Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Favorite Beauty Buys

I have used my share of wrinkle creams - drug store, department store, and incredibly expensive crap products from the dermatologist.  There is something I love about this serum - after I put it on I can almost feel those pesty wrinkles tightening up.  Last time I looked in the mirror I swear I looked 15 days younger!

Ulta's self tanner does not turn me orange and also is one of the rare ones that contain an SPF.  It also doesn't have the strong odor of dirty socks consistent with other self tanners.

I have been using Wen for a couple of months now.  Sista is addicted to QVC and talked me into buying it.  This is a no-lather conditioning process which took me a little while to get used to.  It does a great job making my hair soft - even my hair stylist noticed it!  (I'm still waiting for a compliment from the Mister, tho).
 This was recommended by Kim of The Good Stuff Rocks about 6 months ago and I am still loving it. It really lengthens the lashes and does not clump, flake, or run.  I wear the waterproof and I can testify that it  never smears - I know because I cry whenever I lose my tennis match.  (and I lose a lot!)
Have a great Tuesday!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I hear ya on buying so many products that don't live up to their promise. Thanks for the suggestions. My friend uses Wen also and loves it!


  2. Thanks for the tips:) I use that ROc stuff too (when I remember). I have always wondered if that WEN stuff really was good or a scam.


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