Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Kind & Grouchy Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I hope everyone is having a good week.  You know the drill, if it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  February 17th is National Random Acts of Kindness Day.  It lands on the calendar one day after National Do Something for a Grouch Day (Feb 16) which somehow feels related.  Perhaps the 16th inspired the 17th?

Tell about a time you performed a random act of kindness or were the recipient of one.  Will you make an effort to perform a random act of kindness on the 17th?  Share details if you're so inclined, and if you have specific in mind.


I combined Random Acts of Kindness with Put Up with a Grouch Day.  Yesterday, I opened a door for an elderly woman who neglected to say thank you.  I said "your welcome" anyway.  She returned my words with an acid stare.  She was about 108 years old, so I ignored it.  Otherwise, I would have done the same thing the gentleman did in this video. 

2.  What's the most uplifting or encouraging thing that you see happening in the world right now?  You may have to dig deep for this one.

Our sweet Chili

We adopted our little Chili from an organization in Houston called Shaggy Dog Rescue.  Kathy Wetmore is at the helm of this fabulous rescue group.  She and her volunteers make daily trips to animal shelters to save dogs that are minutes away from being put to sleep.  Kathy then arranges for medical care, foster care and placement of the dogs on the East Coast.  After arranging the adoption, she contacts Greg from Rescue Road Trips who is another unsung hero in this scenario, who drives the lucky dogs in his semi to their forever families.  

I follow both Kathy and Greg on Facebook and it is rare when I don't mist up after reading one of their many success stories.  

Addison is a sweet little girl who is approximately 14 months old and 24 lbs.   She was found wandering the streets of Houston.  She is a darling girl with no aggressive tendencies.  She, and many other precious dogs, are available for adoption at Shaggy Dog Rescues.

3.  Black olives, black currants, black grapes, black beans, blackberries, Oreos...  your favorite food the color of night?  Your least favorite on the list?


I'll take a double order of chocolate mousse, please.  Hold the whipped cream.  I'm watching my waistline.

4.  A while back I read (here) a list of twelve things you should do before 50.   They are:  travel when you have the chance, take care of your skin, learn a foreign language, make exercise a habit, leave a toxic situation, stop caring what others think about you, stop worrying, volunteer, spend time with grandparents, pledge to work less, learn to cook an amazing dish, and seize an opportunity when it arises.

What do you think of the list?  What would you add or remove and why?  If you're over, have you done all?  What's on the list that you haven't done, but would like to do?

It's easier to tell you what I didn't do.

This is me at age 17.  Apparently, abusing the sun is not good for the skin.  Who knew?  The best part of using a sun reflector with a side of baby oil and iodine in your teens, is that you never get carded.

My middle name is "worry wart."  When I run out of things to worry about in my own family, I take on my friend's and neighbor's problems.  Theirs are more fun, anyway.

Up until this moment, I have yet to use the word exercise and habit in the same sentence. 

If I pledged to work any less, I would be comatose.

5.  Besides the classic Christmas flicks, what's your favorite film where winter plays a part in the setting?

I remember going to see Dr. Zhivago with my parents.  As I recall, there were very long scenes taking place in the icy temperatures and snow. I didn't mind though, because I couldn't take my adolescent eyes off of Omar Sharif. 

6.  When did you last feel helpless, and what did you do about it?

Why do things only break when the Mister is out of town?  Our boiler broke the other night and I didn't realize it until about 8PM.   

What did I do about it, you ask?   I promptly called the Mister in Denver and started yelling at him that we should never have bought such an old house.  He called a plumber and had him at the house
the next morning to fix it.  

Another crisis averted, thanks to moi.

7. Share a favorite Proverb.  

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I dragged the Mister to see this movie on Valentine's Day on the outside hope that it would be entertaining.  If you want to see it, my advice is to wait a few months.  Watch it when it comes on TV and that is, only if there is nothing else on.  

Until next time...

Big brother Chowdah loves his little sister,Chili.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. This was such a fun post today! The photos were perfect, especially the tanning one, and I think the headache I woke up with is lifting. Wonderful story about Shaggy Dog Rescue! And Doctor Zhivago, yes! Same here regarding Omar Sharif. Why can't my Kindle predict Sharif after Omar?

  2. Oh how I loved that video. With so many rude adults, I've been pleased recently to see kids (younger than 12) holding the door for me. I always say thank you and then thank their parents as well.

  3. If we ever get another dog, I would love it to be a rescue dog...so many need loving homes. Ahh...I remember using baby oil and iodine back in my teens. There was no such thing as sunscreen. You have the BEST sense of humor!

