Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

A Not-So-Stereotypical Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Can you believe that it is almost Memorial Day?  For me, this year has just whipped by.  Friday, I am off to an Author Literary Luncheon featuring  J. Courtney Sullivan at the Wequassett Resort.  Unfortunately, it is supposed to rain cats and dogs, but there will be sunshine in my heart because I will be with my two buddies, Anne and Annie.

You know the drill, if it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.


1.  What color is prominent in your home?  Are you glad about that or wishing you could cover it up or remove it?

Two colors dominate my home and I don't plan on changing them yet.


And blue.

2.  What's something that you'll never do again?

I will never step foot on a plane flown by Spirit Airlines.  If you've never had the pleasure, this article describes the flying experience to a tee.

This should be their slogan.
Spirit Airlines: You'll only fly us once. 

3.  Tell us a couple of ways you fit the stereotype associated with your gender, and a couple of ways you don't.

I have always been a girly girl.  I adore makeup, jewelry, and pretty clothes.  Btw... this is the way I am going to pose for pics from now on so you can't see my double chin.

I am against stereotype when it comes to cooking and basically every other household chore that is associated with the female gender.  

4.  May is Motorcycle Awareness Month.  Have you ever owned a motorcycle?  Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?  If the opportunity presented itself would you hop on a motorcycle and go for a ride?

Ever since I can remember, my father gave me lectures about the dangers of motorcycles and told me that as long as I lived under his roof, I was forbidden to ride on one.  He had never ridden one but was obsessed with the dangers of them.

My Father should have saved his breath because not only have I never been on a motorcycle, but I never had any friends who owned one.  

To this day, I break out in a cold sweat when a motorcycle passes me on the road!

Good job, Dad.   

5.  If someone wanted to understand you, what should they read, watch, and listen to?

All they would have to do is read my posts from the past four and a half years, and if they didn't fall asleep or become bored to tears, they could safely say that they pretty much know me better than I know myself.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Occasionally, people ask me why I blog.  As I have said before, the greatest gift that blogging has given me is meeting interesting people and making new friends.  Yesterday, I met Patti, a fellow blogger from Pandora's Box for lunch on the Cape. She lives in upstate New York and was visiting a friend.  Patti started our little group, The Tales of the Traveling Totes.  We had a wonderful lunch, and we really hit it off, as I knew we would.  

My little Grandma, Margaret used to say if you made a new friend it was a good day.

It was a very good day.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love the colors in your home Katie...I have a lot of blue and green but I have always wanted a red room. Hubby says NO. Oh well...So glad you got to meet a blogging friend for lunch. I am hoping to meet up with one of my long time blog friends this summer. As for motorcycles, after losing a cousin to a motorcycle accident, I would never set foot on one. Your father was a wise man!

  2. Your home is beautiful! You have such an amazing eye for color and decorating. The picture of the person on the motorcycle driving between two cars would make my stomach drop. Some people take such scary risks. That's neat that you met another blogger who was visiting your area. Sounds like you had a great time over lunch.

  3. It's always fun meeting fellow bloggers - I've met two so far and hope to meet more! You would get along well with my sister-in-law; she has a lot of blue in her house also. Enjoyed reading your answers on my visit from the Hodgepodge :)

  4. It certainly was a very good day!! I love how I have angled my bag, making me look thin - I must remember that!! Have fun at Waquossett. Your home is lovely, I especially love the red and white checks in your sun room!

  5. Your home is so beautiful! I especially like your sun room and that cheery, big laundry room. Have fun at your literary meeting. I suspect that everyone else has fun because you're there. I too should have said to read my blog to know better who I am. I think that's so true. Have a wonderful day.

  6. Your home is too pretty to be true! I love the colors you use together and the classic but fun style! Actually, I'd say it represents your personality very well.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I love the blues in your home and the red gingham. It is fun meeting blogging friends. Arlene at Nanaland and I met this last September. I knew I would love her and I did!!! As for motorcycles, Mother was the one always giving me that message. I did ride one in high school and we had a wreck. We were both ok. I sort of snuck in and threw the grass stained clothes away hoping she wouldn't be as sly as she usually is. I think it may be the ONLY thing I ever pulled over her eyes. That was my last ride!!!!!

  8. Hi Katie, I love your home, it is so lovely. I'm especially crazy for your sun room:) We built this house beginning '98 moving in early '99 and I've never changed my colors, until a few weeks ago. I did a kitchen face lift a little over a year ago and and I painted the entire house a really pretty grey, very neutral and I love it! But, I will never do it again, it was worse that moving!!!! I can't think of anything I would never do again except paint an entire house, I'm pretty cautious. Like you I consider myself a girly girl, and I would not ride anything that has only two wheels! How wonderful you and Patti were able to meet for lunch. I love when I get to meet my blogger friends. Great pic of your two. Have a wonderful weekend Katie..........

  9. Your house is so pretty! Just doing some furniture shopping yesterday and it looks like I will have a neutral base, but adding turquoise, blues and greens. My Florida house will be very different than my Michigan house!

