the actual structure of the nursery looks like it should be in the movies.

The architecture is the epitome of Connecticut charm. 
The blue stone walkway is so quaint!
The Mister says it's too far to drive for our pumpkins and mums.
But I may go anyway!!! 
Love the green and white striped awnings! 
 The property is spectacular...
The Nursery also carries beautiful pottery and garden accessories.
The owner of this gorgeous nursery is a great guy named Billy.  He specializes in landscape design and installation.  If you are lucky enough to live within driving distance, stop by and take in this beautiful Garden of Eden! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monogram Mania!

I have loved monograms since I was in high school.  They were very popular back then (just a few years ago) and now they are in style again.  Or it may have been I was just way ahead of my time!

My girls absolutely adore anything monogrammed.  So as I was surfing the Internet for Christmas gifts, I made some notes for you.

These are really cute stacked. 
 The girls and I have monogrammed phone covers and love them.  Sista was clearly jealous when she saw mine.  There are tons of different designs you can choose from. 
 #2 will be rushing in January so I will probably order some sorority accessories for Valentines Day.
Great hostess gift! 
Love this pillow - comes in lots of colors and styles.
Great appetizer and dessert plates. 

 No car should be without these! Almost too cute to put your feet on though.
Great housewarming gift. 

 One of the girls in #2's school has this bedding. Very pretty. 

 All I need is some nice cold Benziger Chardonnay in one of these pretty glasses and I would be in heaven!
 I may order these for the girls; brushes have a tendency to disappear in our house!

Cute, reasonable gift for the girls' friends or my tennis buddies. 
Love this one - you can design your own desk calender. 

Great to put party gifts or shower gifts.

Nan Lee 
My #2 wears hers everyday.  Thanks to Sista! 
Happy Hump Day! 


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to you, #2!!!


Dear # 2,

Happy birthday! This is the first birthday that you have had that I have not been able to wake you up with a kiss and sing happy birthday to you in my Barbra voice. That's okay though... because I know deep in my heart that you are so happy at college and that fills me with  more joy more than you can imagine.

I was in Walgreens today and there was a baby in a stroller that looked just like you when you were little.  It also appeared that she was a very good shopper, quiet and patient,  just like I trained you to be!

And you grew up to be such a wonderful, smart, funny young lady.  Daddy and I are so proud of you and the young woman that you have become. 

It was smooth sailing for our family until your senior year.  It was suppose to be your best year - you worked  hard for 3 years and you earned it. 

And yet things did not turn out as we had planned...

Instead of spending most of your time last year at senior parties and good -bye luncheons, you spent them at doctors offices and hospitals.  But you did it with a smile and with such grace for one so young.

You braved two surgeries in four months and never complained or felt sorry for yourself.  You gave up going to Prom and Senior Ditch Day - not because you didn't feel like going but because you were too weak or too sick to go.  I shed many more tears during that painful time than you ever did.

Finally...after one awful year you are on the road to recovery.  Through the Grace of God!  You are going to the college that has always been your first choice. You have taken on all that your new school has to offer with a vengeance. You found yourself a great group of friends and from what you tell me, you are having the time of your life.  


For this, I am eternally grateful.

So, #2, happy birthday dear girl!  I sent you gifts but you have given your Dad and me a gift that can't be paralleled.  You have shown us the true meaning of courage, faith, and most of all - grace in the line of fire.

Happy birthday, sweet #2, you have grown and matured more in a year than most people do in a lifetime.

We love you and are so proud to call you our daughter.


(Mom upside down) 

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