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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Mister's 2024 Gift Guide


I hope all is well in your world.  We celebrated Adorable Jonathon's birthday over the weekend. Initially, we were going to take the gang out for lunch, but baby Lucy was battling her first cold, so we ordered in.


My #1 cautioned me about holding Baby Lucy because of her sniffles. I told her that I didn't care if the kid had rabies; nothing would keep me away from holding that little bundle of love! 

Mission accomplished!

Miss Lucy and her namesake and godmother.  
That little arm pose slays me!

We had a wonderful time celebrating AJ's birthday.  Unfortunately, I was too busy trying to get my hands on our baby girl to get any pics of the guys.

You asked for it; you got it.  I have heard from several of you asking for a gift guide penned by the Mister for the guys. Take it away, Mister...

Hi Everyone! When Katie and I were first married, she asked me what I wanted for Christmas.  My one-word answer was toys. I have given her the same answer for 34 years

In other words, this is a clothes-free zone.  Thanks to Katie's sharp eye for a sale, I look like a geriatric ad for Vineyard Vines.  We live a few miles from the VV outlet, and I have the closet to prove it.

For the guy who loves watches as much as I do.


 Great price!




The bottom of Katie's travel backpack looks like a clearance aisle at Best Buy.  Someone has to keep our tech accessories in order.

Sometimes, the Wi-Fi can be spotty during our travels, so I invested in one of these.
Katie gets quite cranky when she can't check Instagram.

Kindle just released a few new models, including one in color. We decided to skip that one because it has gotten some bad reviews.  We are going with this one.  It will be a Kindle kind of Christmas for Katie and me.

According to Katie, I snore.  The jury's still out on that one.  I bought a sound machine, and I put it on Katie's side. I set the control to an earsplitting fan sound and haven't heard a complaint since.

For the travelin' man.



Perfect for the guy who loves to take pictures or the poor sucker who is married to a blogger.

For the commuting guy.

I have one of these in every room in the house as well as our cars.


For the person who never remembers his sunglasses.



My best friend for my old-man aches and pains.

Katie gave me one of these for Christmas a few years ago and this thing is worth every penny.

If any of your family suffers from foot pain like me, this will definitely be their favorite stocking stuffer.




Creme Brulle torch for him and dessert for you! 

The BEST invention!

We love ours!

You might want to have one of these on-hand if your man is learning to cook or wants to give that torch a whirl.

Or if Katie stops over and asks to use your stove.

This too!

Great for barbequing, too.

For the guy with dull knives.

I ordered a couple of these and like them.

Katie gave me one of these for my birthday, and it does a great job.

Katie hit it out of the ballpark when she gave me this ice cream maker for my birthday.  I have been having so much fun experimenting with new flavors.  I've already come up with the perfect one I will serve on Thanksgiving. It is user-friendly and easy to clean.

This would make a great couple's gift too. 

I got tired of Katie's jet fuel so I treated myself to one of these over the Summer.  Another user-friendly appliance.

I bought one of these for my study.
I can finally watch my war movies in peace.
No pun intended.

Our #1 and AJ gave us one of these frames and we absolutely love it.  We placed it in a corner of the den where we could both see it.  
I also gave one to my Mother, who keeps it on her kitchen table so she can watch it while she enjoys her meals.


 This thing sounds amazing!




I keep a similar bag packed in the car just in case our kids need a handyman at a moment's notice.  

Katie always insists on going on those missions so that she can hold Lucy and pet Lemmy.



 I'd rather get tools over clothes any day of the week.


This always comes in handy.  I just used ours to dust off some wreaths that were stored in the attic.

Always a crowd-pleaser!

 Give him one of these and promise to give him a massage in the year 2030, like Katie.


 This will keep a grandpa and grandchildren entertained.


My favorite kind of tools are the ones that can do 125 different things.

A must-have for cars!


Another must-have!

Drink like a Dutton!

And since we are talking about must-haves...

 Best Dad toy for 2024!


My answer to every question Katie asks me.

For the newly-minted Grandpa that needs to brush up on his joke-telling skills.

Thanks very much, Mister.  
Don't hold your breath on that Porsche.

If you need more gift inspo...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Thanks for all the recommendations. I definitely need them for the guys in our family. The geriatric Vineyard Vines comment had me laughing out loud!

  2. I need to know what the best invention is - the probe- as the link goes to Jones Road Beauty miracle balm- hahaha. I’m thinking it’s the sous vida but a link would be great!
    Thank you so much Mister for the list- I appreciate it. Me in CA enjoying a new chapter.

    1. OOOPS...thanks for the comment. I guess one of my links got mixed up with his. The invention is a wifi meat thermometer. I can feel you excitement! Have a great week! xx

  3. Great job on the gift guide! Thanks!

  4. Thank you Mister! I Just ordered the grill baskets and thinking about whether or not the ice cream maker will make me fat - or just happy.

    1. Take it from one who knows Leslie Anne it will make you fat and happy.

  5. Wonderful list. Thank you! Makes me wish my husband and I were both a little younger.
    We're more in our downsizing years rather than accumulating mode, and we have everything we could want! But WOW! Some of these may have to "come in!'

  6. A special thank you to the Mister for plenty of ideas for the men in my family. Lucy is adorable! I know you are the perfect grandmother. My daughter-in-love is expecting #4 and we are so excited! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Hoping #1 will give us a gift guide again this year:).

  8. Sweet Miss Lucy steals my heart every time I see her! I'm with you Katie, holding a sick grandchild is worth whatever you may catch! You did it again Mister, thank you for your great ideas. We have bought every meat thermometer you've suggested over the years and many of your kitchen/grilling gadgets and they're always a hit. I'll have to go back and look at your book recommendations as you and my guy are on the same page (Pardon my pun!) in that department. Feel better soon Sweet Lucy 🩷 KTG
    Pardon my pun Mister! ;)

  9. Happy belated birthday to Adorable Jonathan! Sure hope Miss Lucy is fully recovered from her cold. I look forward to the Mister’s annual gift ideas and forwarded - immediately - to my Mister to get him thinking on all the gadgets he doesn’t yet know he needs. The blogger resources, of course, will be high on the list because there’s nothing my Mister loves more than taking my picture. xo

  10. Mister, please, do you have a non stick skillet favorite? Thanks in advance!


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