Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, September 6, 2024

Summer Reading


First of all, I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for welcoming me back.  I answered almost everyone on the comment page.  I then realized that my own comments were coming up as Anonymous.  I brought in my top tech expert, the Mister, who saved the day.

I was originally going to post a Friday Files today, but so many of you asked for my book recommendations.   I did it quickly, so please forgive the more-than-usual typos.

I also included the dress links that many of you have asked for, as well as a couple of other dresses that you may like.


We took the gang out to lunch on Labor Day.  You asked for more Lucy pics.  Your wish is my command.

Darlin ' Will is an expert when it comes to babies.  He's got eight nieces and nephews.

You asked for it...you got it!

Here are the dress links you requested.

I liked this one so much that I ordered it in pink, as well.

Dress by 
Baby by #1 and Adorable Jonathon

I wore this on Labor Day, and my #1 asked for the link.
That's the biggest compliment I could receive! 
This dress is full-length, but I think they can make it in a shorter length, as well.

This summer is the first time that I have purchased clothes on Etsy.  Here's some advice when ordering.  

If you are small-chested like me, order a smaller size. I carry most of my weight in my middle area, so these fuller dresses are good for me.  They make fabulous all-you-can-eat brunch dresses.

The wait for a few of these dresses is between 6-8 weeks but well worth it. Many sites offer free shipping. They are very well made and the fabrics are gorgeous. The best part is they are very reasonable.

I worked with Faherty last year, and this is one of the dresses I chose. I change out cardigans.

This dress is Tuckernuck, but rumor has it that there is a knockoff on Amazon.

This is out of stock.

Excuse bad hair day moment on the little one.
Out of stock also.

And now for my book reviews.

I'm a big fan of Joyce Maynard. This story is about a woman who has had a difficult childhood.  She takes refuge in a tiny village in South America at a crumbling hotel. What made this a 5-star read are the multifaceted, lovable characters and creative storyline. 

Dara and Austin, a beautiful, engaged couple are madly in love and the center that drives this story. They celebrate their engagement with Dara's charming family. Soon after, Austin receives some devasting news and shares it with Dara. She then cancels the wedding and sets off for California to lick her wounds with dear friends.  The family is at a loss as to why the wedding was canceled. The characters are well-drawn, and I was sorry to say goodbye to them as I finished the last page.  This is the story of true love and forgiveness.  Frances Mayes is one of my favorite authors who never disappoints me.

This book is written by Dominick Dunne's son, Griffin, an actor, writer, and producer. Griffin grew up among Hollywood's elite and has the entertaining stories to prove it. I enjoyed his tales surrounding his family and his close relationship with Carrie Fisher. It also covers his sister's murder and its aftermath. I listened to the audio read by the author, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

The title of this story is significant not only because it is the name of the town on Cape Cod but also because it represents the state of the main character's existence. This book centers around Rocky and her quirky, adorable family.  Rocky's family vacations at the same cottage every year for the past twenty years.  This book is sentimental as well as uproariously funny.  I took a half-star off the rating because the book was too short. I was not ready to say goodbye to Rocky and her crew.
I listened to this one, and the narration was outstanding.

 Katherine Center never misses a beat. She has a way of creating likable, believable, perfectly flawed characters that pull at my heartstrings. Emma has been through a lot, yet she insists on seeing the best in people. She is teamed up to write a romcom with a famous, serious curmudgeon of a writer.  I felt their chemistry at their first meeting. And the ending... don't get me going. I loved every word of the broken pieces coming together. I finished the last page with a smile and some happy tears.  I enjoyed this book so much that it has been my go-to hostess/birthday gift.

Mimi is a single thirtysomething school teacher.  No prince  charming on the horizon until Ren arrives.  He is hired as the new drama teacher.  He is divorced with two daughters and falls madly in love with Mimi.  All is well until his ex-wife is in a devastating car crash. The author is new to me and I will definitely read more books by Maddie Dawson. 

Spoiler alert:  I have read every book Peter Swanson wrote, and he has yet to disappoint.  Martha marries Alan, a man she doesn't know very well.  He does quite a bit of traveling.  Martha discovers a smear of blood on Alan's collar and becomes suspicious.  She puts the pieces together and suspects that he is a serial killer.  As with all of Peter Swanson's books, there is never a dull moment. I was on the edge of my seat and couldn't put it down.

