Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hodgepodge in my Pajamas

Hello, dear friends.  The weather has been positively beautiful around here up until today.  I took a nice long walk on Monday, and it made me wish for Spring more than ever.

In the meantime, if it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  Describe love using all five senses.

Pioneer Woman

I think that love smells and tastes like the Mister's beef stew as it simmers quietly on a cold, snowy day.  What can I say?  Food is love. 

2.  February is Canned Food Month.  What's your favorite food that comes straight from the can?

I don't eat a lot of food out of a can.  Every once in awhile, I enjoy stewed tomatoes with a stick of butter, dash of salt, and some croutons.   

3.  A principal in a UK school recently sent home a letter to parents (the parents!) dress appropriately when escorting their children to/from school (basically saying please don't wear your pajamas)  You can read the letter here  It's gotten a lot of publicity, both positive and negative.  Your thoughts?  And do/did you ever make the school run (or hit Starbucks, Walmart, etc.) in your pjs.

I might have been guilty of driving my girls to school once or twice in my jammies, but I never stopped anywhere.  

Then again, after seeing these two fashion plates, I may change my position on wearing jams in public.

4.Crew neck, v-neck, turtleneck, scoop neck... which is most prevalent in your wardrobe?

This turtleneck is a total game changer for this lovely chef.

I have more turtlenecks in my closet than any other type of shirt.  I love turtlenecks because they camouflage a multitude of sins.  The almighty turtleneck covers my triple chin and crepey neck.  I wish I could wear them all year long.

5.  I read here recently a list of four things to avoid so you wake up happier.  They were late night snacks, hitting the snooze button, social media just before bed/upon waking, checking emails.

Are you guilty of any of these behaviors?  Which on that list do you need to work harder at avoiding?

This is such a timely question.  I have had the worst time sleeping the last couple of weeks.  The Mister "suggested" I put the phone away before I go to bed.  The problem is I use my phone to change the channel and then before I know it, I am scrolling through Instagram.   I'm going to experiment tonight.  I am going to turn in the phone for the clicker.  If it works, mum's the word to the Mister.  He revels in being right.

6.  Share something you remember about a house you lived in as a child.  Of all the homes you lived in as a child, which did you love best?

I grew up in this house.  My parents lived in this home for forty years.  I have a lot of great memories of the old homestead -  everything from leaving for my first day of kindergarten to getting dressed on my wedding day.  

This is a photo of my Mom telling me that if I'm good, someday I will grow up and become a supermodel trophy wife.

Rushing to the church with Sista and hoping that we don't have a runaway groom on our hands.

7.  Your favorite movie based on a true story?

I positively loved The Blind Side.  And that also happens to be the last time that I watched football.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I  spend a lot of my valuable trophy wife time on the computer writing the blog, pinning until my fingertips burn, stalking Facebook, commenting on other blogs, and scrolling through Instagram, which brings me to my newfound addiction.

Doodle Instagrams.

I can't get enough of them.  These are two of the thousands of doodles that I follow.  I need help.  Does anybody know of a support group for this kind of thing?

I'm willing to check myself into rehab for my addiction, provided they have wine and cable. 

What's your favorite movie based on a true story?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Can I move into that house? I love the roofline! And I like the pic of you and sista. :-) Mister must not have taken off. ;-) I need to leave my phone downstairs, but can't separate from my Kindle. I'm going to join Instagram one of these days and then I'll check that out!

  2. Your childhood home is somewhat similar to our 100 year old Tudor house in NJ. Loved seeing the pictures especially the one of you and your sister going to your wedding!

  3. Good morning from sunny Saint Lucia...I love your Hodgepodge posts...and your childhood home (and wedding pic) are so beautiful! Sending you some sunshine! Hugs!!

  4. Your childhood home is somewhat similar to our 100 year old Tudor house in NJ. Loved seeing the pictures especially the one of you and your sister going to your wedding!

    1. I wonder if your home had all sorts of creaks and weird sounds in the nights, like ours? Have a great weekend, Melissa. Hope you don't get a lot of snow.

  5. I haven't seen the doodlegrams, but confess to being in love with the Hedgehographer. Yes in 2015 we follow animals online. It's a thing. Loved your childhood memories and photos. I agree food is love.

