Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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About Me

I am a 40 "ish," give or take a decade or two, empty nester.  I am a slightly humble supermodel/ trophy wife of a former professional chef who now finds himself the general manager of a hotel.   
We recently sold our historic home on the Southshore of Massachusetts and moved back to the Dallas area.  I have two beautiful girls, one favorite son-in-law, and one exceptionally patient husband.

My  #1 graduated from Texas Christian University, married Adorable Jonathon in October of 2019, and presently living the dream in NYC.  They plan on moving back to Dallas in the future.

My #2 graduated from Washington and Lee and received her master's degree from Fuqua Business School at Duke. She is a consultant and living in Dallas.

After five moves all over the country, and living 15 fabulous years in the great state of Texas, the Mister was transferred to Massachusetts in the Fall of 2013.  After much persuading and bribing, he talked me into buying a house that was built in 1895.  This has become a labor of love and has brought numerous headaches as well as great joy.

The Mister and I relocated back to the Dallas area in the Fall of 2020.  After an arduous house search, we finally found the perfect nest for us. We adopted our thoroughly darling Millie, a red Goldendoodle puppy, who runs the house.

I began blogging on August 7, 2012.  My second daughter was leaving for college and I was looking for something fun to do.  Little did I know at the time that blogging would become one of my greatest blessings.  I have been fortunate enough to meet so many wonderful people in person as well as "virtually."  Blogging has opened my eyes to experiencing new adventures.  I am constantly searching for something that is intriguing to write about that is "blogworthy" as the Mister calls it.

My free time is filled with entertaining, reading, writing, lunching, shopping, and taking orders from my new boss, Millie.

Cast of Characters

The Mister




Chowdah is now living with my #2 in Dallas.
He much prefers the bachelor life in the city as opposed to hangin' with the old folks in the burbs.

Thoroughly Darlin' Millie

Millie's hobbies include hiding shoes, shredding toilet paper, and creating as much mischief as she can for her quickly-aging parents.


Our sweet little Diva left us with broken hearts during the Summer of 2021.

I love to hear from readers. 
Feel free to contact me at preppyemptynester@gmail.com

And last, but certainly not least, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. 


  1. What a darling family you have!! xx Heather

  2. Do you share your email I would love to reply to your comments once in awhile. sandie - skcz at comcast dot net

  3. Oh, I went to TCU...so I know about those purple and frogs...grew up in Dallas but now live in the Chicago area.

  4. So fun to meet you via Pinterest! Im from TX, originally, but live in NY. Have one out of college and a second a senior in high school considering schools down south - yay! Come visit us at grownandflown.com!

  5. Hey! When did you live in VB? I've lived here nearly all my life! So surprised when I saw your "snail mail" return address! I don't know where Davidson Lane is, but we live off Great Neck Rd near Cox HS

  6. I have just discovered your blog and LOVE IT! So nice to see another Texas blogging so beautifully.....!!!!!

  7. Came across your blog from Life in my empty nest. Read your blog about writing letter to freshmen. I have a son in college. I am lucky to even get a phone call from him, let alone an email. Ha! He is a freshmen at Northern University Michigan. Anyway....enjoyed your blog and signed up via email. Nice of you to share your life!

    Julie H.

  8. I found your blog looking for tennis clothes! I live in Chattanooga, but my daughter and I have been laughing that you and I are close to the same person. I play tennis, love doggies, throwing parties, decorating and did I see your children's height's marked on your pantry door? That's where mine are! I too will be an empty nester as of August. I am enjoying your photos. I have never been to Boston, but hope to visit someday. Pammi

  9. Just stumbled across your blog via Pinterest! Love your decorating style! I'm newly retired and thinking about blogging but have to find a niche first.

  10. Just found your blog through The Enchanted Home blog post today. I am a new blogger out of California, about your age, (I think we are outnumbered in the blogosphere) with a similar style Lifestyle Blog: www.AfterOrangeCounty.com. I am an Orange County Housewife who ran for the hills and now lives in a mountain resort. I also blog about renovation and cooking, entertaining, travel, etc. Just thought I'd say hi and introduce myself.

  11. It is me again, just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and seeing Annie. Thank you for following along. I already follow your blog because I LOVE LOVE LOVE your home. I certainly see why your husband fell in love with it, and so glad he talked you into buying it. Tell him great job!

