Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Stunning Stripes on a Sunday

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that y'all are enjoying your weekend.  The Mister and I did a little shopping and went to see The Finest Hours yesterday, which I enjoyed a lot more that I thought I would.

The critics weren't so crazy about The Finest Hours, but I thought it was an interesting story and an exciting film.

But what do I know?


Today is all about stripes.  When the Mister and I lived in Boca Raton many years ago, we bought a house that had a very small dining room with very high ceilings.  I came up with the brilliant idea of putting a wallpaper with vertical stripes on the walls.  When the paper hanger finished his job, he told me that he developed a migraine from being in the room.  I told him that I would take that as a compliment and left out a tip when I wrote his check.

Boy, was he right.  It looked like a room from Alice in Wonderland.  The worst part of it was that I didn't want to let on to the Mister that I needed Dramamine every time I walked into the room.  That was one of many decorating mistakes that I made in my homes across the country.  Lucky for me, the Mister got transferred a lot.

Today, I offer you photos of rooms that wear their stripes well.


Style at Home

Style at Home

Love this settee.

Barker and Stonehouse


Bee Cottage

One of my favorite books.

Francesco Catalano


Love this whole room.
Canoe, canoe?


Harpers Bazaar

If the Mister would buy me a beach house, I would decorate one of the 12 baths just like this one.


Opal Houses

Yes, please!!

Home Bunch

There's always one smart acre that takes things too far...

What was your biggest decorating mistake?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie these rooms are all beautiful! I have not used stripes in my decorating but now you have me rethinking that! I hope that you have a fabulous day!

  2. Way back in the eighties I had my son's kiddie bathroom wallpapered with navy and white striped paper. It looked fine during his youth...but it eventually came off. We discovered the peroxide in his teen face medicine bleached spots of the paper. Now why my teenage son found it necessary to put his hands on the walls is unknown to me? Supporting himself while brushing his teeth on early school mornings? No clue. I do like stripes...and I think the wide painted strips appeal to me more than wallpaper. Sheila

  3. I am a stripe lover. We have lived in our home for 27 years, and when we moved in I went crazy with striped wallpaper; 3 boys bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, dining room window treatments, tone on tone living room drapes, tone on tone stripe slipper chairs, etc. (you get the idea). I still love stripes, but the bedrooms have since been painted solid blue. I still have the window treatments up, they are gorgeous and I love them.

    My biggest design mistake was the entire 1980's pastel vibe; brushstroke teal/peach/mauve fabrics and wallpaper. Ugh....what was I thinking! Have since reverted to a more traditional/classic design style. Have a nice week, Sherri

    1. Sherri... That's the story of my life... "what was I thinking?" Have a great week.

  4. Hello dear Katie

    I hope you are well too, the stripes are beautiful I have saved some of your lovely pictures.I especially like black or navy with white, Chili and Chowdah would co-ordinate with the colour scheme...they look so cute in the g picture together.

    You are so good to keep up with all the movies, I have had too much work to do but I am consoling myself watching Jackie Brown on tv tonight ( an old favourite) hopefully Ill take a free day soon
    With love to you for a happy Sunday
    Sally xx

    ps. I think you would like homemade scones, with jam and clotted cream :)

    1. No question about it... I would like anything on scones.

  5. Because I wore plaid for 11 of my 12 uniformed years of schooling (my first year in royal blue solid jumper), I became quite used to stripes in any direction. My favorite of those Pinteresting rooms is the neutral stripes with black frames. I had not even heard of Finest Hours...may give it a try.

  6. Remember when sponging walls was popular? I decided to try it on my master bath walls. I forget the colors--I think rust and gold were involved. It was horrible, but no one ever saw it but me. By the time my husband returned from work, I had repainted it Bone White.

    1. Susie - I "sponged" walls in a guest bath. The Mister came home and told me that it looked like a dirty school bus. That was then end of my sponging career. Enjoy your week.

