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Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday

Hello dear friends.  I hope that that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.  We had a quiet one and the girls have continued to spoil the poochies rotten! 

We are experiencing White Friday.  When I opened the door to let the dogs out this morning, Chili just stood and cocked her head trying to figure out what all the white stuff on the ground was all about.

Believe it or not, we will be venturing out into the throes of Black Friday.  Our girls tell us they need us to buy stuff they can't live without.  

Hey, who snapped this pic of the Mister and Me last night at Walmart?

Can hardly wait to get out there!

My wardrobe for today's festivities.

Happy Black Friday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Good luck! I don't tend to go shopping because the crowds freak me out and I am very claustrophobic plus i know the greedy retailers will have sales right up until Christmas eve:) That however is not stopping my boys from venturing out.....I will stay home and likely do a "first" for me, possibly start to go through all my Christmas decor and get an early start! Enjoy your day happy your Thanksgiving was great!

  2. Hi Katie, so happy that we didn't have pictures of Chow on the table eating the turkey, what a relief! good luck on the shopping, may the force be with you!

  3. Hey that TV will make it easier for you to catch up on all programming you might miss...consider putting right next to your present TV...then watch two programs at once....really a time saver when you think about it. Funny you and the Mister look totally different in PJ's.

    Son-sters are texting me about their Christmas choices...I don't even remember asking what they wanted.

  4. Katie,
    if you have to venture out on BF, you certainly need to do it in a "stylish" manor! I'm in CA at my sister's, my niece and I did venture out to Walmart to get something for her dad, didn't stand in line so we came home empty handed, but, I did see your twin in her PJ bottoms and slippers, didn't know you had family out here!
    PS. you had snow, here it was 85, sunny and beautiful just like it has been every day since I've been here! Don't hate me because I'm warm!

  5. Too darn funny!! No black Friday for me, will be heading instead to Princeton for the annual tree lighting and some cheer!!
    Have a great weekend my friend!

  6. I owned a retail store inside a bustling Miami mall for 7 years (I got rid of it 3 years ago). I am soooo thankful NOT to have to go to the mall today that I am still in my pjs! Have a great weekend.

  7. Oh my goodness. It's happening in the uk! We ve never had Black Friday but today we did! People we re fighting. Please take it back, we don t want it

  8. Please write a book so that can be my gift to everyone, because I know it would be on the NY City top seller list. You always say what I am feeling or want to say. Remember I could illustrate it. Thanks for keeping it classy, black friday just has such a bad rap. I will have no part of it. You can't make me get up at 4, stand on line and shop.

  9. I'm a Cyber Monday shopper - in my pjs - just like the Walmart shoppers - minus the husband.

  10. As we say in the south - "Bless Your Heart"! Glad you survived the frenzy!

  11. Your photos made me lol! The girls and I braved one store and the majority of my shopping will be on cyber Monday - right from my warm and cozy bed :-)

  12. So funny Katie! We went out later in the afternoon to catch the tree lighting event downtown Seattle and it was pure chaos including protesters .. which really put a damper on the whole event unfortunately. The city handled it well and kept the music going despite the chants, which was appreciated by all.

    I hope your Black Friday was productive! Have fun this weekend:):) xxleslie

  13. Yikes... Those photos from Black Friday tell the story! I know you had a wonderful holiday weekend with your girls. I'm back in CA and missing my girl lots!


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