Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Counting the Minutes

Hello dear friends!  I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.  We are having another mother of a storm that will last the entire weekend.  Lots of rain, heavy winds, and just so darn cold.  And just to put a cherry on top - the first snow of the season has made an appearance.  Chili was totally bewildered -  she didn't see much snow in Houston.   I could tell that she feels the same way about it as I do. 

Here are some pics of our very quiet weekend. 

Don't even think about putting me out there, Mom.

Chowdah tries to stay warm in Chili's bed. Take note of the paws.

She's gotta be crazy to think we are going out in this!

The Mister and his assistant catching up on his honey-do list. He does no fix it jobs without his trusty tool lobster belt.

Another item added to the list.  According to Chowdah,  a squirrel broke into the house and caused this vandalism.    

My dear friend in Houston, TJ, or as I call her Teeeeeeeeeeeeeej, has an expression that she uses when she is looking forward to something.  She says that she's "counting the minutes" until the event happens.  I have been known to borrow it on occasion.

Since it is the dawn of November, I decided to do a post covering what I am looking forward to this month.

I am counting the minutes....

until the election is OVER!

I have lived in my share of states in my lifetime.  I have never been subjected to political advertisements for states other than the one I lived in.  For some reason, Massachusetts TV stations are airing New Hampshire governor candidate ads.  Scott Brown has the most ridiculous ad involving an obnoxious kid in a spelling bee.  It's like nails on a chalkboard.

I am counting the minutes...

until November 9th.

The third and final season of The Newsroom will be here in a matter of days. This is, by far, one of my favorite shows of all time.  Alan Sorkin's writing is crisp, smart, and at times, humorous.  I wish he would write lines for me in my daily life.  People would think I was so cool and savvy.

I am counting the minutes...

until November 11th

I love Andy and his show Watch What Happens Live.  I read his first book and enjoyed every delicious syllable.  I have pre-ordered this one and can't wait until it arrives on my doorstep.

I am counting the minutes...

until I attend the first holiday market of the season.

When I lived outside of Houston, there was a fabulous holiday market called The Nutcracker sponsored by the Junior League.  It always had lots of great holiday gifts, one-of-a-kind decorations, as well as delicious samplings of yummy delicacies.  
If you live around Boston, and know of a great holiday fair or two, leave me a comment and let me know when and where.  

and last, but certainly not least...

I am counting the minutes...

until my little chickadees are back in the nest for Thanksgiving.

Are you counting the minutes for something in November?

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. That poor dog looks so windblown! And I am with you with calls we are getting this election and I know you can't wait til the girls are home!

  2. We had a nasty and lazy weekend here too. I am so tired of cleaning doggie feet!

    I missed the large holiday market this weekend (The Shopping Spree/junior league) and I am going to be bitter about it until I go next year.

  3. I'm still in amazement at how a gal from TX can acclimate to weather in the north!!! It was in the 30's here last night in Loosiana and you would have thought the whole town was iced in!!! But sunny, crisp clean air with NO humidity....I'm so ready for cooler weather.
    Counting down the minutes till hunting season starts next weekend!! Because the hubs and all my boys will be spending weekends at the hunting lodge and I will have long leisurely weekends doing just what "I" want and playing with my galpals!! I look forward to it all yr long!! heheheh

    1. Janie.... who says I'm acclimating? I bitch and moan every minute of the day! Ask the Mister! Enjoy the weekends with your buddies.

  4. Welcome to MA and the season that is hidden - the political season. Bad enough we are subjected to our own political ads but the joy of watching a second state are more than one can bear. Here is to Wednesday when the elections are over and celebrations will commence on many fronts!!

  5. Great post...and poor pups out in that storm. lol
    Our ads here are awful. Lots of mud-slinging and it is a dead heat as to who will be our governor. Can't wait for this to be over and done with.
    Your girls are so cute- and I bet you will be glad to see them home.
    I am counting the minutes until we leave to see our very good friends in South Carolina. Whoo Hooo....xo Diana

  6. ps. Your new posts were NOT showing up on my reader. SO--- I unfollowed you and just refollowed. I hope that fixes it. Did I ever say I hate Blogger sometimes?

