Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Colorful Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends!  Happy Hodgepodge Day!  Hope that you are enjoying your week.  All is well here.  Today I am taking my bff, Anne out for lunch for her birthday.  We are planning on hitting the big city.

1.  Share one thing that really makes your day.

It makes my day when I can finally fit into my "fat jeans" again.
Note to self:  have jaws wired from Thanksgiving to New Years.

2.  Lots of these kinds of lists out there, but one found here says the most colorful places on earth are:

Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy-Burano, Italy -Havana, Cuba - Rio de Janiero, Brazil, Chefchauen, Morocco, Balat, Istanbul, Turkey - -Menton, France - Jodhpur, India - LaBaca, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Guanajuato, Mexico - Capetown, South Africa - Valparaiso, Chile - Wroclaw, Poland - San Francisco, California - and Pelourhino, Salvador, Brazil.

Of those listed, which would you most like to see up close and in person?  Of all the places you've traveled in your own life, what would you say is the most colorful?

I would like to visit Menton, France during their Lemon Festival.

I would have to say Nantucket is pretty colorful during the summer.

3.  "Everything you want is on the other side of fear."  Jack Canfield.

In general, would you agree or disagree with this statement?  Why?

I agree one hundred percent with this statement.  
Fear can paralyze you. 

4.  Imagine you're stranded on a desert island and dessert appears... what do you hope it is?  Do you ever struggle to remember which spelling is desert and which is dessert?

Anyone who has read my blog for awhile knows that Sista and I take the subject of deserts desserts very seriously.  If I were on a dessert desert island, I would want a hot fudge brownie sundae delivered to my hut.  Better include a roll of paper towels because things could get messy.

5.  What song almost always makes you cry?

I could never listen to the song Landslide without tearing up.  The first time I saw this commercial I went into such a state I thought the Mister was going to call 9-1-1.  

6.  January is National Soup month.  Everything from soup to nuts, in the soup, thick as pea soup, souped up... which saying most recently applies to your life in some way?  Explain.

Last weekend was warm and poured all weekend.  My Mother used to call those days pea soup kind of days.

7.  Write a two-word note to your younger self.  
What does it say?


Start Exercising!


Use Sunscreen!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

This is an update on my paperwhites which I planted the second week of November.  Hopefully, they'll make an appearance by Easter!

What two-word note would you write to your younger self?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Getting in my favorite pair of jeans, especially after the holidays, would make me smile :) :)
    Great two-word choices-all three of them!

  2. AGREE- getting into the jeans would make my day. It seems it takes me all year to remove the damage of the holidays, so that favorite pair of jeans keeps hanging in the closet to mock me. :( Hope the Paperwhites come out for Easter- my Calla Lilly comes back each year; however, I didn't get a single flower this spring.

  3. Jeans always seem to shrink over the holidays. It's a fact of life. And I'm reminded again to plant paperwhites. I need to write it on the calendar! That should have been my two word note: Plant Paperwhites.

  4. Jeans always seem to shrink over the holidays. It's a fact of life. And I'm reminded again to plant paperwhites. I need to write it on the calendar! That should have been my two word note: Plant Paperwhites.

  5. The Budweiser ads all get me. They definitely know how to tug at the heartstrings. Have fun in the city! I hope it's not a pea soup kind of day. Happy birthday to your bff!

  6. Hope you have a nice lunch with your friend and it doesn't make the jeans too tight!
    Wendy’s Waffle

  7. I can't wait for the paperwhite update! I am following you from Hodgepodge - you can follow me back if you want at Annster's Domain I hope you have an amazing day!

  8. I love the Budweiser ads, each one brings a tear to my eyes. Have a great time in the city celebrating your friend! Perhaps after lunch you could have a brownie sundae, or maybe just have that for lunch! Thats what I like to do.

  9. Landslide is also my "sob" song! We saw Stevie Nicks in concert and I cried through the whole song. I had never seen that Budweiser ad before - you just got me going again! Oh yes...my fat jeans have become my skinny jeans...too much indulging in 2015 has definitely taken its toll. Enjoy your lunch in the city!! xoxox

    PS...my two words would be "Be Patient"

  10. I grew paperwhites for the first time last year and the blooms were so pretty, but they died off soon after. Bummer. Oh, goodness...I have "Landslide" on my phone. It's a tear-jerker, for sure.

  11. Yes - in hindsight, don't worry is a great thing to tell our younger self. Love all the questions and answers!

  12. Have fun in the city! That Budweiser ad is a killer. I can't decide which one is cuter,the horse or the trainer? I think I'd tell my younger self "study harder" but since I studied maybe twice in high school we can shorten it to just "study". Hope the rest of your week is wonderful!

  13. Hey Katie, maybe you can get Yo Foster (RHBH) to go with you to that Lemon Festival (LOL)!

  14. Ohhhh, want to hear where you went for lunch! And where you got that picture of me putting my jeans on.............

  15. Ahhh... that dessert! I'd eat it anywhere - not just on a desert island!

  16. Need to fit back into those jeans, but wait...I need to eat that hot fudge brownie sundae first!!! LOL The Budweiser commercials get me everytime, especially the dog ones!

  17. I hadn't seen that Budweiser commercial before....I now have tears in my eyes!

  18. I love forcing paper whites. But I just can't take the smell of them. I would love to see the Lemon Festival as well!!

  19. My daughter confirms that Cinque Terre, Italy is indeed the most beautiful place on Earth.
    The two-word note I would write to my younger self: So what?
    Here's how to remember to spell dessert: Strawberry Shortcake is a deSSert.
    Never met a dessert that I didn't like.

    Happy birthday to BFF Anne.

  20. That commercial is a total tear-jerker! And I had forgotten about how some restaurants make those hot brownies on the skillet. Now I want one!

  21. love your hodgepodge days. :) heck, all your posts always make me smile. have a great weekend!

  22. I love this whole hodgepodge! Great two word choices, I'll agree with don't worry. I have a distinct memory of worrying when the scale tipped 120! haha

  23. Love the looks of that brownie sundae! A place here has one similar called Chocolate Xcess -- I don't find anything about it excessive -just incredibly delish! My 2 words would be: Be Kind.
    Trying to be kind to myself as I squeeze into my fave jeans too! Have a great day and weekend!

  24. My 2 words in my high school days would have been: Stop stressing!! My tear-jearker song is Wing Beneath My Wings.It gets me every time! I too,cannot seem to fit into my pre-November jeans.I think my dryer is not working properly,and is shrinking all my clothing!!!

    1. That's it! It's the dryer! I love that song too. I've seen the movie about a dozen times and cry every time. Enjoy your weekend, Mrs. K!

  25. I love that commercial too, always tears me up.... they have some good ones! Have a great weekend!


  26. This post had me laughing so hard I couldn't even think. I will try to think of some answers when my eyes quit watering!!

  27. Having just come from the dermatologist, I would echo the "use sunscreen" mantra. Irish skin + Florida sun + baby oil = no bueno. Also, I will never think of the song Landslide in the same way ever again, I started sobbing at about the 15 second mark.


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