Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Book Love

I am not a "kindle" person.  I love books.  I love reading them, holding them, and even the smell of them. I love brand new books, middle of the road books, and I especially have a passion for very old books.

   There is something about books that is very calming to me.  So when I see a room adorned with book cases, I am immediately drawn to the warmth of the room.  

Yesterday, during my lunch break from being a supermodel trophy wife, I watched a TV show on HGTV that featured homes that  formerly had other purposes in their past life such as a half-way house, church, and library.  The owner of the house that was a former library boasted that her home still smelled like books.  I understood her feelings.  Forget my creme brulee candle, I would much rather have my home reek of the saltiness of a great novel.

The ironic thing about my fetish for books is that if you asked KTG or Dude, they would testify that I spent very little time in school with my nose stuck into a book.  Oh well, some people are late bloomers.

I would need to wear all-white and lose 20 lbs. to read in this gorgeous room.

Checks + books = love

Love the looks of art thrown in with book shelves.  Not sure what's going on in that picture but oh well.....

Great entryway.

topiaries + books = heaven

Have always loved the looks of ladders in libraries.  Maybe because I am height-challenged.

Apartment therapy
I never lived in an apartment that looked like this!

book shelf porn
I could use a ladder in this room.


Hope your Thursday if filled with great reading!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Fabulous Day with #1, #2 & Adorable Jonathon

My #2 was home last week for Winter Break and on her last day home we visited #1 in her college town of Fort Worth. Our first stop was Brown Bag which is where they carry a great assortment of Sorority knickknacks and groovy college greek wear. # 2 just became a KD at her school in Virginia and was anxious to check out the sorority merchandise that they had in this cute store.

We then went to visit one of #1's favorite shops... Beehive. My girls love to spend their Mama's money.

This shop is really cute and has an adorable selection of clothes and accessories for the twenty to thirty year old age group.  That's probably why I felt so at home.

I bought this dress for #2 to wear to her induction ceremony to KD in April.

I also bought a cute dress for #2, but she deleted the pictures because she thought she looked "fat."  I wish I was that fat.

We then met #1's friend, Adorable Jonathon at the most darling restaurant named Brewed for lunch.  The food was positively delicious!  I am still dreaming of their sweet potato fries.  The ambiance reminds me of the coffee house, "Central Perk" in Friends.

If you go, you MUST order the s'mores dessert.  It is the best darn dessert I have ever had.  And believe you me, I have had plenty of dessert in my lifetime!  Ask Jenny Craig.

I tried to be polite in front of Adorable Jonathon but I wanted to lick every delicious bite from this little bowl. 

#1, Adorable Jonathon, and #2

A little shopping, a lot of noshing, and a good time had by all!


Happy Birthday
Elizabeth Taylor

Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Sista!

Happy birthday, dear Sista...
You were my best friend 
long before the Mista.
And sometimes you still are..
But don't tell him...
cuz he still thinks he's the star.
You were my first girl friend
and whenever I had a broken heart 
  you made me laugh
and it would always mend.

There were days that we would disagree
and get into a fight,
But all would be forgotten
once you admitted that
that I was always right.

You've carried a cup
that was always half-full,
Mine was perpetually half-empty
and that's no bull.

Who cares if Mom loved you the best?
It's only because she was terrified 
that I would never leave the nest.

So what if Dad said 
your temperament was sunnier?
My French teacher told me that
my accent was funnier.

We've had our laughs 
at the expense of Mom and Dad...
especially when we were single
 and each had our own pad.

You were always there 
even when I lived far away...
And that's why February 26th
 is my favorite day.
That was the day 
that I met my best friend.
And I will love you forever
until the bitter end! 

For anyone who was not fortunate enough to grow up with our beauty... I am the statuesque one featuring the new breast buds and beautiful long legs worthy of the Rockettes.  Sista is giving that sly smile knowing that she looks cuter and that this photo will go down in history.

Dear Sista,
Happy Birthday to you!
You look like a monkey
and smell like one, too!

Jenny Craig approved Birthday cake

And the Winner is....

It's finally arrived!  The Academy Awards! The Oscars!  I have put together photos of some of the leading ladies of the evening.  I will show three pictures of the ladies; the first being from the SAG Awards; the second from the evening at the Golden Globes, and last but certainly not least, the Oscars.  Then I will vote for my favorite.

Before we go over the dresses, I have a few comments about the ceremonies.  First of all, again the show was waaaaay toooooo long.  I admit it, I fell asleep before the end and had to watch Ben Affleck's heartfelt speech on GMA.
The people writing the presenters' speeches and jokes should be fired.  There were way too many awkward moments created as a result of the abominable joke writing.  The dialogue between Paul Rudd and Melissa McCarthy was inexcusable.  If I were them, I would sue the "comedy" writers.

I thought Seth McFarland did a fairly good job as host.  I never realized he was such a handsome, talented guy.  As a matter of a fact, I'm thinking of dumping Clooney for him.  First of all, George is getting too old for me and frankly, I am not loving the facial hair. 

Let the festivities begin!

Giuliana Rancic



Sista is happy Guiliana finally cut her hair.  I liked her dress but unless you weigh less than 90 lbs. I don't think it would be flattering.

Winner:  Oscars

Anne Hathaway



I have one word for this dress:  headlights.

Winner:  Globes

Jessica Chastain



Reminds me of Ariel the mermaid.

Winner:  Oscars

Jennifer Lawrence



She looked beautiful but the dress looks too much like a wedding gown for my taste.

Winner:  Oscars

Helen Hunt



Very pretty, not crazy about the necklace, though.

Winner:  Oscars

Julianne Moore



Not crazy about the color or the style.

Winner:  Globes

Naomi Watts




Two words:  Star Wars.

Winner:  Sag

Sally Field



I can't believe Sally is in her 60's!  She doesn't even look "pulled and tucked."  I want what she's having!

Winner:  Globes 

Amy Adams

I couldn't find a full length shot of this dress.


Every time I looked at this dress, I wanted to sneeze.

Winner:  Globes

Zoe Saldana



One hundred percent improvement over the Sag and Globes dresses.  Sista and Dude's favorite too.

Winner:  Oscars

Kerry Washington



Dress is pretty but I think the middle part is too severe for her.

Winner:  Sag

drumroll please...

My vote for
Best Dress of the Evening...

Oh Lord, in my next life can I come back as Charlize?

 I'd love to hear from you about your favorites as well. 

Happy Monday!

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