This is a fantastic thriller that I could not stop listening to. A girl goes away with her high school boyfriend to his wealthy family's second home in Vermont. The boy returns alone. He tells her parents that he broke up with the daughter and that she took off by herself. Does she ever show up?  I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

A woman walks up and down the aisles of a commercial passenger airplane, pointing at people and telling them when and how they are going to die. Thank you, Liane Moriarty, for adding one more item to my Fear of Flying list. I did not expect to love this book as much as I did. The characters were multi-dimensional and likable. I was rooting for every one of them. The ending ties everything together and makes sense. As with all of Moriarty's books, it moved quickly and was well written. 

What a treat! A young woman is released from prison after serving her time for killing a woman in an accident while under the influence. This is the story of how she rebuilds her life, which begins as a member of a prison book club. After her release, she begins working for a bird scientist and falls in love with the boss as well as the birds. The characters in this story warmed my heart, especially a parrot named Ollie. 

Move over Six-thirty and Marcellus, Ollie's coming to town. 

A woman checks into a small inn.  Her mission - to commit suicide. Meanwhile, a wedding has taken over the entire inn. The woman meets the flighty bride in an elevator.  The bride is taken aback by hearing that the woman has the best room at the inn. The woman tells her that she is there for one reason - to end her life.  Later, just as the woman is about to take care of business, the bride enters the room like a windstorm.  She tells the woman everything that is going on at the wedding. Before we know it, the woman ditches her mission of taking her life and assumes a new one as the Matron of Honor.  There is an even bigger surprise at the end, which I will keep to myself.  Take it from me; it's a good one. I loved this book - it was so fun and a refreshing Summertime read!  The narration was outstanding.

 I loved the well-drawn characters and the intriguing premise. A psychiatrist is left to clean up the mess that her dead husband left by killing a mother and daughter. The shrink becomes obsessed with the widower left behind.  This novel had me guessing throughout the pages, and the twists and turns gave me whiplash. I'm counting the minutes until Keeland's next page-turner.

Ethan returns to his parents' home after years of being away. His parents have passed on, and all that's left are bitter memories. When he was a boy, Ethan camped out with his best friend in the backyard. The following day, his friend was gone, never to be found. Ethan decides to find out what happened that night, but the neighbors hesitate to cooperate.

This is the story of Celine and Tate. Celine is notified by authorities that her beloved husband was killed in a car accident. They asked her to come down to HQ to identify him. When she does, she realizes that this is not her husband. She then delves into the husband's past, and this story gets wilder with every clue. The story has several twists and turns, and it kept me guessing. A "mother of a twist" pops up at the end that I never saw coming. The narration was well done.

Fasten your seatbelts...TJ Newman's latest book, Worst Case Scenario, is a nail-biter.  This time, the story revolves around a commercial passenger plane that crashes into a nuclear plant. Newman has a unique talent for explaining a way-over-my-head topic in a simpler, interesting way.  I took off one star because I felt the characters were a bit flat, and too much time was spent on the technical aspect.

Jack owns a diner that has been in his family for three generations. Everybody knows everybody and all their business in this small town.  Jack has a heart of gold but strikes out when it comes to the romance department.  A rep from a large corporation approached him about selling the diner. Should he sell and start fresh?  I always love Joella's books.  They feel like a warm blanket on a cold night.

I am a big fan of Kaira Rouda's books.  It made me so happy to see that she brought back Paul from Best Day Ever.  When the story opens, we find my favorite narcissistic, controlling sociopath, Paul, has come into quite a bit of money.  His recent elderly companion left him the moolah, and he hopes to make a name for himself in Hollywood as a producer. Paul meets his next victim, future wife, at his companion's funeral.  Her name is Cecelia, and she is a lot younger than  Paul.  No shocker there.  Paul spends an inordinate amount of time trying to sugarcoat his past while attempting to control his new, curious young wife.  I loved the writing, as well as Paul's wry humor.  The narration was top-notch. 

Spoiler alert: I read a book about the Kennedy family at least twice a year; this was my second one for this year. "Jackie" is not a biography but a scintillating historical fiction novel. It opens with Jackie's first meeting with her first husband. The story is beautifully written. Although I knew most of the circumstances of her life, I was still drawn in by the author's talent and words. I highly recommend this novel.

