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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to you, #2!!!


Dear # 2,

Happy birthday! This is the first birthday that you have had that I have not been able to wake you up with a kiss and sing happy birthday to you in my Barbra voice. That's okay though... because I know deep in my heart that you are so happy at college and that fills me with  more joy more than you can imagine.

I was in Walgreens today and there was a baby in a stroller that looked just like you when you were little.  It also appeared that she was a very good shopper, quiet and patient,  just like I trained you to be!

And you grew up to be such a wonderful, smart, funny young lady.  Daddy and I are so proud of you and the young woman that you have become. 

It was smooth sailing for our family until your senior year.  It was suppose to be your best year - you worked  hard for 3 years and you earned it. 

And yet things did not turn out as we had planned...

Instead of spending most of your time last year at senior parties and good -bye luncheons, you spent them at doctors offices and hospitals.  But you did it with a smile and with such grace for one so young.

You braved two surgeries in four months and never complained or felt sorry for yourself.  You gave up going to Prom and Senior Ditch Day - not because you didn't feel like going but because you were too weak or too sick to go.  I shed many more tears during that painful time than you ever did.

Finally...after one awful year you are on the road to recovery.  Through the Grace of God!  You are going to the college that has always been your first choice. You have taken on all that your new school has to offer with a vengeance. You found yourself a great group of friends and from what you tell me, you are having the time of your life.  


For this, I am eternally grateful.

So, #2, happy birthday dear girl!  I sent you gifts but you have given your Dad and me a gift that can't be paralleled.  You have shown us the true meaning of courage, faith, and most of all - grace in the line of fire.

Happy birthday, sweet #2, you have grown and matured more in a year than most people do in a lifetime.

We love you and are so proud to call you our daughter.


(Mom upside down) 
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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