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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Turkey Day Oops

An oldie but a goodie.  
What was your biggest Thanksgiving faux pas?

Have a great Sunday.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I had to smile that picture of the pup on the Thanksgiving table could be Chow, I think you will need to watch him this year!

    1. Cindy... I had the same (dreadful) thought. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. We hosted 40 for eight years in Chicago before we moved to Knoxville. I had my husband take a casserole down to the basement fridge the night before, and he had to take out the turkey to rearrange things. Thursday morning I found the turkey on the floor near the fridge. He forgot to put it back in. Quick trip to grocery stores to find a very large fresh bird! Still laugh about that one.

  3. well does making a chicken or what I thought was a chicken (but really was a turkey) count? When everyone was oohing and ahhhing over how big it was and thinking i "knew how to pick them"....the joke was on me when we soon realized it was actually a turkey. Full discolosure, I was 22 and a newlywed!

  4. I don't have a "oops" Thanksgiving story but when my first husband and I were first married I wanted to show off my "culinary" skills to his grandparents who were visiting us from Scotland. I thought I'd make spaghetti....who could mess that up, right?! Well, apparently me because I burned the sauce....oh well, they were very gracious about it and acted like it was no big deal.

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day....do you do Black Friday?

    1. Judy, my girls are home so I have a sneaking suspicion we may be out in the throes of Black Friday! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  5. I haven't had one but I do remember Deborah on Everyone Loves Raymond who dropped the turkey like the woman above. Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. About 10 years ago my husband volunteered to make Thanksgiving dinner; the kids were alarmed and I was delighted. I made the cranberry sauce and pie (I wasn't letting them go down with the proverbial ship). He cooked the turkey in a bag - just like my sister - but instead of a plastic roasting bag, he tried to use a brown paper grocery bag. The gravy was watery and tasteless. And I knew we were in trouble when I walked into the kitchen at 2 pm and it smelled like breakfast, because my husband put 1 tsp instead of 1/8 tsp of nutmeg in the stuffing and proceeded to cook it alongside the turkey for hours until it was rock-hard. A memorable Thanksgiving.

    1. Toooo funny, Paige! Sounds like that story is brought up every year. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Paige!

  7. I left the neck and the plastic bag of giblets still in the turkey when I cooked it. I was a newlywed and in my early 20's. We found them when my husband was carving the bird! I was embarrassed in front of my family but we removed the bag and ate the turkey anyway.

    1. Been there, done that! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Kathleen!

  8. Bonjour chère Katie. Ha ha, this is very funny (and disgusting!) .No Thanksgiving faux-pas , as you can guess! But for me, Thanksgiving = "Friends" + "Dr Queen"... I'm ashamed!!! Seriously, I like this idea of entertaining your family to give thanks for everything good in your life. This is very positive! Bonne journée.

    1. Bonjour mon amie Caroline! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  9. That was so funny but you know my favorite thing in this post is that sweet puppy getting his Thanksgiving feast! Have a great week!

  10. Leaving my food out on the island for my late dog Hogan to ingest and need his stomach pumped! LOL! Ah good times good times!

  11. My biggest Thanksgiving Day oops was definitely when I almost poisoned my mom with an incorrectly defrosted turkey. Maybe that explains why I'm not asked to host Thanksgiving very often...
    Have a wonderful visit with your girls!


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