We listened to this during our frequent trips to Dallas.  I told the Mister this book has given me one more thing to be grateful for.  I am glad that I didn't marry a Kennedy.

What can I say?  I'm an overachiever - 3 Kennedy books in one Summer. This won the Best Cover Award.

Amelia and Ross move into an exclusive neighborhood filled with lies, deceit, and unconventional lifestyles.  Let the games begin!  The newbies discover in time the reason their house came on the market.  They increasingly become suspicious of hidden agendas that they need to uncover. 

One of my favorite storylines is about rich people with big problems. Add a slice of politics to the mix, making a perfect cocktail. Clara and Teddy lost their parents in a tragic accident. As you can imagine, they have experienced significant trauma. Teddy is married to Clara's best childhood friend and a reluctant campaigner. Clara has dealt with her trauma through drinking and drugs. This is not good for the political campaign, which constantly tries to avoid controversy. This was an entertaining read that moved quickly.

Opening scene: a body is floating face down in the majestic infinity pool.  Cerys, the Tuscan bed and breakfast owner, makes the discovery. This is just one more item to add to her ever-growing to-do list.  Who is the murderer? There are suspects galore, but the evidence is sparse.  I humbly admit to changing my mind while pointing the finger at different suspects. This is a twisty thriller that will keep you guessing throughout the pages.

Harper and Ben are happy newlyweds on their honeymoon. Ben had been sick to his stomach, but they just thought it was something he ate. When he got home, he went to the doctor, and he was served a devastating diagnosis. After much thought and his health worsening, he tells Harper that he has one dying wish. He would like to find Harper a wonderful husband to take care of her when he's gone.  Cue the tears. Harper is less committed to his plan. Ben contacts a journalist to chronicle their story. I laughed, cried, smiled, and sighed throughout this beautiful story. It is a bittersweet tale of love, losses, and finding strength through second chances.

Unpopular Opinion

The following books received high ratings and great reviews from many bookstagrammers I respect.  However, they did not hit the mark for me.

I was three-quarters of the way through this book when I asked myself if I cared what happened at the end.

The answer was no.

Claire Lombardo's last book was one of my Top 10 books of the year.  I was so excited for this book.  Unfortunately, I felt the central character was a Stage-5 whiner, and I stuck with it but gave up with only 50 pages left.

I listened to this one, which may have been a big part of the problem.  I couldn't stand the narrator.

I think a lot of writers have resorted to a formula for the outline of their book. They just change the names and the circumstances.

Now it's your turn!
What book can you recommend to me?

I have one last order of business. I know that I just returned after three months, but I have to leave you again for two weeks. 
I know what you're thinking... that I am off to Europe to model for Vogue. 
That's incorrect.  It's Victoria's Secret. 

 I'll be checking in on Instagram, posting pretty pics that I can take no credit for.

au revoir!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Ok I definitely added a couple books to my TBR list. As for dresses, definitely ordering a few. Enjoy Europe with the mister!!! Don’t forget to purchase some lovely skin care products that you can tell us about. M in CA enjoying her new found love.

    1. Absotively! I have been trying out some new products on Ulta's 21 days of beauty. I'll keep you posted.

  2. Thank you so much for the wonderful recommendations of books. Now we need to have a posting of what the Mr.Read all summer as well for we can see his selection of books. Enjoy your two weeks away wherever you are off to. So glad that you’re back in action and that I can enjoy all your posts just love your posts. Hugs that darling baby.

    1. I passed your comment on to the Mister. I may talk him into doing a Top Ten list of best books. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Agree with you that God of the Woods got too much hype!
    2 favorite recent books -
    On Fire Island by Jane Rosen &
    Nora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan

    1. Just read the synopsis of both. They sound great. Thanks for the tip! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Thanks for the recommendations and your honesty about the ones you weren’t crazy about! I always share these with my book club for possible future reads.

  5. Have you read "Nora Goes Off Script" ? I thought it was just another "fluffy" book but then I sobbed at the ending. Well worth reading!

