Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Hodgepodge on Ice

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having a good week.  I haven't been out in two days because it is so darn cold!  Tonight, though, I am going to bundle up and head out to my book club, which I enjoy so much. 

You know the drill.  
If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge. 

1.  Speaking of skating... when did you last "skate on thin ice," skate over the details, encounter a cheapskate, or just plain skate?

I have not skated in  forty-something  a few years but when I did take to the ice, this was my favorite position.

2.What would you say is the biggest problem of people your age?

You mean besides middle age bulge, crepey necks, wrinkles on the face and knees and everywhere in between, aches and pains, worries concerning future financial security and potential health crises?  

Hmmmm... I can't think of a thing.

3.  What's your favorite accessory?  Is it something you wear every day, often, or only on special occasions?

My favorite accessory would have to be my Mother's charm bracelet which I reserve for special occasions.

4.  January 20th is National Cheese Lover's Day.  What's your favorite dish made with cheese?  


The last thing you ate that contained some kind of cheese?

Last night, I had a few olives stuffed with feta with my chardonnay.  In my estimation, it's the best combination since PB& J.

5. What's something guaranteed to make you roll your eyes?

No explanation needed.

6.  Your favorite book series?

I haven't read the Mitford series in years, but that is by far, my favorite.

7.  Why did you choose your profession?

I didn't choose to be a supermodel trophy wife, it chose me.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Shout out to my #2 who was inducted into ODK yesterday.
We are so darn proud of you!

And, #1, if you are reading this, we are proud of you, too!

What makes you roll your eyes?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Congrats to #2! There is light at the end of the tunnel- graduation is just around the corner. Bracelet is beautiful! K family- more than eye rolling for me. Have a super, awesome week!

  2. You've hit upon several of my favorite things here. We'll get together soon and discuss the Mitford series while wearing our charm bracelets and eating feta cheese!

    Stay toasty warm!

  3. Last time I ice skated was when I was 9 and fell and got a concussion. My favorite accessory is my pearl necklace. My favorite cheese dish would be all forms of cheesecake. Wishing you well this weekend since it looks as though those of us in the Northeast will be expecting a snowstorm.

  4. Congratulations to your darling daughter!! I loved your answer to #7. :-) I'm having a love/hate relationship with pizza. I make my own with a GF crust (Food for Life tortillas), and put mozzarella cheese and other stuff on top, but my problem is, I can't eat just a little of it. I seem to have absolutely no willpower when it comes to my pizza. Now that I've unloaded that burden... Have a great Wednesday!

  5. We had the same olives this weekend and they're delish. I have a charm bracelet from my teenage years, and I still wear it occasionally. They made a bit of a comeback recently. The Mitford series would probably be #2 on my list of favorites. Congrats to your daughter!

  6. I really enjoyed reading your answers! You made me smile on more than one occasion :) By the way, congratulations to your daughter!
    Kathy (from Reflections by Kathy)

  7. Love the hodgepodge posts! My Granny always had her charm bracelet on. I love mine too. And, the Mitford series is the best. Congrats to #2!!!

  8. Love your answers they make me smile :-) Finally participated in this link up today, I've seen several blog friends doing it and thought it would be fun. That charm bracelet is beautiful and each day should be a special occasion to wear it ;-) Have a wonderful day!!


  9. Katie,Congrats to #2! I know you all are so proud of her.Your charm bracelet is just beautiful.I have a pair of pearl and diamond earrings,that are my sentimental piece.I hope you guys stay bundled up,and warm this weekend.I hear you are in for a bad storm.We are having lots of rain today!!! YUK,and YUK!!! Hugs,Elaine

  10. Katie,
    love your charm bracelet, I have mine from when I was a teenager. Congrats to #2, I know you're so proud! I have to agree with Preppy Mountain Farmer, my favorite cheese dish is definitely cheesecake! Cold weather has finally hit here also, in the 20's and today we actually got a little snow!
    Stay warm!

  11. Love hodgepodge! I agree, the Kardadians are the WORST!

  12. I loved reading your answers! Congratulations to your #2! I have a charm bracelet that looks very much like your mother's. It's a bit small for me now (it was a gift from my hubby when we were in high school), but still very precious to me. Have a great week!

  13. Wow! The olives stuffed with feta look yummy. I will have to try them with my Chardonnay!

  14. Love the Mitford books. I retread them every summer. My mother and I even travelled to Blowing Rock, NC for a "Mitford Days" event several years ago. Have you read the newest book?

  15. Pizza is definitely my answer too! Loved the Mitford books - my Mom and I share them! Congrats to your girl! Happy Wednesday!

  16. Looks like #2 is a wicked smarty pants! Congrats on an awesome achievement! My favorite series are the Little House Books - just found my set in the attic at my parent's house. Maybe I'll sit down with a beer(s) and some feta stuffed olives and re-read them....or start the Mitford series!

    1. Great idea!! Looks like we might escape the snow. That would be nice. Have a great weekend, Patsy.

  17. Congratulations to your daughter. I ventured to book club last night, also--olives stuffed with feta sounds yummy. Enjoyed reading your answers.

  18. I can't believe we both said The Mitford Series, such a great series. And, pizza is running a close second for me. Always fun to stop by your place and get a chuckle or two.

  19. Yes, I am a day late and probably a dollar short, but thank you for the morning giggles!! xoxo

  20. Amen to the national cheese day..didn't know it existed but doesn't matter every day is national cheese day over here:) And love my charm bracelet too! Fun post....enjoy the day, looks like you will get spared the snow, us..not so much.

  21. National Cheese day!!!! How did I miss that? Cheese, Sugar, and Junk food are my three main food groups. I love the eye roll at the Kardashians, I hope i n my lifetime we don;t see them on the cover of every magazine, or on the news every day.

    Stay warm, we are bracing for the same storm.

  22. Katie your posts are always so much fun...you made my day! I am going to include your post on my Friday favorites!

  23. Katie your posts are always so much fun...you made my day! I am going to include your post on my Friday favorites!

  24. Katie, if you enjoyed the Mitford series of books you might enjoy the English series of books by Miss Read. They are delightful.

    1. Thanks you so much much for the heads up. I am headed to Amazon right now. Have a wonderful weekend!

    2. Hope you enjoy the books....there are two facebook groups for those of us who adore Miss Read's wonderful stories of village life... "Miss Read" and "I want to live in Fairacre" book club. I really enjoy reading your blog---it always makes me smile! Your home is truly lovely.

  25. Last time I skated was on the frozen Lake Winnipesaukee in 2003. My ankles were none to pleased and my thumbs were frozen also frozen in -12 degrees. Chalk that up to "What I did for Love" or being a mother.

  26. Love the charm bracelet! Jan Karon writes a dandy story...just finished her latest one. I'm allergic to ice...

  27. What a hoot to find you through Cindy Haddersly blog. I was featured also. I adoe olives with feta, have not jumped on the Mitford bandwagon. I have read all of Debos books. But this winder season seems to have everyone talking about the Mitfords. I guess it's a sign. I do not view any one of the "K" family and I wear a pair for earring my husband gifted me with on our 55 wedding anniversay. I hope you come on over to my blog so we can meet. www.apartfrommyart.com! Sandra Sallin

  28. I have a feeling that we will be doing some serious eye rolling in a few weeks in SLC... Nothing that a glass of Chardonnay and a few feta stuffed olives can't make better, though.


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