Talbots Spring Essentials

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Monday, November 24, 2014

Last Minute Thanksgiving Inspiration

Good morning, dear friends.  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  The Mister and I hit another holiday fair!  It was a great one, too.  I will share the pics next week.

The Mister and I also spent some energy decorating the outside of the house for Christmas.  We never usually do it this early. We like to save the screaming fights bedazzling for after Thanksgiving.  But Sunday was a beautiful sunny day and we wanted to spend some of outdoors.

We also used what energy we had left to teach Chowdah how to jump into the car by himself.  He had a beauty appointment on Thursday which I had to cancel due to the fact that he flat out refused to get into the car.

The Mister and I tried to bribe him with every kind of treat possible, including roast chicken.  We even told him we would we would leave everything to him in our will and he could buy all the dog treats and lamb chop stuffed animals he wanted.  But, unfortunately, it was all in vain.  This is pretty much how it went.

Chili, our perfect dog, couldn't be happier.  She jumped up every time and ate the all the treats.  She also managed to back us into a wall about that silly little "will" thing we promised.  She's a tough negotiator!

Here is some last minute Thanksgiving inspiration, if you are in need of any.  I got most of the images from my beloved Pinterest.  I cannot take one ounce of credit for any of this creative stimulation. 

Style me pretty 


Linley Designs


Elizabeth Ann designs

Willam Sonoma

Matthew Mead


Shindig Parties To Go

Sandra Lee

Pottery Barn

Of course it's Martha

Save your appetite!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Poor Chowdah! He's just so intelligent, he thinks for himself!
    Happy fun week to you!

  2. How funny! How beautiful! How adorable!!! Have a beautiful and blessed week Miss Katie!

  3. Love this! We are hosting in the city and will try to squeeze folks in-- partial store bought/partial homemade. Make sure the table looks good, even if there is a food fail!

  4. I laughed at Chowdah's picture! Does he like the car once you put him in it? So smart to do your decorating this weekend before the storm hits.

    1. No, Chowdah is not crazy about the car once I get him in. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Melissa.

  5. Your Chowdah is much smarter than our girls - we tell them we're going to the park and then trick them into going to the beauty parlor. We know lying to our girls is not the best thing but for some reason, they always forgive us that we've done so. Such a priceless picture, Katie!
    C + C

  6. Your dogs needs their own reality show at this point......those pics are a hoot and so telling of their dispositions! Too funny...hope you arent' slaving away too much in the kitchen...the mister is a real trooper to go with you to all those craft fairs!!

  7. Katie,
    poor Chowdah, maybe he just likes the "natural" look better feels like there's no reason to get in the car! Chili on the other hand knows the benefit of a good beauty treatment to keep her good looks and if she happens to get a few treats along the way, so much the better! Love all your table inspirations, not something that's gonna happen at my house since I'm in CA till week after TK!

  8. I am certainly glad I didn't have to negotiate with pets...just the Hubster to get the Christmas lights container out of the attic. It seems our weekends were somewhat parallel...can't wait to hear about the fair. I am a sucker for a good craft fair....BTW I think I am hosting Thanksgiving next year so I may have some Pinning to do thanks for sharing.

  9. you have the cutest dogs EVAH!!!! I want to hug them so badly :)....and I am SO going to decorate my chandelier with magnolia leaves from my tree. So Lovely!
    Happy Turkey Day!

    1. Janie... Chowdah and Chili agree with your opinion of them! Your chandelier will be gorgeous. Send me a pic - I'll post it. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. Those pictures are hilarious!!! My "girls" don't like the car either. DH has to pick them up & place them in the car. The tablescapes are beautiful & so inspirational. I am going to the city to be with family for Thanksgiving but it is very possible I might be snow bound. I'm sure your house looks beautiful for the holidays! xoxo, Dawn

    1. Hello Sweet Dawn... I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with DH and DD. I would make sure that your fridge has a little turkey in it. I just saw the weather forecast!

  11. As it is currently sleeting/snowing/raining, I bet that you and the Mister are very glad that you got some of your outside decorating done! Oh sweet Chowdah!


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