Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Hodgepodge Full of Love

Hello, dear friends.  As I sit here writing my post, sand and salt cover my floors and my house smells like wet dog.  I'm not worried, though... it should only last another six months.  Or maybe it just feels like six months. 

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge. 

1.  Create an acrostic using the word LOVE.  If you're unsure what an acrostic is, click here.

L is for how lucky I have been to meet so many great people through blogging.

O is for my overly supportive and loving family members.

V is for my very wonderful friends from near and far that always manage to make me laugh.

E is for wishing each and every one of you a Valentines Day full of love and laughter. 

2.  Does love really conquer all?  Why or why not?

If love doesn't conquer all, it sure makes the rough times easier.

3.  Tell us about a time recently, where you really put your heart into something.

This morning, I put my heart into shovelling a path out the door so that my little munchkins could go out and take care of business.

4. What's your favorite fictional love story.

Any time that this flick is on, I tune in.

And cry my eyes out everytime.

5. Do you generally wear your heart on your sleeve, or keep your cards close to the vest?

I keep my cards close to my chest vest.  
Especially on weekends. 

6.  What food says love to you?  Why?

Chocolate... any type, shape, or form.
I hardly think that I need to answer the question of why. 

7.  When were you last 'tickled pink' over something?  Explain.

The last time I was 'tickled pink' was when I got a text from my #1 saying that she and Adorable Jonathon are coming for a visit on Easter weekend.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Mary and Tom

Mary and the other guy 

To my fellow Downton fans:
Is it just me, or wouldn't you like to see Mary end up with Tom rather than the other guy.  I think that she and Tom have a lot more chemistry together than the other coupling.

Talk amongst yourselves and get back to me.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Yes to chocolate and so happy V day is coming so I can treat myself to my annual box:) LOVE The Way We Were...all the old movies are the best and never get old~ Your #1 and Jonathan are so cute together, enjoy your day and stay warm:)

  2. Love your snow shoveling outfit! Those parkas are just a nuisance aren't they. Cute daughter and cute Jonathan and adorable dogs. You're such a good mommy. And as for my Downton opinion, check my Monday post. Great minds, they say. xo. Have a happy Valentine's weekend.

  3. I need to start taking notes on all these fictional love stories. I've never seen The Way we Were, but now I want to.

  4. I am TEAM Tom...I just said to the Hubster while watching on Monday night as we DVR Downton..."I want Mary to be with TOM"...As for The Way We Were, I was almost 11 when the movie came out in theaters. My mother was desperate to see the movie so she took me on a school night; this was definitely not anything my mother would have approved of had she heard of another parent doing this...anyway I fell asleep about 15 minutes into the movie. My mother wouldn't let me tell anyone that I had seen the movie...I can truthfully say I have never seen the movie, but now I think I need to view it. Have a great day.

  5. Snow, again, I take it? We had some good snow showers yesterday here, but it didn't stick around...thank goodness! We're hovering around 23 degrees. UGH! Your daughter and her BF sure are a cute pair!

  6. I'm sorry to disagree, but I love Tom as a brother for Mary. He is so good at calling her out when she is being pompous and that is something a husband could only get away with for a short while :-)

  7. Hmmm...I love Tom, but I'm not sure I see the romance there. They feel like siblings, and he's a great sounding board for her. It spit about three snowflakes here yesterday, which is good enough for me : ) Your daughter and her honey are adorable!

  8. I agree with you about the chocolate and I told my husband the same thing - Mary go with TOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Yes, yes, yes....I have always admired Tom and he and Mary have more in common than she is aware of currently....let us hope as Downton needs some spice this season! It's always the best of times, when the young ones are home! Have a lovely weekend Katie!

  10. I don't think Mary and Tom would be good together. It is more a brother/sister thing. I think the actor and actress have chemistry together; it is not the characters.

