Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, February 22, 2016

It's Rainin' Coats

Hello, dear friends.  I have spent the last few days in Salt Lake City at a blogging conference.  I had such a good time.  Can't wait to tell you about it!

I worked on this post a couple of weeks ago smack dab in the middle of a blizzard.  Today is all about rain coats.  Subconsciously, I think I am wishing for some April showers. 

Speaking of April showers, I don't want to brag or anything, but I finally eyed a flower on my paperwhites.  It's a late bloomer, just like me.  My brown thumb is getting greener by the day.

Bring on the raincoats! 




I haven't been able to wear horizontal stripes since I was nine years old.  Love this one, though. 

nicole miller

ralph lauren

Cole Haan
Blue Fly

Eddie Bauer

Eddie Bauer

Linda Richards

Vera Wang
Blue Fly

Somebody forgot her most valuable accessory - a big ol' smile!


This is Donald's ex-wife's line.  Does it get your vote?




Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I like the dark Burberry coat. Timeless classic. I have never been able to pull off khaki or yellow.

  2. Melinda! I just caught up on your blog! I was chatting with Maggie not too long ago and just miss her so much! I wanted to stop in and say hi and I miss you guys! Hope Boston is treating you guys right! xo

  3. Love the classics, but I also adore a pink raincoat - saving that one :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love those raincoats -- hoping for rain season here soon too! Need to get one for my Scottish Terrier and some boots for her to keep her paws cleaner! Have a great week!

  6. Good morning! I recently found your blog and enjoy it immensely! I have been eagerly perusing your past posts, also. Your clothing, makeup, and decorating style is impeccable, and I have already ordered a few of your book recommendations. My Mister and I thoroughly enjoyed two of your movie recommendations this weekend. I am sending photos to Teri today for her to paint a watercolor of our home for my Mister - thank you for the excellent idea! Thank you so much for enhancing our lives with your posts!
    P.S. Ordering the J Crew raincoat as I type ...

    1. Hello Southermum! What a way to start my day! Thank you so much for your kind words. I think that you will be delighted with Teri's work. You are so sweet to leave such a nice comment. Thanks for making my day!!

    2. You are most welcome! I am thrilled to have found your blog! I know I will be very happy with Teri's work. Her water color of your home is exquisite. It's the perfect gift idea for my husband since he designed our home using a computer program. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  7. Katie,
    so many stylish raincoats! I love the Burberry classic and of course, Ralph's! The ones from Macy's are also pretty cute. We've had so much rain here lately, I really think I need a one! Looking forward to hearing about your trip!

  8. All good looking but that classic from Burberry is hard to beat, I own it from years ago and it just never goes out of style. That yellow is adorable too and a sure mood brightener on a dreary rainy day:) Look forward to hearing about your conference!

  9. A raincoat is something I don't own, but desperately need on a day like today. So many great choices! Love the red one...it's my fave color!

  10. your picks are brilliant (as usual) i just bought a new one from lands end on major sale in a happy apple green or else I'd be all over that jcrew one like white on rice.

  11. Oh that classic camel Burberry!! Yesssss! I also like a fun color for spring. They always stand out so nicely in the rain. Looking forward to hearing about your blogger conference. I've never been to one.
    Happy Monday lovely lady!
    xx, Heather

  12. Personally the jCrew is my choice...your brown thumb looks pretty green to me...you grow girl!

  13. I have never owned a rain coat in my life..but then again, I do live in the deep south. I don't think I've bought a warm weather coat in over 10 yrs. Crazy, eh??

  14. I live on Canada's "wet coast" and a good raincoat (or six) is a must. My vote would have to be the jaunty red J.Crew number. It would be a splendid addition to my serviceable dark ones.

  15. Love them all! Often buy a new one for a trip to Portland...love Anne

    1. You would look great in every one of them, dear Anne.

  16. Hi Katie,
    Thanks for stopping by and the lovely comment, too. Have a wonderful day!

  17. Congrats on the flower...I have a black thumb so I am always impressed with people who can grow things... Love the raincoats. I usually go very traditional like the Burberry one. I think my favorites are the dog ones though! How darling!

  18. We arrived at the airport in Charlotte last night in the pouring rain...was needing any of these! Love the Burberry and the stripe is so fun!! Was hoping to see you in the BVI's - about half of the people we met were from Boston! Happy Tuesday!

  19. I cannot wait to hear about the blogging conference, I think frequently about attending but just don't. If you are in Utah, than you must be at ALT?

    Love the raincoats! I have a few but I have always lived where they are not really necessary because of the weather. I would love that red one though!

    Have a great day!

  20. SALT LAKE CITY and you did not keep coming DUE WEST!!!!!!!!!
    YOU were SO CLOSE!!
    OH< BOY You are going to be doing VIDEO's next and making my little BLOG look even MORE ridiculous!

  21. Love the JCrew and Burberry and am so happy that your bulbs are blooming!

  22. Cute coats! IVANA is Donald Trump's first wife. Ivanka is the daughter from that marriage and the one who has sold her name to the clothing/shoes/etc. line sold at Macy's.

  23. Excellent fashion curation here, my friend! I love the idea of a brightly colored raincoat as a pick-me-up on a gloomy rainy day. By the way, I wouldn't buy anything from IVANA, Ivanka or any of the Trumps.
    Miss you!

  24. Katie I love the classic styles best in a trench-coat! Chili and Chowda are styling though!

    The Arts by Karena

  25. I'll take the black Nicole Miller and run fast from any one of them that makes a model look chunky (like the first purple one)! I do like that classic tannish one but I'd have to wear a scarf to give some color. I had to stop in today, cuz I was missing my Hodgepodge visit with you!! Why is it that some days my predictive texting is trying to pick a fight with me!


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