Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Monday, February 29, 2016

A Tribute

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Monday.  If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I am a huge fan of Kelly Corrigan.  I've done several posts featuring her videos and even had the opportunity to meet her.  You can read about it here.

Kelly gives a beautiful tribute to nurses in this video.  I feel that nurses are underrated and unsung heroes.

During both of the births of my girls, I was fortunate enough to have wonderful nurses coach me through my many hours of labor.  They held my hand and gave me encouragement.   The Doctor, in both instances, waltzed in during the last minutes to deliver my babies and then promptly handed over my precious girls to a capable nurse.

I haven't talked about it on the blog, but my #2 has gone through two serious illnesses during the past five years.  We were lucky enough to have great nurses by her bedside during her hospital stays.  It was very important to me that she received great care and attention when I wasn't at the hospital with her.

Last, but not least, I have a great friend, Mary, the original Sudbury Sweetheart who happens to be a nurse in ICU at Children's Hospital.  As you can imagine, I am sure Mary has witnessed some very sad scenes.  She never talks about her work.  Mary has a such a sweet smile and kind manner.  I am sure that she is an angel to the sick children and their parents at the hospital. 

Have you had a special nurse in your life?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. My daughter, Abby, wants to become a NICU or pediatric nurse. Yes, I have had many kind and caring nurses in my life. The ones who stand out most are the ones who took care of my mom when I was in AL. and she lay in ICU in Arkansas. Such incredible human beings...I will never forget what they did for her or for me.

  2. Great tribute to nurses! I really think that they are God's hands in the world. Hope your #2 is better now. Nothing more stressful than having a seriously ill child. Hugs.

  3. I went undiagnosed with Hasimotos (autoimmune disease of the thyroid) because my doctor wouldn't look further into my symptoms. His nurse (ARNP) too one look at me and my chart and said "if you demand to see an endocrinologist, I have to send you to one". That nurse saved me. I only see ARNPs now.


    1. My daughter was misdiagnosed by a very arrogant doctor. I finally took her to a female doctor who actually listened to my daughter and she was able to figure it out. Thank God.

  4. love this! thank you for posting.

  5. MY HUSBAND was MY NURSE............but thats another story for another day!

  6. Oh yes, nurses are the best and generally unsung heroes! My sister is a nurse anesthetist and I'm sure is one of the best. Mr. Tennis and I both had recent surgeries and the nurses were so helpful and sweet. Hope your #2 is doing well.

  7. Thank you for this well-deserved tribute to nurses. I will show this to my #1 daughter who currently works as a school nurse to have the same schedule as her children after working twelve-hour shifts as a surgical nurse. A local school nurse was honored last week for saving the life of a teacher who had a heart attack by training her staff to perform CPR and use a defibrillator. Kelly's tribute brought tears to my eyes. Nurses are angels in so many different situations. I hope your daughter will remain healthy.

  8. Thank you very much!!
    I have been working as a nurse for 25years. I only stopped when I got my children (very late but thanks God not too late). It was a very fullfilling time of my life. The only point what needs great improvement in Germany is the reputation of nurses! I would like to see this changed as sooner as the better...!
    Enjoy your day!!

    1. Hopefully, that will change soon Eli. Enjoy your week!

  9. I've experienced good and bad nurses. When I gave birth to my son in Santa Barbara, I had an emergency c-section and most of the care was awful (long story). When I had a planned c-section with my daughter in Monterey, the care was absolutely wonderful. In either case though, I know they work very hard and I'm thankful to all of them for that. I know I couldn't do the job. That's for sure! lol

    Loved the story about you and your sister meeting Kelly. It sounded like so much fun :)

    Also, thank you so much for your kind words. I feel the same way about you and your blog.


  10. I love this tribute to nurses, I have several in my family. They all work incredibly hard and are so compassionate. I am sure that people have had good and bad experiences with nurses, just as we have all had good and bad days, it must be the same with them. I am happy to hear that your #2 has had wonderful care while you cannot be there.

  11. What a lovely post! As a matter of fact, I have had three very important RN's in my life...my mother, my sister and my brother! My father was a physician and we all went into the medical field. Nurses mean so much to patients in need of a loving touch and comforting words! They are indeed so very important in someone's journey during illness. I am so happy that your precious #2 is doing well. Your daughters are just stunning!

  12. Being in the medical field and especially a nurse is something that is not my gift. Therefore, I greatly admire anyone who does have the gift of healing, helping and serving those who are at their worst.
    Beautiful tribute.

  13. I come fram a family of nurses. My mother, and two aunts were nurses. We have spend a lot of time in hospitals the last couple of years with one of our dear friends. He had so many wonderful nurses. I agree they should be canonized!! So glad to hear your daughter has been correctly diagnosed and doing well now. I bet she can thank her momma for that!!

  14. My aunts were nurses and two sisters are nurses...My two sisters have dedicated almost 70 years between them. What a nice honor for nurses...thanks Katie.

  15. Thank you for posting Kelly's tribute. Becoming a nurse 48 years ago was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

    1. Congrats Maureen for finding a career that you loved. I told my girls that one of the keys to happiness is choosing a job that you enjoy. One of my favorite nurses in Bridgeport, CT is named Maureen. She took great care of me a hundred years ago when I was hospitalized. Enjoy your week, Maureen.

  16. Thank you for this tribute. My family and I have had fabulous nurses. Not only do they have to be mind readers for the doctors, but they must deal with families, and take care of the patient. I could never do their job- I pass out with blood and throw up at the site of vomit. Thank you, nurses. I appreciate all you do each and every day.

  17. I have been a nurse for 34 years after initially wanting to be a piano teacher! My grandmother and her sister were both nurses and I have always tried to honor them as I work. The experiences and commraderie have made my life so rich. Thank you for sharing this tribute Katie & I wish nothing but the best for your precious daughter.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and also congrats for your 34 years of nursing. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  18. I'm so happy to find your blog through my friend Kelly. Looking forward to learning more about you. My aunt is a nurse, and I agree - they are they unsung heroes!

  19. Absolutely beautiful tribute to the angels we call nurses. I love the shout out to dear sweet Mary and to #2's nurses who, along with a heavy dose of her mother's intuition, made all the difference. The nurses who cared for my dear sister remain in my prayers always. Their kindness, compassion and skilled care were gifts from God.

  20. You've reminded me of my paternal grandmother who as a nurse met my grandfather and fell in love. He was blinded in one eye during World War One and always said she was an angel sent from above. First person he saw with the good eye!

  21. Oh yes! I owe a debt of gratitude to many nurses! You calmed me when I was scared, you treated me with kindness and respect when I was sick, you taught me how to care for my dad when I was nervous, you answered my questions patiently when I asked them over and over. THANK YOU!

    I hope #2 is fit as a fiddle now.

  22. Glad to hear your II is on the mend. There is nothing more distressing than having a seriously ill child, no matter their age. The nursing staff that cared for my father during his last days were Saints.

  23. Wonderful tribute to nurses who are so important and play such a vital role in healthcare. Yes, my number one son had severe asthma as a child and we were regulars at the hospital for many years. We were so fortunate to have nurse angels all along the way. I hope that your number two's health issues are under control or gone for good. I don't think anything has been scarier for me than the times my children were sick. Thanks for making me stop and give thanks!

  24. Thank you for posting this. I am a Pediatric RN in New Hampshire. Hand drawn pictures and hugs from patients/parents mean the world to me and my colleagues. It's often these little gestures that give us strength to care for you.


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