Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

#2 Flees the Nest

Well the day finally came.  The Mister and I were moving our #2, our baby, into her college dorm.

We arrived at 8:30AM sharp on a very warm rainy day.  There was a large banner welcoming the class of 2016. 
While we sat in the car line waiting to unload, I began to feel melancholy and a little teary-eyed, thinking about how many carpool lines that I had sat in in the past 15 years.   This is the first "drop off" line that I won't be back in the afternoon for "pick-up." I quickly put on my sunglasses even though it was a very wet, dark day so my girl wouldn't see her old Mom's eyes welling up with tears. 

Students and staff were helpful with unloading all the essentials for the new students.  Parents were wearing sad smiles and exchanged looks with one another acknowledging the fact that they all were sharing the same bittersweet experience.

Our girl's new home away from home is on the 3rd floor of her dorm.  Her new casa lacks two things:  an elevator and air conditioning.  Although we live with stifling heat here in our great state of Texas 3 months a year, it doesn't bother us because we go from one cool air conditioned car to an air conditioned place. This was quite a difference!

We had our work cut out for us.  Thank the Lord it was only a cool 98 degrees in that room of hers!

Her new "kitchen".

We could have used a dozen of these!

Dad & Daughter on duvet duty.

 #1 essential to all college girl's room...full length mirror.

#2's adorable duvet is reversible. No political association with the elephants.

Closet situation is a bit challenging. 

The Mister said if we had any more kids, I would have to get a job at the Container Store. 

TV strategically located to keep up with late breaking news stories and Pretty Little Liars. 

#2 and I made that pillow in sewing class this summer with Miss Glenda.

 The big board in the middle is a bulletin board that #1 made for her little sis.

The school hosted a cook-out for the families.  The Mister ran down to grab some burgers and we ate in the room while getting things settled. The Mister kept looking down at the crowd sitting and relaxing.  He told me that they were probably parents of boys - the girls' parents still had a couple of hours of "decorating" ahead of them! 

We got finished in #2's room about 5 and then went to a family supper held at the school.

  It was finally time to say good bye.  I've prepared her for this moment for 18 years and I knew she was ready for it.  I just hadn't thought about preparing myself.  I held it together through the hugs but as I turned my back to get in the car I heard her say one more  "I love you", so I quickly got in the car, held my breath and cried like a baby as soon as we drove out of the the driveway.

"I see children as kites. You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you're both breathless ... they crash ... you add a longer tail ... Finally they are airborne, but they need more string so you keep letting it out. With each twist of the ball of twine there is a sadness that goes with the joy, because the kite becomes more distant, and somehow you know it won't be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that bound you together and soar as it was meant to soar, free and alone."
~Erma Bombeck.

Have a great Tuesday.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Congrats to #2 and good luck to you! Thank goodness you still have Gypsy!

  2. She is just adorable :) and I know what you're feeling! I have one out of college and the other is starting her final year. Although I see the financial light at the end of the tunnel.. I have all kinds of different emotions. I'm not ready to go in to this empty nest, down-size world that's approaching!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'll look forward to following you back!


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