Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Its beginning to look a lot like...

Hello dear friends!  I don't know about you, but this week has whipped by!  It is another dark, rainy day.  I spent most of my morning tracking down a new modem that Comcast instructed us to get.  The thing they forgot to tell me on their recorded message is that they closed their location in town.  If I didn't love my Housewives so much, I would have said adios!

On Tuesday, I stopped by a darling shop that would put Santa's workshop to shame.  It is called Garden Craft and it is located in Norwell, Mass.  It has the largest assortment of unique ornaments that I have ever seen.  If you love theme trees - this is your yuletide utopia.

Loads of gingerbread men and ladies and just about every other sweet for the tree.

Cupcakes, anyone?

You can start your own choir at home!

If you have a ballerina in the family, this is your place. 

Can't forget the Chef.

Ribbon galore.

If your Mister needs some reminders.

Enough geese, swans, and doves for the next 12 years of Christmas!

Can't live in a seaside town without having a few shells on your tree!

Can't celebrate Christmas without a cute little snowman!

They call this area the Irish Riviera.

Looks like one of the Brannelly girls!

Thinking of a  Downton Abbey themed tree?

Garden Craft is incredibly organized and the staff is friendly and very helpful.

And here's an early Christmas present.  From  Saturday, November 8th through the 23rd, everything in the store is 20% off with the exception of store-made arrangements !!

Have a great weekend!

Sliced Soup

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. What a a great store. Is that a Big Ben ornament? Would so love that for #2, as that would be a sweet keepsake reminder of the HC float she worked so hard on.

  2. I just googled and it looks like Pottery Barn is carrying the same one this year.

  3. I love the crocheted skates. Tomorrow starts a cousins weekend of Christmas shopping, and going to all the open houses. Can't wait!

  4. What a great shop, thanks for taking us along!

  5. My husband has forbid me to buy even one more ornament... but looking never hurt anybody. [Shout out to another *Housewives* fan!] ~Paige

    1. Too bad they don't make RH ornaments... hee hee. Have a great weekend, Paige.

  6. What a fun shop! I could spend all day in there and YES to a Downton Abbey inspired tree....gorgeous!
    Signed your fellow housewives soul sister

  7. OMG de jahvoo all over again! Didn't I just tell you about being required to get a new Comcast modem but neglecting to inform of store closure? At least you didn't go to UPS did you?
    Lol I see lots of dollars being spent in Norwell!

    1. Yes, as a matter of a fact, I almost chuckled when I read the closed Comcast sign. I thought of you. No, then I went to the store in Scituate and they told me that they didn't have any. Have a great weekend, dear friend.

  8. Great inspiration. Would love to hear a housewives post...favorite city, who makes your blood boil, etc. I just watched this for the first time the last few months, RHONJ...poor Teresa!!

    1. Carol... thanks for giving me the inspiration to finish the one I started. Have a great weekend!

  9. I love shops like the one you visited....going to tell the Family Matriarch and the nieces as that is in their neck of the woods...

  10. Well, I love the beagle photo, since I have a naughty beagle myself, but I really want to get my hand on that beautiful ribbon! I bought four spools of discount - after halloween ribbon yesterday, and I don't know what in the world I'll do with it. What a fun shop!

  11. That is my kind of store! Heaven! I would love to have a big tree in my kitchen since that is where I spend most of my time. I love those snowmen chef!

  12. 2 things: and neither have anything to do with the oh so cool Christmas store you visited!
    1) you alluding to the Housewives! I'm hosting a bebe shower in my home this weekend and have spent the whole week cleaning, rearranging, decorating and cooking. So damn tired. My bones hurt. So, what did I do today to console myself?
    Why, watched 3 episodes of the Jersey housewives as well as a few What What Happens Live shows that had housewives on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG.....loved every second. My husband gets so grossed out when I watch that stuff. Who cares? MY guilty pleasure!!! Speaking of guilty pleasure.....watching The Affair on showtime?? Maamaa Mia....good show!!
    2) Now, I've forgotten what the second thing was. HAHAHAHAHA...........geeze I've got alzheimers already!!!

  13. just remembered.......looked at your blogroll and the next visitor after me was from Ft. Meyers Florida........that's where our babygirl, Blew Bayou, is docked for hurricane season. Small world. and then right after that was someone from Leesville LA.....a very small town about 1/2 hour from where I grew up!!!!! wow. crazy!

  14. Wow, a long way from Iowa but that looks like one fabulous store! Drop dead gorgeous arrangements and inspiring ideas!

    1. You're right.. pure inspiration! Have a wonderful weekend, Ethel.

  15. Wow , don t know how you cousins across the pond do it! Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Xmas. A decorating frenzy. I d be exhausted

    1. I'm exhausted just thinking of it! Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Oh my gosh...where would you start?? Or end I should say....lol!

    Blessings to your day!

  17. Oh, my, that looks like such a fun, fun place and talk about getting in the Christmas spirit! Happy weekend to you!

  18. What an amazing place. I love looking at Christmas ornaments, and trees, and wreaths...and... xo Laura

  19. Those Irish bears are so stinkin' cute! I'm thinking that a trip to Norwell would be the perfect thing to bide our time until the baby arrives.

    1. Every ND grad knows that nothing says Christmas like Irish bears!

  20. What a wonderful womderful shop with some very nice things I would love to have!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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