  11. I've been predicting a romantic-ending for Mary and Tom since the season began; who could resist those 'smiling Irish eyes' and adorable Irish accent!;)

    1. I agree. Although poor Tom gets the short end of the stick.

  12. Since Mary refers to Tom as her brother, I am thinking it isn't in the cards for them. Keep on shoveling. Look how thin you have gotten LOL

  13. I liked your anacrostic! I'm seeing so many clever ones on all the Hodgepodges today!

  14. I know that a lot of folks would like Mary to marry Tom. I'm weird. I've always wanted him to marry Edith. I enjoyed my visit and I hope that the sand and snow are long gone in six months time. Are you in PA?

  15. Who doesn't love chocolate and a good tear jerker?

  16. Such a cute post. I'm kind of conflicted about Tom and Mary. I think Tom would be good for Mary, but she's no Sybil. I think Tom needs a bit of that goodness/kindness/generosity that was Sybil. And, as my 16-year-old daughter said, Ew, then George and Sybbie would be siblings instead of cousins.

  17. Your shoveling picture cracked me up! I don't think I've seen "The Way We Were" but I do love the song.

  18. I saved your blog for this evening. Picture a long day of kids and meetings.......yes, I needed a good laugh. The snow shovel photo did the trick! I so remember "The Way We Were" and I would like to thank you for allowing the theme song to replay over and over in my head. You can never go wrong with chocolate! Sorry about all the snow- it was 75 here today! Have a toad-ally awesome week!

  19. It looks like you have lots to look forward to this season, Katie dear. Yes to chocolate...for the good times and the not so good ones. Fun post!
    xx, Heather

  20. Yes, to Tom and Mary and they had better hurry as they only have 2-3 more episodes to get it done. I haven't been over happy with this season.

  21. Tom and Mary, maybe, at this point I think she views Tom as an equal. I don't see her having any romantic feelings toward him though. She has an attraction to the other guy even though she would be marrying down. I guess we will have to wait and see.

  22. I thought I was the only one who felt that way about Mary and Tom. Hmmm. Maybe we should write for PBS!

  23. Tom and Mary for sure! Chocolate is a must, anytime any where. Excited for your that your beautiful daughter is coming for Easter! What a great surprise. As for your fur babies, oh what we wouldn't do for the little ones! Have a great day! Happy Valentine's weekend, enjoy!

    I feel SORRY for the BOYS having to GO OUTSIDE IN THE SNOW!Mine would ALL turn around and head back inside and leave me LOVE PILES am certain of it!

  25. The Way We Were is possibly my favorite movie of all time. I can't count how many times I have seen it. By now, I start the crying by the time the theme music is playing at the very beginning and pretty much keep it up the entire movie.

  26. Hello Katie
    I love your Valentines day thoughts, a happy day would be playing in the snow with your doggies! Chocolate is my favourite too ...absolute love food

    Im glad you are enjoying Downton Abbey, a romance seems real between Mary and Tom doesn't it? I think they are so good together because they are great friends in real life. I do like all the courtship of the era, I must say.

    Here on tv recently, there has been the MOST exquisite production of War and Peace... which I can recommend highly. It really is so beautiful, and I think it has been shown in the US.. Now I must try and read the novel to the end :)

    I hope you and the Mister have a very Happy Valentines Day
    Love to you

    1. Hellooooo dear Sally... always a joy to hear from you. I will look out for War and Peace. I just finished the 6th season of Doc Marten and enjoyed every minute! I just started "Breathless" which I adore but I was sad to see it has not been renewed for a second season. I hope that you have a delightful weekend, dear Sally. Keep in touch!

  27. My vote is for Tom as well...and those little munschkins are adorable!!

  28. It's 73 degrees and sunny here today, that I love! Oh so no to Mary and Tom, that feels almost like kissing cousins. I think the flames will flicker much stronger between her and her current beau. Chocolate will always and forever be wonderful. My fave love story would be Legends Of The Fall. I still cry but it's because my husband said I looked like Julia Ormond. I know it's not true but it's the best compliment I ever got! And I still love to look at Brad in that movie, at that age, with that hair.

  29. Yes to Mary and Tom! And, of course, yes to chocolate in any form.


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