Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, November 13, 2014


Good morning friends.  Looks like bitter temps are sweeping the country and Massachusetts is not exempt.  Can't complain though because there is very little wind and the sun is strong.  

This is Part 2 of my Salem post.  After enjoying a delicious lunch on the water, we decided to make a little detour before heading home.

We stopped in the beautiful coastal town of Marblehead which is situated on the North Shore along Massachusetts Bay and Salem Harbor.  This scenic town holds the title of "Yachting Capital of the World."  When the Mister and I buy our yacht, we will be sure to stop by again and have lunch.

Marblehead also claims the (disputed) title of Birthplace of the American Navy.

The Mister and I parked in the town and strolled some of the residential areas.  Marblehead looks more like a movie set than a real town.

Must be nice not having to worry about mowing your front lawn.  Very little shoveling, too!

I love all the pretty paint colors of the homes.

Our first stop in our yacht will be here for lunch.

This consignment shop had some of the best stuff!

A good time had by all!  
Now back to the puppies!

Hope you have great plans for the weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. How totally gorgeous and charming...that last photo is amazing!! Captures the essence of New England charm to the max...looks like a fun day. Getting very cold over too, whipping out the hats and gloves (cannot get sick)!!

  2. Just don't get lost on a deserted island! That area is so beautiful!

  3. What a lovely town. I have been to Salem several times but never Marblehead. Need to put it on my list of places to visit next year (along with Boston & Newport which I haven't visited in years). Hugs, Dawn

    1. Hope you'll let me know when you visit. Would love to see your beautiful DD!

  4. Oh, Lovey Dahling, this place is totally charming. New England is so beautiful and I need to get back up that way sometime for a proper visit.

  5. Marblehead is one of my favorite places ever! We came close to getting transferred there and were fortunate enough to visit it several times. Gorgeous pictures!!

  6. Love spots like Marblehead. Reminds me of Stonington, CT.
    I always see spots like that and say that I could live there. Next time, take me with you!

  7. I love visiting small New England towns. Thanks so much for inviting us along on the tour. I'll be sure and toast you as we pass by each other on our yachts. :)

  8. Such a charming town and what a wonderful way to spend a day. Be sure to let us know when your ship comes in! Have a great weekend with the pups!

  9. Ahhh...I love Marblehead! I am seriously overdue for a Massachusetts visit, although right now staying home is highest on my agenda! Have a fabulous weekend, my dear! xoxo

  10. What a quaint little town Katie! Your pictures are wonderful and it looks like you had the perfect visit. My husband and I have talked about vacationing in this area many times .. just need to do it! Have a nice weekend ~xxleslie


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