Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Text Me

Good morning, dear friends and Happy Thirsty Thursday as Kathie Lee and Hoda would say.  Btw... have I told you how much I love Hoda?  I think she's got the whole package: looks, smarts, and a great sense of humor.

This little YouTube video is of a dog obedience competition which was televised.  The dogs were timed to see how quickly they would run to their owner down a mat riddled with treats and toys to distract them. 

The Golden kind of reminds me of someone...

I also wanted to include this YouTube video of a brand new song released by my favorite group, Straight No Chaser and Kristen Bell from Frozen.  I predict that this will be the hit of the holiday season.  But what do I know.

Enjoy your weekend.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Cute snappy texting video, I've got 2 sons with girlfriends and yep, seems this is how it goes!!

  2. My how the holiday songs have changed!! I agree! I love Hoda too! Hope y'all have a beautiful November weekend Katie!

  3. HA. my favorite part? i'll wait for my pants to vibrate. i think the silly crap we're seeing today with technology and media and just cultural weirdness is one huge social psychology experiment that future generations will point to and say: DID THEY REALLY LIVE LIKE THAT? REALLY? maybe it'll be categorized as the dingdong era. love your musings and blog! peace to you right where you are.

  4. My of my friends met Hoda at a social event and said that she is very sweet in person.

    The dogs are so cute!

  5. Now that's a holiday song we can get behind... How simple would it be to send Christmas cards via text! Something to think about in the future...
    C + C

  6. Hilarious yet a little sad too, that there really are some people who really will text others a Merry Christmas. I think there are something that you NEED to call for and one of them is Christmas but boy let me tell my kids that! They know no other way!!

    Oh well.......sign of the times, hope you are staying warm.

  7. I keep saying I'm not a dog person and then see something like that and I melt. Could it be that after all these years maybe....?

    1. Maybe!!! Can I be in charge of finding you one? Can I be the godmother?? Have a great weekend, Denise.

    2. Lol visitation rights with your twosome sounds perfect to me! And you have an awesome time with the other two!

  8. I don't think that I could stroll down any path without stopping for a treat, so I'm gonna cut the Golden some slack.
    Love Hoda. Kathie Lee not so much. I understand that she's supposed to the grouchy counterpoint to sweet, bubbly Hoda, but she takes it a little too far IMO. And can Kathie Lee go a day without mentioning her "stuff" (her own brand of wine)??

    1. Paige .... I agree with your thoughts on KLG. It's always all about her! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Hoda's my fave, I agree she's the whole package. Funny video! We did agility training with our old border collie and there were some pups like the golden - so lovable, just there to socialize and eat the treats… Chowdah always looks so innocent.

  10. Yes, love Hoda but Kathie Lee I can do without. :o)) Happy weekend!

  11. Ok that golden is hilarious and I love the song!

  12. Hilarious video of the dogs. Have you ever read the 4-temperament study that uses animals to describe people's behavior? I know some Golden Retrievers!! I'm a newbie to your blog and am enjoying it so much. You make me laugh every day. Keep up the good work! Judy from SC

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Judy! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and have a great weekend!

  13. I think you are the whole package too!


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