Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Downton In The House

Hello, dear friends.  All is pretty quiet around here.  My last boarder, #2, left the Mothership at 5:30 AM today.  Chowdah and Chili keep looking down the hall waiting for her to come barrelling down for breakfast.  As if that's not depressing enough, today is the day that I pledged to get back on the exercise wagon.  I have accumulated some excess baggage around the middle due to all the sugary and salty sins of the past six few weeks.  I wish the weight were as easy to take off as it is to put on.

Well, did you watch it last night?  If you need to ask what I am talking about, then I guess you didn't. 

The Mister and I usually record DA and watch it on Monday night because we are old and can't stay up late.  But not last night.  We have been anticipating this night for months and did not want to miss it.  We watched the pre-show chock full of interviews with the cast as well. 

Mrs. Patmore and Daisy 

Edith and Mrs. Hughes

The thing that we were surprised about was how different some of the cast members look in real life.  I would not know the actress that plays Mrs. Hughes if she walked up to me and ordered me to clean the kitchen. 

Ran across this picture on Pinterest.  
Helloooooooo Mr. Bates!!

The first episode started off slowly to set the groundwork for the season.  I am so glad that they finally put an end to the incessant Mr. Green story line and Anna and Bates are clear of all charges.  Now we can concentrate on them starting a family.  

In honor of Downton Abbey and my friend Sally from across the pond, I perused my beloved Pinterest for photos of English Country decor, which I absolutely love.


I think I need a cozy cottage like this one.

The English Home

I'd be guaranteed to have sweet dreams in this gorgeous room.


The Mister has many talents.  Hanging a group of prints evenly such as in this beautiful bath is not one of them.  If anybody out there has a hubby with that talent, can we trade for a week?  The Mister makes a mean steak tartare.


Love the red and gold!



Wiseman and Gal

Ralph Lauren


Love the dark woods.  If I lived here, my kindle and I would never leave this room.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. We are huge fans! Great pics. I love that red library. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Love it when the show is all about life at Downton and I agree about the Mr. Green storyline! And sadly, my daughter left this morning too :-(

  3. YES< I TOO TUNED IN..........loved it!
    Now, you have ADS on your sidebar I tried to BUY that grey coat yesterday from someone else's sidebar and it NEVER took the order.........bottom line no BUY NOW button!Just saying...........
    I have THAT HUSBAND WHO CAN DO THE PHOTO HANGING!!!!Everything is measured wall, back of print.....wire etc........DRIVES ME NUTS!I LOVE to eyeball it and stick a big FAT nail in the wall!IT ALWAYS WORKS FOR ME!!!

    1. OMG I have one of those as well. I goes with the actuarial education
      Katie - beautiful pics and so many places to read

  4. Loved the show, and yes, I was also shocked at the real appearance of Mrs. Hughes! My only complaint was there was no Ralph Lauren ad before the show, which I used to look forward to as much as the actual program!

  5. I was glued to every minute with popcorn in hand (okay, mouth). There will probably be a lot of boo hooing when the last episode airs. Love, love, love all the English cottage decor xo Laura

  6. I enjoyed the show. I'm glad the lady blackmailing Mary (I can't recall her name) didn't have a large part. I don't need to see that story drag out. Loved seeing little George and Marigold!
    My husband is great at hanging pictures. He loves that sort of project (just cover your ears for an occasional 4-letter word). Let me know when you need him and I'll send him right over. --Niki

  7. You won't be disappointed in the season and the series finale. It was the best (IMHO). Watching it again on local PBS and looking forward to next week. I too can't stay awake past 9 when it airs and am thankful for the DVR.

  8. Hello Katie my dear,

    I am all smiles and blushes across the pond, how lovely of you to mention me :)) what a beautiful post, I absolutely love every picture it is quintessential English style.
    I am thrilled for you all to be at the start of your Downton Abbey season, I know you will enjoy it so very much...there were some nostalgic tears by the finale which was wonderful, shown here on Christmas Day...the characters and story, so true to English life..what can I say, Downton is a masterpiece.

