Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Predictions

Hello, dear friends.  It's that time of year again.  The Oscars!  This year the Mister and I made a conscious effort to see as many nominees as we could.  For some reason, there are always a few flicks that never come to our neck of the woods.  We saw all the nominees with the exception of three:  The Revenant,  Room, and Mad Max: Fury Road.  So, as you can see, I'm no expert but that's never stopped me before.

Basically, this post covers who I think should win versus who will probably win.  

Best Picture

I loved this movie so much.  I enjoyed Spotlight as well, but Brooklyn stole my heart.

My vote

I didn't see this one because it looked too gory for my tastes. 

Academy's Vote

Best Actor

Eddie Redmayne was captivating in The Danish Girl.  He looked better as a woman than I do on my best day.

My Vote

Leonardo Dicaprio is getting tons of press these days.  Looking at this picture of him validates the fact that this flick is not my cup of tea.

Academy's Vote

Best Actress

Cate Blanchett was captivating in Carol.

My Vote

I really wanted to see Room, but it was a no-go with the Mister.  Brie Larson has been getting a lot of press which usually means that she will win.  

Academy's Vote

Supporting Actor

Christian Bale put his heart and soul into his role in The Big Short

My Vote

The Academy will give it to Stallone for sentimental reasons.

Academy's Vote

Supporting Actress

I've been impressed with Alicia Vikander in everything she has been in.  Her crowning glory is The Danish Girl.  Here's another prediction:  this girl is going to be a BIG star someday.

My Vote

I'm taking a wild guess that Kate Winslett will win for Steve Jobs.  By the way, how many movies exactly are out there about Steve Jobs?

Academy's Vote

So much for my predictions.  Whatever you do, don't put any money on any of my choices.  I never win.

What are your Oscar predictions?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I was thinking the same thing about the Steve Jobs movies! He is the 2015 version of Vampires. How many different ways can you tell the same story? Thank you for your expert analysis. I will rely on your wisdom as I make my selections in our family's prediction contest. Wish me luck!

  2. I love this post because I believe that you are spot on with your predictions. The sentimental favorite always wins, especially if they are aging. And frankly the more "talk" there is about the actors and the movies the more wins they get. I hope you enjoy the show and your weekend.

  3. Fun love it all.....am behind in my movie watching so cannot comment to extensively however think Christian Bale is a phenomenal actor as is Cate and Kate:) I look forward to all the fun preshow activity as well as seeing who takes home the golden statue. Enjoy your weekend:)

  4. I'm going to a party tonight where we all contribute a small gift for a big grand prize basket, awarded to the person who predicts the most winners! -HAHAHA! Freudian slip - when I typed "winner" I first accidentally typed "sinner!" Hollywood? Never!

    Anyway . . . (I just amuse myself so much . . .)

    Thanks for the tips. If I win, I'll think of you while I enjoy all the goodies!

  5. Hello dear Katie
    I hope Brooklyn wins for you, what a marvellous movie. The only other one I have actually seen is the Danish Girl, and I loved Alicia Vikander too... she would be very worthy of winning, but being English I have to support Kate ( love her )
    Im sure you are spot on with all your predictions
    Looking forward to the glamour and gowns as much as anything :)
    Happy Oscars Evening & love to you

  6. I so want to see Brooklyn...the only movie that I have seen that is nominated for an award is the Martian...can't wait to see if your picks win. Have a great rest of the weekend.

  7. It's always fun to see who wins...looking forward to it!

  8. Now I've got to see The Danish Girl. I'm SO glad that Mark Rylance won best supporting actor. He was fabulous!!

  9. PRETTY GOOD!I couldn't believe MAD MAX won so MUCH!I haven't seen ANY of these MOVIES but I know someone from INSTAGRAM who knows ALICIA!I AGREE with YOU...........her speech and her gown were PERFECT!She will be a STAR!!!!!!!!VERY POISED!
    THANKS for the run down!

  10. Dearest Preppy Empty Nester - no award season fashion review this year? Where is your esteemed entertainment correspondent, Dude?! I hope she hasn’t fled to ET or Extra. Anywho, your take on award show success and failure (cough, cough . . . Heidi Klum) was missed. :-)


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