Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Weekend

Happy Sunday dear friends!   I am still full from Thanksgiving.  All my clothes are busting at the seams.  What's with the Massachusetts weather and the shrinkage effect on my clothes? I may even have to go up another size in my Spanx.  I said may.

Not me.  These are too small.

Over the past couple of days, I have enjoyed the company of family, consumed enough calories for the state of Rhode Island, and shopped until I practically dropped. 

Not me.  She's much thinner and cuter. 

My #2 left on Saturday and #1 left on Sunday.  The girls loved playing with Chowdah and meeting Chili for the first time.  It snowed on Friday and we are pretty sure that this is the first time Chili experienced the messy wet stuff.  I thought she wouldn't like it because she detests rain.  But she loved it, which is good because I have a feeling she is going to be seeing a lot of it.

#1 with her little sis and bro.

A pretty house in my 'hood.

Chow decided he had a better place for those red and gold decorative balls - buried in the back yard.

#2 working away in the background.

#1 oblivious to what Chili chomps on and sniffs in the yard.

Chow insists he fits perfectly in Chili's bed.  
Kind of like my jeans and me.

On Saturday, we went to Bean Town for some lunch and shopping.

It was a wonderful long weekend.  The hardest part is always the good byes.  But they'll be back for Christmas in no time!

Hope your Sunday is relaxing!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hi Katie, looks like you had a wonderful weekend. Love the adventures of the pups, I have a feeling we are going to have to take up a collection for xmas ornaments, as I think the ones in the black planters are going to be history very soon, I do think Chow has other plans for them, and he is just waiting for the right time to attack! Can't believe you had snow this weekend, I have to say it was very balmy here in Chicago this weekend. Hopefully it will stay that way.

  2. Looks like loads of fun, exhaustion and sorry to point out the obvious, but perhaps a few more walks around the block to maintain your fabulous figure...it is also good exercise for the pups who also received their fair share of attention, food and fun.

  3. So fun! I love the snow pictures..gorgeous. I am jealous:) Though I know "our time" will come probably sooner than later, what a nice treat for the girls and pooches. I hear you on overeating...though it hasn't stopped me from enjoying an early morning snack of pecan pie, which really is like a healthy treat, being a nut and all:)

  4. Oh doesn't all that snow look magical...and so cold!! Lovely holiday in McKinney....always a beautiful time at Thanksgiving! But who could resist Christmas shopping and lunching in Boston! Oh how fun! I know you must have enjoyed the girls being home for the holidays! Hugs!!!

  5. It looks like you had a wonderful weekend with all you kiddos (human AND canine!) I know you will miss the girls, but Christmas is in just 3 weeks! Yikes!! Enjoy the peace and quiet when you can!! xoxo

  6. My #1 and #2 left today and I am so sad! It was so nice having back home even though my house is an utter mess now! I loved seeing Chilli work her way into your daughters heart! Looks like a great time had be all, xo K

  7. Your Thanksgiving weekend sounds terrific.
    I know what you mean about calorie consumption; it's going to be a double-Spanx week for me, except for Cyber Monday in my pjs.
    Have I mentioned already that I love your front pots decorated for the holidays?

    1. Thanks Paige. My pots looked a lot better before Chowdah lent his magic touch! Have a great week!

  8. What a cute post and those dogs are the cutest for sure!!! Sounds like a fun time surrounded by family and enjoying, eating, shopping and playing in the snow. Fun memories! Have a great first week of December!

  9. Your family is so adorable!! Looks like you all had a lovely Thanksgiving...

  10. The nest is pretty empty here On Pinehurst Place as well! I love this post and it looks like your weekend was magical with all of your family, including the furry four legged ones, and the beautiful snow. If you are like me I am headed straight to the treadmill this morning! Have a great day!

  11. I agree, the hardest part is saying good-bye. My mom always says that having the next visit planned is the best way to ease the sadness. So glad that you had such a great weekend. I hope the girls weren't caught up in the terrible weather on travel day Wednesday!


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