Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An Email from my #1

Hello dear friends.  Had a full day yesterday.  Instead of spending time in the kitchen, I spent most of my time with #2 at this lovely spot.  We had so much fun we made two trips!

While I was on RMV duty, the Mister took Chow for his beauty appointment.  Chow had a memory lapse when it came to jumping in the car.  When I picked Chowdah up, he claimed to be suffering from "jumping block."  Never heard of this one before. Chowdah claims it's a very common condition and the only way to overcome it is with very special treats.  I had treats, but mine lacked the incentive component.  Needless to say, I had to lift all 70 lbs. of him into the car.  

I took this the minute I got home because I knew it wouldn't last. He asked me when it was supposed to rain - he has a lot of Thanksgiving digging to do.  Looks like he's going to get the rain today. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent playing ball and checking out the new decorations.  This is Chow's first Christmas and poor Chili probably never celebrated much of a holiday, so naturally they were very curious.

Actually, Chili was not so impressed.

My #1 sent me this video.  
She arrives today.  
Should I be afraid?

OK, I'm afraid.

May you have a worry-free day.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh how adorable...Chowdah in your Mister's arms!! Enjoy your girls being home for the holidays! Hugs and blessings to you Katie!

  2. YOU and your wonderful family have a beautiful Thanksgiving and give those pups a little Turkey , okay! xo Karolyn

  3. Your pups need pilgrim outfits. Just a thought.

    I saw the video clip on TV the other night and thanked God I have boys! I've seen photos of your beautiful girls, and I don't think you need to worry about a thing!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your gang!

  4. Your pups are ready for their Xmas card picture! Hope ours behave and let us snap one with the boys or there won't be any cards for us this year... We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!
    C + C

  5. hysterical......oh boy be afraid! The pups look soo cute and squeaky clean, hope you aren't getting snow up there!

  6. Great video! And I love the last photo!! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  7. OK…that is a total crack up!!!! I'm sure #1 will be on much better behavior! :)

    My #1 is in the kitchen with grandma making rolls. Look out Bobby Flay!
    Wishing you and all your family a wonderful, fun-filled Thanksgiving!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  8. Oh, Chowdah cracks me up!! Kylee went to the groomer today...we had to lift all 14 pounds of her into the car (actually, she CAN jump, but she tends to scratch the car).
    Hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving with the girls! We are enjoying having ours home.

  9. You have got to give Chowdah credit...the dog knows who's really in charge...ouch. Glad you have both of your girls at home...nothing says Thanksgiving like a trip to the DMV...thankful you only need to visit every 4-5 years.

  10. Your fur babies are just adorable!! #1 & #2 are pretty cute as well! DD was asking about you; she wants to have lunch again. I told her when you were in town I would arrange her schedule to fit you in. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend; hugs to everyone. xoxox, Dawn

  11. SNL - hahaha. Two trips to the RMV and an uncooperative dog - not so funny.
    Your front planters look fab for the holidays!
    Thanksgiving blessings,

  12. I am laughing so hard! Chow looks fabulous - hope it lasts through the day! Enjoy your family and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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