Some people fantasize about mansions and fancy cars...just give me a pretty, little, bright room with two big machines that do all the work for me and I'm happy!
Talbots Spring Essentials
Lands' End Favorites
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Some people fantasize about mansions and fancy cars...just give me a pretty, little, bright room with two big machines that do all the work for me and I'm happy!
Preppy Empty Nester

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Hello, I'm Katie

I'm Katie. Welcome to my blog. I am an empty nester meandering through my midlife years one page at a time. We sold our antique home on the South Shore of Massachusetts in October 2020 and relocated to the Dallas suburbs and our forever home.
I love to write about books, movies, TV, celebrities, shopping, decorating, Bravo, and weekend adventures. My favorite writing material, however, is derived from my family: the Mister, my girls, #1 and #2, my favorite son-in-law, and my new little mischief-maker, thoroughly darling Millie. I love hearing from my wonderful readers.
You can contact me at:
number one please! oh, and did you see HousewivesNYC last night?! Those women are crazy and so fun to watch!!
katie, thanks for your kind words! just skimmed your blog and learned you are on the real housewives crack (as ami!) and andy cohen (check) finding kindred spirits and look forward to catching up on your site. and your girls are beautiful (arranged marriage appeal to you? i have two sons.).
Screw the pretty - just find me someone that will wash, fold, and put it all away....oh, and iron if necessary would be fine too.