  7. There was so much to love here...decorating mistakes..too numerous to mention!

  8. That striped navy & white couch is stunning! I never decorated with stripes but own many striped shirts. I was in our favorite store (tj maxx) & saw a lovely navy & white striped dress. Sizes offered were too small for DD or my niece but sooo cute. Hope all is well; let's try & meet for lunch soon. Hugs, Dawn

    1. Hi Dawn... I swear I saw that dress at our TJM's! Yes, let's plan a lunch in the Spring!

  9. My Prince was all about white walls for a very long time. AMOF, when a friend and I painted the spare bathroom in Arizona, there was almost a divorce. I have always been careful when it comes to decor, so not too many mistakes. When we moved back to Texas, I did paint one wall in the half bath in barn red. Yes, I am still married and the prince LOVED the color. No stripes here.....we have a western/rustic theme.

  10. Thankfully my clients don't get to make mistakes but in my own home I let my husband buy a sofa and a chair and a half (anyone remember those?) because his family was coming for Christmas.

  11. In my first house, I immediately painted the kitchen (including the cathedral ceiling) yellow. The room faced southwest, had lots of windows and was very sunny. I needed to cook in sunglasses.

  12. I'm crazy about stripes and have already pinned one of your photos!
    Happy February to you!

  13. Oooh - kind of love stripes! Have a long hallway and wide vertical stripe wallpaper. I love it, but the guy who does my painting keeps asking when I want it removed? Guess he's not a fan! :) Have a super week! Blizzard hitting here tonight -- hoping for a snow day! :)

  14. Okay, that doggie pic is just way too cute!!! I'm not a huge fan of stripes, and I laughed at your experience with the striped wallpaper, but at least it wasn't foil and flocked, right? (like some I shudder to remember from years gone by - my in-laws' home). I do like the black and white bathroom, however, and the huge canoe light fixture is just what I need in my living room. I'd say that the biggest decorating mistake I've made is ignoring the need to decorate. When we remodeled our current house, we painted every single wall white, since there was just so much to do and so much expense all at once. It took years for me to get anything else on the walls (besides fingerprints). I should probably spend some time on Pinterest for inspiration. Do you know if there is a site for ambition?

  15. Don't you just adore stripes? It's so coastal! Love the inspiration today Katie! How are those pups doing lately?

  16. I've used striped wallpaper in each of my homes. My favorite was the DR in my previous home: the palest yellow and ivory 3" stripe, with the same pale, pale yellow taffeta panels. Then I had the wallpaper removed and it was painted indigo blue with bright white woodwork. So chic. But I missed that striped wallpaper. One of my mistakes was having the master bedroom (quite large) painted peach. As soon as the painter finished, I paid him and asked if he could return the next day to paint it all over again. My mister was incredibly nice about it. I was much harder on myself. Marilyn in Mt. Vernon, VA

    1. I've had a few of those "re-paint" days in the past. I love your beautiful town, Marilyn! Thanks for taking the time to comment and have a good week!

  17. I love them all, except for the gold striped refrigerator. There is something so classic and attractive about stripes. By the way, I think your next move should be to Chicago. Just sayin'...

  18. Hi Katie! Thank you for
    visiting -- I loved hearing
    how The Art of Racing in
    the Rain resonated with
    your husband, too!

    I love the possibilities
    that January and February
    (and even March, as
    we live in MN) hold for
    my home. I've got a
    nice to-do list that I
    hope to accomplish
    before the snow melts
    and the outdoor clamors
    for attention!

    xo Suzanne

  19. I love the "canoe" room and the bedroom with the striped comforter! One of the "Finest Hours" authors, Casey Sherman, went to high school with me. I think he is a year older. He's come back to the Cape, hosting movie viewings as fund raisers for the library, etc...

  20. My biggest decorating mistake was thinking I could decorate anything. Loved the story about your dining room. I'll remember that next time I think stripes might look good in one of my rooms.


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