  6. Your childhood is somewhat similar to our 100 year old Tudor house in NJ. Love the picture of you and your sister headed to your wedding.

  7. I follow way too many Instagram Pug pics too! It's a dog thing! But, they are so so so cute! (Occasionally I see people in pics too.)

  8. LOVED the Blind Side too, I was ready to adopt right away and Sandra was amazing in her role! Let me sown what you find out about getting a restful sleep..I too am waking up in the middle of the night and not sleeping like I wold like, although took melatonin last few nights and it definitely helped! Hope you have a great day...dreary here but getting to almost 60!

  9. Love your childhood home, it is beautiful. The Blind Side is one of my favorites too. Sandra Bullock is an amazing actress and did a great job in that role. I don't think the warm weather is here to stay in the Northeast. We shall see ;)

  10. Your childhood home looks amazing and filled with wonderful memories...just as it should be! Love The Blind Side, too. My favorite movie based on a true story would have to be Tuesdays With Morrie. Makes me cry every time, but so touching!

  11. Katie,

    I must tell you I love everything about your blog. The length is just right, since I lose interest when they are too long. Your topics are perfect, and I appreciate your book and movie suggestions. Finally I appreciate and enjoy your taste in things.

    Although I am not a trophy wife, I am a retired teacher and find your thoughts something that I am always interested in. Keep up the good work, I always look forward to your newest post.

    1. Bobbie.. just between you and me... I'm not a trophy wife either. Only in my mind. Thank you for your sweet words. You made my day!!

  12. Parenting is exhausting, especially parenting young children... so let's not scold engaged but weary parents for wearing pj pants and/or Ugg scuffs near or in the school. I can tell from your mom's lovely ensemble (in the photo) that she would never wear pjs to your school :)

    If there is a support group for addicted Doodle Instagram watchers, then surely there is one for the owners who dress up their doodles. So cute.

  13. Not only did I love Blind Side I googled Sandra B's jewelry she wore in the movie because I had to have her watch and cross necklace. Loved everything about the story.

    1. I googled Susan Sarandon's necklace in "Shall We Dance." Would not rest til I found it. Great minds think alike.

  14. I will have to play with Doodle Instagrams! What a fun, new addiction. I have had sleeping trouble. Mr. Cuervo and Mr. Daniels are not helping. I have tried not using the tv, phone, computer, but I think it is just menopause- nothing has helped get me the deep sleep I need and deserve. LOVE the house and the old photos. Have a frog-tastic week!

  15. Love the house you grew up in. The only thing I eat out of a can is tuna, so my pantry is pretty bare when it comes to cans. xo Laura

  16. I'll have to take a look at the PJ story. I've worn mine a few times, but I would never stop anywhere. Who needs PJ's when we have leggings that now feel like PJ's and you can get away with wearing them in public. Always love your movie and book choices. As a matter of fact, I took your book list to my book club last week and we decided on the The Red Notebook. I can't wait to start it! We just finished The Nightingale and it was very good!! Now I have to see the movie you recommended from last week. Love the pic of you in the crib with your mom by your side and the pic of you and your sister....so sweet and so special to have those keepsakes!
    I also look at my phone at night a lot....such a bad habit, but I play Words with Friends and it's my down time at night. That dog IG acct is the cutest!! I took a super cute pic of three dogs in the front seat of a car yesterday. I'll send it over to you. Have a great week!

  17. Turtlenecks are also my favorite...I am pretty sure that Diane Keaton wore a turtleneck in the summer in As good as it Gets...I think she is a fashion icon, so I say wear away any time of year. I, too loved the Blind Side. Love your childhood home and your nursery photo...as you may know I am very nostalgic.

    1. Diane is my style icon. Now I need to lose 50 lbs to carry the style.

  18. Every couple of months or so, I have to tell you how much I love and adore your blog...my favorite. It makes me happy! You are funny and cute and adorable, and I love you. Bye for now. Marilyn in Mt. Vernon, VA (p.s. loved the pics of your lovely childhood home. Sometime show us the interior.) (p.p.s. I'll go along with Blind Side, fantastic movie.)

