Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

50 Shades 0f Pink

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Valentine's Day from the bone chilling cold zone compliments of the polar vortex!  In honor of this holiday of love, today is all about the color pink.

When #1 was little, like many girls, her favorite color was pink.  If you asked her anything from what kind of ice cream she wanted to which tea cup we would ride in at Disneyworld; it was always the same answer - pink.  By the way, we had to skip our turn a couple of times at the dreaded Tea Cup ride because someone kept having a total meltdown when the pink tea cup was not available. 

This is our girl, who just realized that the pink tea cup was filled to the brim.  Less than 5 seconds later, she threw a tantrum that made every witness praise the Lord that she was not their kid.  


Naturally, #1 had to have a pink bedroom.  She was not into Mickey or Minnie, so at least, we were saved from that theme.  If you've ever dealt with pink paint, you know that it can be tricky to find the right shade.  Unfortunately for us, we lacked the skill set necessary for picking the perfect pink.

For three years, we lived with a color that was a cross between Pepto Bismol and Bazooka bubble gum.  Every time I would walk into the room, a wave of nausea would come over me.  I couldn't wait to move.

Without further adieu, I offer you some photos of rooms with a touch of pink.

Remember this room from my posts on the Hamptons Showhouse?      


Classy Clutter

Suzanne Kasler

Style Caster

Rattlebridge Farm

Suzanne Kasler

Regardsetmaison blogspot

Have you ever used the color pink in your decorating?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hello from one frigid region to another...omg its soooo cold, it goes right through your bones! I could only let Teddy about for one minute,I was afraid he would freeze in place! Spring never sounded so good:)
    Funny our first apt in NYC I thought I was a blazing pioneer by painting our bedroom pink, on the chart it looked like a soft pink...by days end we were living in a bottle of Pepto Bismol, we still laugh about it and it was repainted the next day to a safe shade of white:)
    That said i do love the color pink and when it's done right..its a winner! Happy Valentines Day!

  2. Oh your story of painting bedrooms pink brought memories. We picked out what we thought was a safe pink our daughter's bedroom. When we walked in after the painters had finished pink was glowing down the hall. They had inadvertently increased the value..... Yep....it was immediately repainted to a soft pink. Surprisingly, pink is still a favorite color. Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. My daughter had to have a pink bedroom too. I wasn't taking any chances with the shade of pink, so I hired an interior designer to select the paint color. My husband thought that I was crazy, but that pale pink color was perfect.
    Stay warm!

  4. Happy Valentines Day Katie! Of course my daughter's bedroom was pink and white!I love the more saturated shades of pink!

    The Arts by Karena

  5. Hello across the frozen pond dear Katie
    It is soo cold here too but you know what they say, cold hands warm heart :)
    Love all your pink pictures, my friend Gogs calls me the original 'pink' person, so I guess you can tell it's a favourite. I am in pink & red overload after doing wedding flowers these last 2 days.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your Mister
    ove Sallyxxx

  6. We had the pink phase at our house too. Our #1's bathroom was pink with small white polka dots. her bedroom was was pink and white striped wall paper. Is it a first child daughter thing? ha. In junior high...we had to strip wallpaper and paint. ha!
    We have another wave of the white stuff. Been snowing all day.

  7. Oh how your post brings back memories! My daughter LOVED pink as well. In fact her beloved teddy bear was named "Pinky"!!! Not only did I paint her bedroom a pale pink, but I even sponged a layer of glitter on top of the paint. It was a subtle effect, but she insisted that she NEEDED the "jeweled" effect! And as if that wasn't enough, I bought a wallpaper border of pink bows and cut out out each bow with cuticle scissors. Now I look back at all this and ask "What was I thinking?" But her smile said it all! When my daughter saw it for the first time, she gasped and shrieked, "I LOVE YOU MOMMY!" So for three years, I endured the "jeweled" room!

  8. Love it! (one of my girls loved the pink, the other purple. I think just so they'd be different)

  9. with 3 girls, I was lucky that only one of them loved pink. Bubblegum pink with a border of dancing teddy bears, doing ballet, was her choice. No one wanted to "visit" with her and her tribe of dolls in her room. Happily, she has a daughter with the same desire for living with pink, which she can no longer stand. Payback truly is hell.

  10. I love pink roses. My husband gave me 30 of them for Valentine's day. Our number one's little girl room was pink and white striped wallpaper with a border of pink roses and blue flowers.

  11. Have never decorated with pink, but not opposed to the color. Finding the right hue is so important...I remember a friend who was blessed with twin girls at age 40 after have two sons 14 & 12 years before. She was so excited to decorate the room in pink...she too stated the Pepto Bismol color of their room soon made her sick. A perfect post for Valentine's Day.

  12. Um, yes. My room at one time was pink...a pale pink only but not for lack of trying for something darker (ie garish) on my part. I also had pink ruffled dotted swiss curtains which I loved but left there when mom and dad sold the place because the little boy who was moving in just loved them, and I did not have the heart to say no. I wish with all my heart I had kept them. They were pink, old fashioned dotted swiss. Fast forward about 20+ years, and my daughter's room is currently painted something that resembles the inside of what i think Barbie's genie bottle would look like if she had one. It is getting repainted soon.

  13. My eldest daughter (now 25 1/2) also had a pink and white room with lots of pink bows and stripes. In fact, she had very similar pink striped overall shorts that your daughter is wearing in the photo. They were her favorite outfit. I miss those days but not the pink bedroom.

  14. Daughter #1 had a pink bedroom and it was her favorite color. When daughter #2 was old enough to talk, she said her favorite color was pink. #1 wouldn't have anything to do with that, so she told #2, that pink was HER favorite and she (#2) could like purple. #2, wanting to please her sister decided on a purple bedroom. Now at age 13, daughter #2 is picking out a new color to update her room, and she is not discussing it with her sister. --Niki

  15. Well, I've never had the first thing of pink of our home other than little girls in pink dresses. But, I do like some of the pink in the rooms that you have pictured for sure. Cute post!

  16. I've had Benjamin Moore Queen Anne Pink on my bedroom walls until just recently. It's a soft greyed down pink that isn't bubblegum. I have to say, of all the pink rooms you shared, Suzanne Kasler does it best - she is a master!


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