Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

My Maiden Voyage

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.  I am still on cloud nine from a fabulous luncheon that I attended yesterday.  I will share the gorgeous details with you later in the week.

This post covers last Friday.  The Mister took the day off and we took the ferry into Beantown for my first Christmas fair of the season. 

Now most of you ladies out there are probably surprised by the fact that the Mister would go to a holiday fair willingly.  Let me tell you my little secret.  No, it's not that.  It's baked goods.  The Mister will go anywhere with me if there are sweets or popcorn involved.  That's why he doesn't mind chick flicks and has sat through thousands of Disney movies with our girls.  Put a bag of buttery popcorn or a fist full of warm cookies in his hand and he'll be as happy as a clam.

Here he is on the ferry pretending to check his email but he probably is on the fair site figuring his game plan for Operation: Empty Calories. 

We stopped for nourishment on the way before entering my holiday utopia. 

Our view as we enjoyed scintillating adult conversation.

Yes!  At last... Emerald City!

What a way to start my journey!  This lady had the most beautiful table squares.  

The fabrics were gorgeous.  Reasonable prices, too.

Love these mittens!   I have a feeling I'm going to need them soon.

Let's all do a collective awwwwwww.  Couldn't find any boy shoes for Sam, Mo.

Doesn't this lady have gorgeous hair? 

She made these bun things look so darn easy.  I knew though, I would never be coordinated enough to pull it together.  Mine would look like a rats nest. The Mister agreed.

These ladies were just as sweet as their fudge sauce.

The Mister loves these things with wine.

This poor guy does not know what he is in for.  In a matter of seconds, he is going to be the Mister's best friend.

All the cookies are done by hand by his wife.

Great cookies, but I'm glad I'm not married to him!

This is for all my friends across the pond, especially you, Sally.  Ought oh... it's going to get ugly if I have to step in when the Mister pulls out his best pick-up lines...

The Mister brings out all his charm when he eyes...

 whoopie pies!

Now Mama's happy too!  For all my high school buds... it looks like the juice machine at gouter only a lot more fun.

In my dreams.  Gotta put this one on my bucket list.

This booth was my favorite.  Loved all her tassels and fabrics.  Well priced and a great gift!

We took our yacht the ferry home and the Mister made a fabulous soup to enjoy with a glass or three of wine.  

The pups were delighted to welcome us home.  Obviously, one was up to no good... again.

A good day had by all in empty nesterville.

Enjoy your weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year! Would you believe the Mobile, AL Junior League had their Christmas Market this weekend, and because of a business contact, my husband ended up going and I couldn't make it!!!! He said, "You would have loved it." Well, no *#^*!!!!!! Ya think?
    I saw a story years ago about someone who made those adorable tassels with shakers, and have wanted to see some in person since them. So adorable!
    Glad you had fun.

  2. I was looking at a gorgeous white sofa today. Chowdah's feet just brought me back to reality. I'm really hoping that Mud will be Pantone's next color of the year so I can be trendy.

    1. Too funny! Mud sounds like a pretty great color to me right now!

  3. The Mister is a good sport. And he cooks too. J-A-C-K-P-O-T!

  4. First I have to say the Mr is one good sport..not so sure even unlimited sweets could have gotten my husband there:) Looks like fun though...a great day. I love the textiles, looks like she had so many beautiful patterns. Thanks for taking us along....

  5. Totally jealous...we used to have big fairs like the one you attended only a mile from my house at the state fairgrounds, but the company that sponsored it went out of business...I have been able to attend some small local fairs, but the item selection is nothing like yours...and a fun ferry ride to boot...Mister is a good sport, but he does receive a bit of compensation with the treats..woo-hoo for him.

  6. What a great husband to spend the day at the Christmas fair - love the bun ties, but like yours, mine would never look like this…I'd have pieces flying everywhere! Looks like such a fun day!!

  7. This is going on my calendar for next year! What a fun day with the ladies it would be. Thanks for the introduction.

  8. Your husband is such a gem. That looks like it was so much fun. xo Laura

  9. Bonjour Katie, merci pour cette belle visite! I have never seen such tassels, I had to check the translation to be sure! Those made with Quimper salt and Pepper shakers are surprising and it may be a good idea for a kitchen. My sister lives in Quimper, I will show her the photo. A bientôt!

    1. Good to hear from you, Caroline! I fell in love with the Quimper tassels. Have a fabulous week.

  10. Looks like such a fun day! Great things there too!

  11. Hello Katie! I am the owner of Dancing Bear tassels and sachets. Thank you for your lovely photos and kind comments. Your readers can see more of our creations in our Etsy shop, dancingbeartassels or at our website: dancingbeartassels.com. Hope to see you again at the Boston show next year.


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