  7. St. John's in Hingham is a nice fair.

  8. I am so with you about enough with the election rhetoric...enough is enough! Love the tool belt aka lobster belt reference, too funny...we will call him the preppy fix upper!
    I am counting the minutes until my knee is healed and mostly when my family is together again for Thanksgiving! Oh can I also add counting the minutes until next summer? Because we got in the 40's today with crazy winds and I am over winter and it hasn't even begun to make an appearance...argh!

  9. Oh, we've had a cold weekend here, or at least cold for us. :o)) But, it's been beautiful sunshiney days to enjoy it in. The doggies are just so cute! I think we are all looking forward to the elections being OVER. Of course, the Presidential election will be all we hear about in short order. And, yes, my Chickadees will be coming in a couple of times over the next month. Love it! Enjoyable post!

  10. Your chickadees are adorable! I am counting the minutes until all our children are sequestered on a trip with me and the hubs and family friends for a WHOLE week at Thanksgiving! Out of the country and hopefully with no wi-fi, yippee!

    1. Dee... what a wonderful time to look forward to!! Have a great week!

  11. The dogs are adorable and mine would be feeling the same way about the weather! I, too, am counting the days 'til the election is over and my babies are home for Thanksgiving! It can't come soon enough! Hope the days fly by for all of us empty nesters! :)

  12. It's a little cooler here than usual, but I was shocked to see on the news the horrible storms your part of the country is having. Hunker down, girl! As for the elections, I've lived in battleground areas before and I agree that it's totally annoying. But now that I'm in Sweet Home Alabama - they don't even bother. There's a little bit of good in everything.

  13. That photo of the two dogs side my side is precious. I too am counting the days until both my girls are home for Thanksgiving - my favorite holiday!

  14. Like you, I am counting down the minutes until Tuesday's election is over. Somehow though, it was a tie between hearing the campaign ads and the sleigh bell ads. All before Halloween, good grief!!

  15. Oh those muddy paws...I laugh everytime I see this little precious! I am so happy he has a new buddy baby in Chili! And her comes the first of old man winter.....in beautiful New England. It is a cozy time of year! Having your family home for the holidays will be something to look forward to indeed! Now begins the preparation! Have a wonderful week dear Katie girl!

  16. Your girls are stunning!

  17. I love seeing your puppies cozying up to one another. Looks like they have bonded beautifully! I am counting the minutes until I see you on Wednesday!

  18. Well, I counting the minutes that I wish I could beg, borrow or buy! I have a long list of commissions and while I am not complaining, a few good elves would be welcome. I am thankful that we will be guests for Thanksgiving and although I love cooking The Thanksgiving Meal....it will be nice to just go to friends and bring some side dishes and pies! I have already started to wrap and secretly hide gifts for Santa to leave. I wish we were neighbors. We'd never have to count the minutes until we could meet for a ladies luncheon. You know one of those lunches that we never want to end.

  19. Love this post! Wowza and I thought Ohio had it bad with all the campaign ads.

    Can't wait see the Newsroom. Brilliant writing! And your holiday market sounds wonderful. I always loved going to Christmas in Cowtown hosted by the Fort Worth Junior League or Neath the Wreath in Plano. Have a great week!

  20. Loved this post...I too cannot wait to not be subjected to political negativity...in Maryland we were able to vote early and we did....I have been to Spree in Raleigh it is awesome, but on the South Shore I remember going to a fair at Notre Dame in Hingham...it was years ago so don't know if it still exists.

  21. We're sorry to say that the weather this weekend has us counting the minutes until spring... We were out of power for 24 hours and it got cold! Needless to say, the sunny day today put us in a better mood and we look forward to a Thanksgiving filled with friends and family.
    C + C

  22. So many things to love about this post - the sweet pups, the beautiful girls, Andy Cohen, the lobster belt… I am counting the minutes until the 16th. The hubs and I are doing a 1/2 marathon. Good thing it's in Vegas where it's flat and there's lots to look at! Then the following weekend we are headed to the west coast for Thanksgiving with our girls and their little families.

  23. I think you get to see NH ads b/c parts of southern NH are essentially in the Boston area media market....so to get to the good people and voters of NH, ad time is bought on Boston stations...

    love the pups, and it looks like they are often up to no good, as all dogs should be;-))


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