J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Weekend

Happy Sunday dear friends!   I am still full from Thanksgiving.  All my clothes are busting at the seams.  What's with the Massachusetts weather and the shrinkage effect on my clothes? I may even have to go up another size in my Spanx.  I said may.

Not me.  These are too small.

Over the past couple of days, I have enjoyed the company of family, consumed enough calories for the state of Rhode Island, and shopped until I practically dropped. 

Not me.  She's much thinner and cuter. 

My #2 left on Saturday and #1 left on Sunday.  The girls loved playing with Chowdah and meeting Chili for the first time.  It snowed on Friday and we are pretty sure that this is the first time Chili experienced the messy wet stuff.  I thought she wouldn't like it because she detests rain.  But she loved it, which is good because I have a feeling she is going to be seeing a lot of it.

#1 with her little sis and bro.

A pretty house in my 'hood.

Chow decided he had a better place for those red and gold decorative balls - buried in the back yard.

#2 working away in the background.

#1 oblivious to what Chili chomps on and sniffs in the yard.

Chow insists he fits perfectly in Chili's bed.  
Kind of like my jeans and me.

On Saturday, we went to Bean Town for some lunch and shopping.

It was a wonderful long weekend.  The hardest part is always the good byes.  But they'll be back for Christmas in no time!

Hope your Sunday is relaxing!


Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday

Hello dear friends.  I hope that that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.  We had a quiet one and the girls have continued to spoil the poochies rotten! 

We are experiencing White Friday.  When I opened the door to let the dogs out this morning, Chili just stood and cocked her head trying to figure out what all the white stuff on the ground was all about.

Believe it or not, we will be venturing out into the throes of Black Friday.  Our girls tell us they need us to buy stuff they can't live without.  

Hey, who snapped this pic of the Mister and Me last night at Walmart?

Can hardly wait to get out there!

My wardrobe for today's festivities.

Happy Black Friday!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, my dear friends.  When I count my blessings this year, you all are at the top of my list.  Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my silly little blog.  I am grateful for all the friends that I have had the opportunity to meet online and in-person.

I hope that you experience as much joy this Thanksgiving as you all have given me.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An Email from my #1

Hello dear friends.  Had a full day yesterday.  Instead of spending time in the kitchen, I spent most of my time with #2 at this lovely spot.  We had so much fun we made two trips!

While I was on RMV duty, the Mister took Chow for his beauty appointment.  Chow had a memory lapse when it came to jumping in the car.  When I picked Chowdah up, he claimed to be suffering from "jumping block."  Never heard of this one before. Chowdah claims it's a very common condition and the only way to overcome it is with very special treats.  I had treats, but mine lacked the incentive component.  Needless to say, I had to lift all 70 lbs. of him into the car.  

I took this the minute I got home because I knew it wouldn't last. He asked me when it was supposed to rain - he has a lot of Thanksgiving digging to do.  Looks like he's going to get the rain today. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent playing ball and checking out the new decorations.  This is Chow's first Christmas and poor Chili probably never celebrated much of a holiday, so naturally they were very curious.

Actually, Chili was not so impressed.

My #1 sent me this video.  
She arrives today.  
Should I be afraid?

OK, I'm afraid.

May you have a worry-free day.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

More Thanksgiving Inspiration

Happy Tuesday, dear friends!  I have good news.  If you read yesterday's post, you may have guessed.

Mission Accomplished!!!

Our boy, Chowdah not only jumped once into the car, but eleven times!  We are such over achievers in our family.  The true test is later when I take him to his rescheduled beauty appointment.  And by the way, #1 and #2, all our assets are in Chow's name so be nice to him.

Here is the second part of Thanksgiving inspiration.  Take it for what it's worth... I'm impressed and I didn't even have to lift a finger!

Pottery Barn

Pottery Barn

Renee Brock

Carolyn Roehm

Carolyn Roehm

Bunny Williams

Bunny Williams

Southern Living

Two more days 'til I'm off my diet!
Lucky I just started it yesterday.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Last Minute Thanksgiving Inspiration

Good morning, dear friends.  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  The Mister and I hit another holiday fair!  It was a great one, too.  I will share the pics next week.

The Mister and I also spent some energy decorating the outside of the house for Christmas.  We never usually do it this early. We like to save the screaming fights bedazzling for after Thanksgiving.  But Sunday was a beautiful sunny day and we wanted to spend some of outdoors.

We also used what energy we had left to teach Chowdah how to jump into the car by himself.  He had a beauty appointment on Thursday which I had to cancel due to the fact that he flat out refused to get into the car.

The Mister and I tried to bribe him with every kind of treat possible, including roast chicken.  We even told him we would we would leave everything to him in our will and he could buy all the dog treats and lamb chop stuffed animals he wanted.  But, unfortunately, it was all in vain.  This is pretty much how it went.

Chili, our perfect dog, couldn't be happier.  She jumped up every time and ate the all the treats.  She also managed to back us into a wall about that silly little "will" thing we promised.  She's a tough negotiator!

Here is some last minute Thanksgiving inspiration, if you are in need of any.  I got most of the images from my beloved Pinterest.  I cannot take one ounce of credit for any of this creative stimulation. 

Style me pretty 


Linley Designs


Elizabeth Ann designs

Willam Sonoma

Matthew Mead


Shindig Parties To Go

Sandra Lee

Pottery Barn

Of course it's Martha

Save your appetite!

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