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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Last Minute Valentine Gifts

I was on my daily phone call with my buddy Delaney and asked her what I should write about for my Valentine's Day post.  Usually, when I ask her advice concerning my blog, she hems and haws and whispers under her breath, "who cares?"  Today she surprised me and suggested unique, funny Valentine gifts.  She even helped me track down a few, most of which I couldn't use due to the fact they were off color.  It's Lent, for Gosh sakes, Delaney... get your act together...

So if you're in a pinch to find a Valentine gift for your sweetie or buddy, I humbly offer these suggestions.

For the single girl friend... just add water to this frog and he grows into a handsome prince.  Wish I had known about this guy 20 some odd years ago!  Lucky for the Mister, I didn't.

For the prankster in your life... this kit includes lots of fun things like a whoopie cushion and some gross noise machine.  The Mister would love this but he's not getting it.

Fred Flare.com
These are taking over the ring charm market.  Cute idea for Valentines Day party or wedding shower.  Could also be dangerous after a few drinks.

Neato Shop.com
Anatomically correct heart pencil holder.  Just think how stunning this little gem would look on your Valentine's desk at work.

Neato Shop.com
No tunes but just load this little gem up with your favorite beverage, slip it on your hip and walk into the game.  Don't even think about it, #1.  Sista says, the only problem with this one is no one has carried a walkman in 20 years.  Could be a red flag for the security guys at the gate.  


Baron Bob.com
Cupid Catapult

This is all you need to bring to the nearest singles bar.  Just catapult that little cupid right into your next victim target and sparks will fly.  And perhaps a few lawsuits.

Baron Bob.com
2 Carat Cup
So you've been dating a guy for two years, he takes you out for a romantic dinner and presents you with an impressive looking jewelry box.  The bad news it is a fake 2 carat ring attached to a cheap coffee mug.  The good news is that the cup is made of porcelain so you can throw it at him.

Baron Bob.com
What could be more fun than these?  I thought tongue fur was in again!

Baron Bob.com
I may just buy one of these so I can drive in the HOV lane solo and not get a ticket.

Baron Bob.com

Tired of paying $9 for a beer at the ball park? $10 for a glass of Chardonnay at the opera? Nowadays, if you want to get drunk it costs you an arm and a leg. So, what if your boobs could solve that expensive problem for you. Guess what? Now, they can! With the Wine Rack Drinking Bladder Apparatus your “A” cups can become “D”elicious cups of your favorite beverages. This comfortable easy to wear “bra” comes equipped with 2 bladders that can hold up to 25 ounces of whatever you need to sneak into wherever you’re going.

I repeat the warning.... #1 -  do not even think about it!

And last but certainly not least...

Blue Ribbon General Store 

Ball and lips in one!  Who could ask for anything more!

Hope your Valentines Day is filled with lots of love and breathtaking surprises!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Where do you find these things?! LOL

  2. haha. I can't imagine why there are people who don't get blogging. I had to laugh at "who cares" cuz some of my own family feel that way too.

  3. This is hysterical.....an inflatable husband or wife,too funny, being a bit of a prankster myself I enjoying seeing all the fun possibilities! Enjoy your Valentines day.

  4. I need to get the frog/prince and also the ring mug. These are HYSTERICAL! Happy Vday!


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