Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, January 25, 2016

A Bowl Full of Buffalo Checks

Hello, dear friends.  I bet a lot of you are happy that the weekend and the snow storm is in your rearview mirror.  What a storm!  We got more of the white stuff than we expected we would.  Along with the storm, we had blustery winds as well.  I wanted to put weights on Chili's little ankles so she wouldn't blow away.  Unfortunately, we had to miss the great party that I was looking forward to due to the Mister's safety first policy.

On top of the snow, many New Englander's hearts were broken on Sunday due to the Pat's loss.  As I used to tell myself in my late twenties on New Year's Eve with no boyfriends in sight... there's always next year.

Today is all about buffalo checks.  I love them and feature them in my sunroom.  So, as I watched the flakes come down this weekend, I pinned my little heart out.  Does anybody know how many calories you can burn from pinning?  I don't want to brag, but I think I lost three pounds. 

My sunroom is my favorite room in the house.

Let the checks begin!  



Living your Dreams

brabourne farm


Chalet San Moritz

Charles Faudree

Interior Design Pro

In my humble opinion, checks and toile are the best combo since peanut butter and jelly.  Or peanut butter and nutella.  Or peanut butter and plain ol' peanut butter.

These toile pics are for you Ann F.!


Joy Tribout Interiors

Stephanie Stokes

Blue & White Living

Until next time...

Oscar's Gourmet, Etsy
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love all the buffalo plaid. We got around 14 inches of snow here with some of the wind, and I pulled a muscle in my back, so there was a lot of pinning going on here too. Enjoy your week, Katie.

  2. Sorry about all the snow out there! Just cold on the plains! LOVE Buffalo Check too -- thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I love buffalo checks too! And toile! I have green buffalo chairs in my sunroom. Great look and I hope it never goes out of style. I'm very tired of gray everywhere. Let's have some color! Thanks for sharing those wonderful pins. I have 14 inches of snow in my yard from this storm. We Richmonders (Virginia) don't do well with snow. I'll be snowed in for a few days, I'm sure. Thank goodness for fun blogs like yours. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks, Linda. My #2 goes to college in VA and she said her town is a mess! She feels the same way about snow as I do. We're not fans. Hope it gets warm and melts all your snow. Thank you for your kind words. They are much appreciated.

  4. Glad you weathered the storm (of course thanks to the mister and his safety first policy:) LOVE buffalo checks, they instantly make s room feel so charming and cozy...but still sophisticated, love your room! We got 26" here and looks like its going to stay awhile..ugh!

  5. I love buffalo checks as well. Your sunroom is one of favorite rooms ever. That would definitely be my spot!

  6. Sorry that you missed your dinner due to the weather.
    I never considered toile with buffalo checks - yes very complimentary.
    Have a great week.

  7. Hello my dear Katie
    Im sorry about your party :( but hope you enjoyed some of the weekend, even for the snow. It was all on the news here, apparently the storm is a-coming across the pond... so we are bracing ourselves, I have been preparing for my mother who lives way out in the countryside
    I love all your pins especially the last one. Toile and checks for me, I love classic styles. Your red buffalo checks look so cheerful in your home
    I hope you have a great week my dear
    much love Sally x

  8. I love big bold buffalo checks, great post! xo K

  9. Ok, first of all, of all the pins I have to say I like your sunroom the best. Truly. I adore it and could move in quite happily tomorrow. Or this afternoon.
    As for snow, we differ on that. I suspect our differences are based on reality. My away at college son, once also an ardent fan, is now like you and your daughter. He's had enough and is eager for the big thaw. Here on Canada's west coast, I would love to see a flake or two. Yes, please. Last snow fall of any significance here? Christmas 2008.

  10. I miss my basement in Georgia where I had big red checked curtains. It was so pretty! Sorry you missed your party, but I'm glad you are safe and had electricity and internet service for the Pinapalooza I'm sure was going on all over the North East!

  11. Love your sunroom and I'm sure it was a beautiful place to watch the storm and pin. I also like the bedroom with the twin beds. What an adorable room. We are finally getting some sun this week after a lot of rain and I couldn't be happier. We are not used to gray skies around here so when they last for several days it's kind of depressing. Glad to see you are all getting some sun after your big storm. I remember those storms while growing up in the Midwest. Have a fabulous week and stay warm!

  12. Your sunroom is gorgeous. I purchased some green and white buffalo check napkins for our kitchen recently and am now craving more! Stay warm!!

  13. lOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT ALL! Buffalo checks, mixed with toile....gorgeous eye candy today! I simply adore the red in your sunroom...perfect!

  14. I love your sun room! Toile and checks is a classic old-school look.

  15. I love toile...and the large checks. As much as I admire checks...I don't have any in my house. I may need to remedy that! I love you sunroom and it makes me miss the one we had in our large house. boohoo. ha! That snow is still at our house...and I wish it would melt as quickly as the witch in the Wizard of Oz! Have a good week. Sheila

  16. If only it were true, pinning burning calories! I think I could be pretty small with all of the things I pin each week.

    I love Toile and Buffalo check, in fact I have a black and white toile room in the house. It is my favorite room.

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful pins. So sorry you missed your party.

  17. OMG....I love checked patterns like I love grits and butter!!! Seriously. My college dorm room was decorated in red checks and my suitemates and friends will never let us live it down. EVERYTHING was red checked!! But it was my first foray into independent decorating and it has stayed with me throughout the years. Many, I may add!
    Your room is so comfy and stylish!!

  18. I agree with you! I LOVE buffalo checks (and toile as well!). Your sun room looks like the most relaxing space. I love how you have it decorated!

  19. I love buffalo checks so much I've pinned 957 of 'em. https://www.pinterest.com/wiggintonellen/buffalo-check-it-out/
    I'm pretty sure I have a pin of your sunroom somewhere in there. Enough of the snow, already. I need some sunshine!

  20. Love all these pins and ideas! If only I won that lottery I'd be set! lol. My family is in MD and PA and got hit hard with the blizzard too. Plus calling for more this weekend, it's crazy! Stay warm and enjoy your day!


  21. I'm a big fan too, and am wondering where they might fit in some way in the new house. Maybe a guest room now that I see some of your pins. We're big Peyton fans, so were happy here on Sunday : )

  22. GET the APP..... MOVE.
    I did 0.1 miles yesterday!Maybe I should take up PINNING!I haven't been on PINTEREST IN YEARS!I think it has changed BIG TIME!I do LOVE The photos I did PIN way back when..........
    I agree TOILE and CHECKS cannot be BEAT...........WELL< MAYBE BY VELVET!
    Glad to hear YOU LISTEN To the MAN of the CASA!

  23. Katie...your sunroom is GORGEOUS! You've inspired me to make some changes in our our sunroom. Not sure I can pull everything together as well as you. Hope you're getting thawed out from the blizzard. Thankfully, we made it out easy here in GA.

  24. Your sun room is very pretty and I love the plaid, especially in red!! Stunning!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  25. Buffalo checks and toile...great combination. Will have to check out you new pins. The two dogs in the last picture look like my grandpugs Beaux and Dak.

  26. I love the sunroom! Just beautiful! Is there a possibly that you could tell me the company that sells the large green Buffalo fabric on the sofa or where I might find it? Thanks very much!

  27. Where can I order that gorgeous green and cream Buffalo couch????


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