    1. Marilyn.. you're simply the best! Your kind words always make my day. Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Aren't comments like the one Anonymous from Mt. Vernon, VA left just the best? Love that. Anywho, the house that you grew up in is a stunner. Love it. Is it still standing? You might think that's an odd question but I live in a land where a lot of these gems are being bought up and torn down to be replaced by characterless boxes. So hard to see. Please tell me that your beaut is still standing and that a lovely family is raising their young darlings there and plan on living there for the next 40 years ...
    I, too, am having a dickens of a time getting to sleep these days. Perhaps we should meet up in the bar in the wee hours in SLC for a nightcap. That might do the trick.

  20. Love your childhood home! And the family pics. Turtlenecks are number 3 in my top 5 best inventions by humans -- right after indoor plumbing and antibiotics. Blind Side is a great movie. Loved Million Dollar Arm too.

  21. Favorite true story movie? Sound of Music! Now if Julie Andrews could wear a turtleneck while she spins around on the mountain, it would be perfect!

  22. Hello dear Katie
    I read your lovely post earlier today and the beautiful pictures of your childhood home and your wedding day almost made me cry. What a dear and special place it is to you, and how nice of you to share with us. Now you know why I think you are wonderful. Your mister is very lucky.

    Im definitely a full member of the 'turtleneck' club, I feel the winter cold but can easily wear all year long like DK :) So glad you have a little sign of Spring, I can see the bulbs peeping up all around...its definitely on its way
    I may go and cut some early blossom later on
    Love to you xx

  23. Hey Katie! May I remind you please that Preppy Empty Nester is like a shot of vitamin C. It truly brings a smile to my face and a song to my heart. My favorite childhood memory of my parents home would be swinging on the limbs of the tree in the back yard. Playing with my brothers and forgetting that I was a female and not of one of the guys. Oy vay! The Blind Side my favorite all time football movie followed closely by Remember the Titans. May your Thursday be terrific Katie!

    1. Thank You, Bronco Mom for your sweet words! Sounds like you have wonderful childhood memories. I love Remember the Titans too! Have a wonderful weekend.

  24. I don't need another tech addiction, but must say those doddles are cute.

  25. Love these posts Katie, and turtlenecks are my fave! I am wearing one right now.
    Blindside was great. Someone mentioned The Sound of Music also..movies that take you away and are from real life, the best! My son and daughter-in-law are the same way with Doxies as all of you Doodle Lovers!

    The Arts by Karena

  26. Katie, I could not agree more, food is love and the smell of something delicious simmering on the stove is a wonderful smell on a cold day. I am a doxie lover and have more doxie friends on instagram than anything else, it is hard not to be taken in by the antics of fellow fur babies.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  27. You rock this Hodgepodge thing like no one else! I experience the same sleep issues as you do. I admit they are of my own making. Last night the smoke detector battery started beeping at 2am (because it always happens at 2am...) and once we took care of the issue and were headed back to sleep, I just had to check Facebook, emails and Instagram. And then laid awake for an hour.

  28. Katie,
    nothing better then yummy smells wafting thru the house, especially if someone else is doing the cooking! Your childhood home is so charming and lovely! The photos of you and your mom and you and your sister on your wedding day, precious! What great memories you must have from growing up there! As much as I like turtle necks and wore them when I was younger, I'm over that phase now. PJs, live in them around the house but haven't found the need to wear them out in public.....yet!

  29. Katie, you have to pay a visit to Hootiethegoldendoodle. I also have a doodle crush. I talk to him and leave comments for him every post. Please add my name to the list of people that enjoy your wit, humor and turtlenecks.
    Maxine from NC

    1. Thank you, dear Maxine. I just signed up to follow Hootiethegoldendoodle. Thank you also for your kind words. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  30. Love seeing your childhood home ! Favorite movie because it has my mothers home town in it was Philomena!

  31. My mother got pulled over for speeding (in a school zone!) in her nightgown. She'd had to drive my father to the train station - he usually walked - as he was running late for his train - and was rushing back to get 4 kiddies off to school. The officer made her get out of the car and stand in front of the school wearing a trench coat & nightgown. She was so mad (at him, at my dad, probably at us)that she yelled at him and he got all flustered and wrote the ticket incorrectly. Case dismissed by judge!


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