  4. I am making Baily's Chocolate Mousse when I host my book club near St. Patrick's Day. I'll send you some :-)

  5. I really enjoyed clicking over and reading about the Shaggy Dog Rescue and Road Trip Rescues. I had no idea that our Southern rescue dogs were shipped up north. It does seem like our shelters here are always overflowing. I am proud to say I have had 4 rescue pets (1 cat and 3 dogs) in the last 25 years. They have all been wonderful and had long, healthy lives. Does the north not have lots of strays? Just wondering. Tanya

  6. Ahh, the sun. I wish I hadn't loved it quite so much. Now I'm all about the umbrella-hat-SPF 1008. It's not nearly as much fun : )

  7. Always love your hodgepodge posts! Quite entertaining. I am dying over the suntan picture. Who knew???

  8. I swear to the moon and back, rescue dogs KNOW they've been saved and are soooooo grateful!

  9. you crack me up. i mean it. and the pictures you pick are as hysterical as your words. thanks for always making me smile :)

  10. awwwww...I was looking forward to a girlfriend day at that movie. Oh well...guess we'll just have to go drink wine instead!
    I love love love those dogs of yours....that first pic up there of chili looks exactly like my sophiejane. I can only imagine how much love there is with two of them around!

  11. OMG!!!! just went and looked thru the rescue site...........I WANT ONE!!!!! so many sweet lil dogs that need some love. My DIL is a dog-rescuer too. Sending the link to her.

  12. Love, love, love your Addison! Shucks, I thought Single would be a good, laugh movie-thanks for the heads up.

  13. I didn't know today was RAOC day....I guess my RAOC was going to see my 95 year old mom and helping out with some of the residents at the nursing home play bingo....(p.s. it really does more for me than I do for them)!

    The only time I ever "paid it forward" was one time in a fast food line I made the snap decision to pay for the car behind me, come to find out it was a senior citizen who ordered a "senior coffee and biscuit"...I wish I had been able to buy her a big old meal but that's what she ordered! I could tell looking in my rear view mirror when she got to the pay window she didn't understand about someone paying for her order as she gave me a strange look (no smile or wave or anything) but I felt good about it anyway!

    Oh, and my son did a RAOC today when he face timed me from the beach while he was out of town on business....when the phone rang all I saw was a panorama view of the ocean and sand....spring can't get here soon enough! Then his cute face came into view and I was happy as a clam!

    1. apparently I'm having a brain "sneeze" as that should be RAOK not RAOC! geesh!

  14. Ha-ha! Talk about helpless, every time one of the Son-sters required stitches, Hubster was out of town. I am not a nurse for a reason...fainting! My Lenten sacrifice is to complete a RAOK everyday, so far the success rate has been negated by a curse word uttered by me. Still trying!

  15. Something always happens when my prince is out of town. So glad you were able to quickly get things fixed. I so remember the baby oil and iodine while laying out in the sun. Don't forget the side of coconut oil! The lady you held the door for must have been blind and didn't see you holding the door. Obviously, she had her hearing aides turned up to hear you. The rescue site is awesome.....we are still heartbroken and can't even think about another pet. Thanks for another entertaining Hodgepodge. I can always count on a good laugh after a long day at school. :)

  16. Something always happens when my prince is out of town. So glad you were able to quickly get things fixed. I so remember the baby oil and iodine while laying out in the sun. Don't forget the side of coconut oil! The lady you held the door for must have been blind and didn't see you holding the door. Obviously, she had her hearing aides turned up to hear you. The rescue site is awesome.....we are still heartbroken and can't even think about another pet. Thanks for another entertaining Hodgepodge. I can always count on a good laugh after a long day at school. :)

  17. You are the funniest gal on earth! Love the pictures... I am in McKinney now with the grandpugs, one adopted as a baby and one rescue. Daughter works with DFW Pug Rescue.


  19. I wish I had your sense of humor. I agree with Elizabeth...I am too lazy to answer your questions but I always read your blog because it always makes me belly laugh!!

  20. I wish I had your sense of humor. I agree with Elizabeth...I am too lazy to answer your questions but I always read your blog because it always makes me belly laugh!!

  21. Seriously, do you do stand up somewhere? I would love to come and see you because you make my day every time I read a post from you. You are so funny!

    I agree with you about things breaking when the mister is out of town...happens here as well.

    The chocolate mouse sounds great, I actually have that on my list of things to make in the next few weeks!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  22. I can always count on you to make me laugh uproariously when I read your posts...thank you, my dear!! xoxo

  23. Not only do things break down but, those SOUNDS that never happen when others are in the house. :)


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