Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My Favorite Family Has Done It Again!

Hello dear friends.  I've got one word for you... BRRRRR.  This morning I opened the door to let the doggies out and Chowdah flew out the door and Chili turned around and ran into her crate.  I guess my girl is used to Houston winters.  

This is the same incredulous look that she gave me this morning. 

My favorite family released another YouTube video.  If you haven't already seen it, tune in - it's really cute.  I would love to be a fly on the wall to see how many takes they have to do before arriving at the finished product.  I wonder if the kids ever whine, like my two did at that age and still do

I did some TV watching last night.  Wow, it's going to be a whirlwind of a season.  That Lisa Rinna is something else.  Her lips arrive in the scene 30 seconds before the rest of her.  Some old and new faces in the cast.  One thing they all have in common is plastic surgery.  And lots of it.

Saw this on FB and got a kick out of it.  I was single until I was in my early 30's so I can identify with this one.

Have a happy hump day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You sure know how to warm things up! Love that video. They really are clever.
    You and Mister need to create your own video.

  2. My Cavachon, Grace, does not like the temperature outside. She loves to put on her sweater for cold weather and her coat for extreme cold and snow. She a "Preppy Princess". I just found your blog about a month ago, enjoy all your posts. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Barbara - I love cavachons! They are the cutest. I bought Chili the cutest sweater which she refuses to wear. Not big on hair bows either. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Have a wonderful week and hope that Grace and you stay warm.

  3. Sorry about the typo, Should read- She's a "Preppy Princess". I should proofread!

    1. That's ok. If you read my blog for awhile you will see that my middle name is "type." Oooops I meant "typo."

  4. Chère Katie, I enjoy so much watching RHLA! They are so funny! But as I already told you, we are very very late in France. The French channel Chérie 25 has only bought the first 3 or 4 seasons. What a pity!
    Here in Charente, the temperature is 64°... and the sky is blue. We make the most of it because it will not last!

    1. Bonjour Caroline!!! I love hearing from you and always read your comments in head with a french accent! Enjoy that beautiful weather that you are having. 64 degrees is a distant memory! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope that your weekend is tres bien!! Avoir!

    2. Chère Katie, it is such a pleasure for me to read your blog, I like it a lot! Passez un très bon week-end vous aussi.

  5. Ah Katie....you can make the entire world smile......what would we do without you???? Loved it!!

  6. When I saw the title and picture I thought one of your four legged children was going to to a tell all. Semi disappointed but that other family is terrific! Actually those kids look as if they are going to burst out laughing at any time. I think RHBH started off really calmly. Bring it on ladies!!

  7. As I watched RHOBH last night, I was dying to hear your commentary! Maybe we can invent a "Katie Closed Captioning" option to run during a show?

  8. Once again I am grateful that I can stay up on the RHO somewhere thanks to you...I usually have to on Demand the series on a snow day. Didn't know Lisa Renner's lips were part of the group this season...her lips were made for talking.

  9. Love those housewives!

    Your favorite family lives in my town......he used to be our local newscaster and he was comical and had just as much personality as he does in the videos. His wife is such a great dancer, she can move! I want to live in their family!


  10. Thank you for always brightening my days!! Enjoy the rest if the week! xoxo

  11. What a great way to start my day with that hilarious video. That family is too cute for words. Stay warm!

  12. You always make me laugh - love the video and yes, the housewives…can't wait for this season, but most importantly for your commentary!!

  13. We watched RHOBH today - twice, just to be sure we didn't miss anything. Lisa Rinna is going to be a most excellent addition to the cast. I love having Camille, Taylor and Adrienne back but Adrienne in particular has gone a little crazy with the facial treatments. Yikes! Andy has really sucked me in with the teasers for "This season on RHOBH..."
    Stay warm, my friend!

  14. Ha! so funny .. I thought Lisa had those large lips reduced?? .. guess not! Such a fun video and I too am all about that BASS;) Katie, you and the Mister need to make a similar video. I KNOW you can dance girlie;)


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