The Museum architecture is spectacular. It has an outdoor sculpture garden and terrace and a reflecting pond at the edge of the building.
This sculpture sits at the entrance. The Mister called it our version of #1 "I can't believe it Daddy, I got another speeding ticket." Everybody thought it was funny except #1.
Sorry I don't have any pictures of the restaurant. I found nothing on line either. It probably doesn't photograph well because it is so modern but it was packed. Lots of college students with their parents for the weekend.
We don't know whether that smile is a result of being surrounded by the beautiful art, or loving every minute of being with her "cool" parents, or just the thought of a free lunch.
The Mister and our #1 girl.
Great menu!
Started off with a goat cheese cheesecake and great toasted bread. Yummmm...
And this would be MY lunch. Nothing better than steak, blue cheese and a great salad.
My girl ordered this mouth-watering burger and the best fries known to man. I'm not sure but I think she was stockpiling calories until our next visit!
Oh well, Mister (health nut) ... serves you right for ordering the healthy salad. He kept eyeing our lunches with a very sad gaunt expression...
Sometimes I think my girl thinks shes a Kardashian. As long as the Mister doesn't turn into Bruce ... I'm just fine.
On to...
My girl spying all the cute boys and parents in the dairy section.
Doesn't every girl where these comfy shoes grocery shopping?
Wow... guess that burger and fries really filled her tummy. Looks like diet time.
Mister is thinking he has never spent so little on this kid in her lifetime!!!
Mister is thinking... really? It was that cheap??? #1 is thinking how she could have snuck a case of wine in that basket without him knowing.
Back to her little casa and her future husband friend came over to say hello to his future in-laws friend's parents.
A great day with our #1 girl!!!