  12. Welcome! Lovely~ Our twin sons are in college and our youngest is in high school.
    Your home and family are special - we share so much in common.

  13. Hi Katie,

    I wanted to know who owns the picture of the dog on the computer looking at camera - I am interested in using it for a print ad.


    Chris Maloney

  14. Hi Katie,

    I wanted to know who owns the picture of the dog on the computer looking at camera - I am interested in using it for a print ad. Is it your dog / photo?


    Chris Maloney


  16. I'm also a "woman of the same era" with 2 lovely daughters in their 20's. I also have a hubby and 2 dogs/babies/pugs. I enjoy blogging because I find it a great outlet for me to express myself, and perhaps leave my daughters with some "words of wisdom" gems... or at least to let them know Mom was human. Hello!

  17. I love your blog. I started to blog a year ago when I became " empynester and relationshper" collided at the same time. My goal was to try new things in Pittsburgh and keep a sense of humor about it all. Its http://cindymarie-emptynest-challenge.blogspot.com/
    Hope you like it.

  18. I enjoyed exploring your Father's day in Mass. I have to check out this place. Good try new thing for my blog. My Father's day was very low key at http://cindymarie-emptynest-challenge.blogspot.com/2015/06/day-118-build-puzzle-with-dad.html

    Love to see the home since buying a new one this year and need a lot of decorating ideas.

  19. I found you through "Life in My Empty Nest" and love your blog! I started in 2013 for the same reason you did and LOVE blogging! I've recently ask this question to my readers and would love your thoughts as well: How have you addressed or what are your greatest concerns about your adult children as they start out on their own? I would love to hear from you! P.S. Your home is beautiful!

  20. My husband and son are both Generals - glad I found your blog, and I love your home!

  21. Hi Katie! What a great blog you have here! And such a stunning home and beautiful family! My name is Meg and I am very interested in speaking to you about our stores, In The Pink (Lilly Pulitzer) (very preppy) which are located all over Cape Cod and also Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Please email me at mdunn@inthepinkonline.com so that we can touch base and I can share my thoughts with you. I hope to hear from you soon! Take care!

  22. Just found your blog and we just just just! became empty nesters (all 3 college grad kids moved out at once to their own apartments). I have to say after a day of sadness, I'm enjoying less cleaning and cooking and we have a 1 1/2 yr old Golden that is quite the handful so he keeps very busy. Pretty blog

  23. What a gorgeous house! I'm a Massachusetts girl, and just seeing the white clapboards and all the snow makes me homesick! Hope you weren't traumatized by last winter!

  24. I love your intro page! And am enjoying your posts so much, I'm your newest follower!

  25. So glad you found my blog so I could find yours! LOVE your dogs (and your family of course!). Can't wait to read more!! Susan www.themidlifefashionista.com

  26. Found your enjoyable blog this morning from Amaze Me Monday. Have a good day. Linda

  27. You have a wonderful blog! I really enjoyed seeing the before and after photos of your home. My daughter is an interior designer. It looks like you have a knack for design as well. It seems we have a couple things in common. I also have two daughters. I am originally from Illinois, but have lived in The Woodlands, TX since 1983. So glad to hear you enjoyed your time spent here. I learned about your blog through another wonderful blogger, Estelle's. Have a wonderful weekend!

  28. You sure have a beautiful family!!! Do you follow the blog "For the Love of Home"? She is in Massachusetts too and is from Texas!!!

  29. My daughter and I love your blog! I am originally from Boston, Ma , the lived in NYC 15 years and then finally Short Hills, NJ for 13years. My husband just got a job in Dallas and I found out the rest of my family and I will be relocating to Dallas next Summer. As an East Coast lifer and summers on the Cape I have no idea what to expect with a move to Dallas. Any advice?

  30. New follower. Love the gingham in your blog layout! We know lots of kids who attend TCU!
    Love the blog! Beautiful home! laura

  31. Hi Katie - new follower here! Your blog looks like great fun - looking forward to reading.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Hi, Just found your blog while searching for empty nest blogs. Love your style and about me section. I'm new at this empty nest thing and the struggle bus is fully boarded!! Trying to find the new rhythm of life.


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