    I do hope you are having a Happy New Year, even for your daughter leaving today.Though the holidays are over there are lovely memories to share from the recent days of merriment

    With much love to you,as always

  9. We were glued to the set last night, too, and what got us very excited were the fashions. Coco Chanel is being channeled in those beautiful dresses and headbands... So excited to have them all back on our lives! Happy 2016!
    C + C

  10. My husband can hang pictures! We'll be right down :)

  11. Katie Dear,

    Happy New Year! I am so glad you had a wonderful season with you family and that your girls were able to be home. I know you miss them.

    I did tune in, and loved every beautiful minute of it! I am probably one of the few viewers who likes Lady Mary, but I am glad that Edith seems to be finding her place in the world. It is interesting to see history play out because as we know from living well on the other end of the time span, the way of life for the grand estates of Edwardian England does not last, and they have to find other ways to support them. I think that is why I love talking to older people so much, especially those in their eighties and older; they have seen so much change and so much history. I cannot wait until next Sunday.

  12. I loved your Downton Abbey cast pictures. I wouldn't recognize them either. Edith looks so much prettier than she does on the show. And Mr. Bates...wow! I have already watched the season with the British station on my laptop. It is wonderful and I think a better season than the last. Enjoy!!

  13. Oh, yes, I was perched right in front of the TV last night and could not wait. I would not recognize Mrs. Bates either. They all play such great roles and I hate to see it come to an end. But, guess all good things do..........

  14. I adore your blog, Katie! The best. My husband, the OCD plastic surgeon, hangs a mean wall of pictures. I missed Downton last night as I was having my 3rd party of the new year (and getting rid of the leftovers from our major bash) but must watch it now. Definitely a change from Transparent, which I have been binge watching this weekend. Will definitely shed a tear from Downton ends!

    1. Legal Lioness... Let me understand this... your husband is a plastic surgeon AND he can hang pictures evenly?? I call that a JACKPOT!! I'll trade you for a week and he won't even have to hang pics. He'll be too busy in the OR restoring my lost youth. Thanks for your sweet note and enjoy the rest of your week.

  15. I loved last night's episode! I DVRed the pre-show shows to savor at another time. This being the final season, I feel that I must draw things out as much as possible. So glad the Mr. Green stuff is over and that Lady Mary's blackmailer was dispatched so quickly. I sure hope that there is no time for that story line to reappear!

  16. We were also glued to the tv last night...it was wonderful and I will be SO sad to see it end. Did you know the Downton Abbey is now going to be a hotel?? I think you and the Mister need to go!! Have a wonderful week! xoxo

  17. Great post, Katie!!! Total eye candy. To Pinterest i go! Anne

  18. Lovely rooms...pinned a few to my dream home......left treats for Chili and Chowdah to soften the blow of missing the girls...

  19. Love the more neutral English palette, the traditional pieces and coziness of each room (although a bit too cluttered for me and my Swiffer duster).

    As soon as it's available, I plan to buy the Downton Abbey seasons 1-6 boxed DVD set and finally watch it!

    1. It's a little cluttered for my Mr. as well. Can't wait to hear what you think of DA. Enjoy your week.

  20. Katie I was so excited for Downton and it did not disappoint! A heartwarming episode!
    We need more PBS series like this!!

    The Arts by Karena
    New Years Thoughts!

  21. Love Downton...I am already beginning the mourning process for when it actually ends. It may require alcohol, nevermind daily life often requires alcohol, so carry on. I am the upstairs and downstairs help in my home, life here, "kind of" boring. I am also glad that the Mr. Greene scenes are behind us.

  22. Thank the lord for small mercies. I wasn't able to watch this Sunday and I am DELIGHTED to learn that Mr. Greene has been dealt with. That vignette went on for far too long. I'm excited to see this episode. Happily they should show it on Sunday night before episode two.
    My two went back to college yesterday. M at dawn and H at 11:30 PM. The house is SO quiet. Poppy is very confused. She also bops in and out of their bedrooms and is following me around more than normal. And I have to say it is very odd to find the kitchen in the same state it was when I went out.

  23. Love this post! Was so excited to watch the season premiere of Downton and I wasn't disappointed. Agree that it was interesting to see how different the actors look in real life. Many of them are much better looking!

  24. My nest is still not empty! Daughter leaves tomorrow and maybe then I can get back to some sort of routine that includes diet and exercise! Loved the first episode and agree with all of your thoughts. I'd be happy in any of those rooms too!

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