    1. Susie... you are the second person to mention that book. I will definitely download it. Have a great weekend.

  6. Dresses with blue in them are probably my favorite thing to wear in the summer and you have some really pretty ones. I have never ordered clothing from Etsy so I was gald to read your explanation of how it works. I have the Quince dupe of your Faherty dress. The one I have is the cotton gauze and sleeveless and I have enjoyed wearing it. Books... I marked a lot of your suggestions as Want to Read on my GoodReads. The God of the Woods was one of my favorites of the summer.
    Melissa in Frisco

    1. Who doesn't love a good dupe? Can't wait to talk about The God of the Woods at lunch. Safe travels.

  7. Look at all these wonderful suggestions! I did read Romcommers and thought it was really cute and I'm part way through The Summer Pact so I don't have any real feeling about it yet. But i see lots of others I want to add to my list!

  8. I agree with you 100% on “Same as It Ever Was”. I hate giving up on a book but my library loan on my kindle was up so it went away. I down loaded on audible so we’ll see if I do finish. She is a whiner!! And I, too LOVED her previous book. Thanks for all the new recommendations! Enjoy your trip!!

    1. This is how I feel about whiners. I want to be the only one in the room. I'm a pro. Have a great weekend.

  9. Thanks for the recommendations! I check out books at the library and then take back many unread, sad to say. I did read one really good book this summer...The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon. I have heard it may be made into a movie which makes me a bit happy sad as I tend to see a movie in my mind as I am reading then I am disappointed when it hits the theater.lol I just finished Bucaneers by Edith Wharton. Rather like Downton Abbey as nouveau rich American girls find husbands in England. That Lucy is just precious...that is what is great about the grands, they remind you of their parents in many ways. Also dresses from ETSY??? You should never have told me this Katie.:)

    1. Arlene! I have missed you!!! Email me and let me know how you're doing. Bucaneers sounds really good! Have a great weekend.

  10. Off you GO!
    Enjoy every minute for us too!
    Welcome back!!
    What a DOLL!

    1. Thanks Contessa... you have a little cutie, yourself!

  11. Shallow comment here - thank you so much for the Etsy links! From anyone else, I’d be very leery but if they have Katie’s stamp of approval, that says it all!

    1. Thanks Denise. Great to hear from you. Hope all is well. xx

  12. Hi Katie, this was a best of times/worst of times post. So many titles look fabulous, but I will need an Evelyn Wood class! 📚😂 Thanks for all the recommendations. Jo

    1. Hi Jo! Great to hear from you! Most of these books were on audible. You would not believe what a slow reader I am. If I don't care for a book I put it down rather than skim. The Mister on the other hand would give Evelyn Wood a run for her money. Have a great weekend!

  13. Katie - that first pic is everything. I can no longer imagine having a grandchild of my own. Such wonderful love. 🩷 And a daughter having a daughter, well that's just winning life's lottery! Congratulations again and it's good to have you back lady! 😘 ....Gray

  14. What, you're leaving us again to strut your stuff for VS?! That's a sorry excuse if I ever heard one. That said, my cart is brimming with a few (most) of the books you've reviewed so I'm sure the time will fly by. xo

  15. I could look at pics of Lucy all day. Thank you for sharing!

  16. Thank you for the book list. I will be reading many of them this fall. Little Lucy is so precious!

  17. Thank you so much for the recommendations. Your recs are the ones I use. Now trying to decide which one first!
    Also, highly recommend Perfect Couple on Netflix. Really entertaining.
    Safe travels…and isn’t being a grandma the best!

  18. I felt the same way about Same as it Ever Was, I think I gave up after 30 pages. I wasn't a big fan of Sandwich, but I managed to finish it. I loved a Talent for Murder, I will read everything that Peter Swanson puts out.


  19. Sandwich was my favorite book so far this year! (Just had to stick up for Catherine Newman here.) Thanks for this list. I have put many on hold. I love a good audiobook, but the narrator can have a huge impact. Sometimes I quit the audio and put the print version back on my list.
    Love all the blue dresses!

  20. Thank you for all your book recommendations. I too think The God of the Woods was awful! Way too much hype!

    My recommendations:
    Kinfolk by Sean Dietrich
    The Caretaker by Ron Rash
    And some of my favorites:
    By Myself by Lauren Becall
    Big Russ & Me by Tim Russert
    The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11...by Jim refers
    Kisses from Katie by Katie Majors
    White Cyrusanthemum by Mary Lynn Bracht

  21. I whole heartedly agree with you - the major whiner in Same as it Ever Was. And the narrator's voice in The God of the Woods - cringe!!!!!


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