  10. Always a pleasure and my father made my husband get rid of his motorcycle when he married e LOL!

  11. I wouldn't know what day of the week it was if you didn't entertain me every Wednesday with Hodgepodge! I went on a ride on a Harley last year and loved it, but would never want a motorcycle for myself! Your Dad was wise!

  12. Been having computer fits last few days...have to comment under my real name! Love the sound advice of one new friend a dat...especially in the blog world. You are spot on!-littleblackdomicile

  13. Love, love love your house and the colors red and blue! Lately, gray seems to be the main color in my casa. Hmmm -- may need to work on that. Also scared to death of motorcycles and have never ridden one or wanted to either! Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  14. My husband almost didn't walk again due to a terrible motorcycle accident (on a borrowed motorcycle in high school). He then reinjured it about ten years ago and is lucky to be walking once again..no love lost here on motorcycles...

  15. Oh, I LOVE that blue and white! And your laundry room in particular! And yes, I'm the same way. If you read my blog for any length of time, you know me as well as anyone can!

  16. Katie, I can hear my father's voice as clear as day, "Stay off of motorcycles"!!! To this day my tush has never had contact with the seat of a motorcycle and it never will!!
    Smart Dads!!!

  17. Love your beautiful home! Blue and red are favorites here too. Wish we had all that light flooding into our home. No on the motorcycles for me. Rode one once or twice, but never again. I'm not even a big fan of bicycles!
    So happy that you and Patti had an afternoon together. Hopefully someday the TT group can meet up all together.

  18. I agree about friendships made through blogging : ) Your hubs would probably love the Big Green Egg. Check it out. They are pricey, but last forever and you can cook some amazing dishes on this particular grill. A friend told me they go to the Big Green Egg fest every year in Atlanta, and it's alot of fun. Might be something your hubs would enjoy if you are in town then (October I think).

  19. Your home is gorgeous and I love the colors! That's a great idea on that pose. How wonderful that you have meet Patti. I have meet a few blog friends and it is awesome. Enjoyed your post today.

  20. I use those same colors in my house with a dash of yellow as well! Love it!

    Your hodgepodges are always fun and I adore the graphics you add! That little biker dog at the end cracked me up!

    I've loved making friends through blogging too! Such a great thing!

  21. Spirit Airlines, deep breath, unclench jaw, my motto is never darken their door again. Air travel is awful enough these days with long security lines, half undressed scurried through like rats in a maze then the added insult of the Spirit Airline business model from hell. I'll take Southwest thank you very much, lovely people, common sense approach to travel at an attractive price. But only when the family jet is in the shop- she laughs.

  22. Great hodgepodge. You and I share similar feelings about motorcycles :) LOVE the M-C tote and looked online for one, but it appears they don't make them anymore?! Boohoo. Happy Memorial Day Weekend to you and your Mister. Up north M Day means the beginning of summer. Here in the south we've already begun!

  23. I loved the book Maine by JCS, enjoy your lunch.

  24. awwwwwwww.....you got to meet my fellow teacher of all things home and family oriented!!!!! How cool! One of these days.......
    Love your home. So very cozy and obviously, homey!!

  25. awwwwwwww.....you got to meet my fellow teacher of all things home and family oriented!!!!! How cool! One of these days.......
    Love your home. So very cozy and obviously, homey!!

  26. I so enjoy your posts and a hodge podge is always welcome! Your home is always a treat to look at and I love your taste and color choices. I feel I need to be more brave with color. Neutrals are sometimes an easy way to avoid decision making! That's me!

    Did learn to ride a motorcycle when I was younger, that and snowmobiles taught me how it really feels to not be in control. No love lost here...very dangerous.

    Love to meet fellow bloggers...can't even count on two hands! Whenever we travel I look up any I know in the area!! Such a nice way to get to know people and make friends!!

    Jane x

  27. I just love the giant red and white checks in your sun room, and the view from your kitchen is so cozy and charming. My Dad had a motorcycle when we were growing up and he allowed my younger sister and me to take it out by ourselves one time, as we lived in a very small town. My little sis was the driver, hit some gravel, and we flew off of the motorcycle as one unit with her face down in the grass and me just fine on top! My Mother never forgave my Dad, and the story gets bigger every time we talk about it at Thanksgiving! Dad subsequently sold the motorcycle, but it sure was fun for a while! Have a great weekend Katie! xo

  28. I'm so happy you & Patti were able to connect. I just wish I lived closer, or didn't have to consider flying Spirit to get out of my town to meet you all (you think I'm kidding, but I'm not. And if you saw our scary mountainous airport landing areas, you'd know why Spirit's one of the few that will tackle our region). Your home is beautiful - why ever change what's already timelessly classic? Have a great weekend!

  29. What a lovely home! I especially love your red couch with the blue and yellow pillows. I guess our parents were cut from the same cloth. I got the same lecture. Hence, not motorcycle in my past or future. Thanks for sharing. As always, you make me smile.

  30. your home is beautiful -- looks like a magazine!!! I'm jealous of your big and sunny laundry room!! I'm also impressed that it looks so nice - not like a utilitarian room at all!!

  31. I love your red and blue and I'm swooning over that bathroom wallpaper!

  32. You have a knack with colors and decorating - and I like how all your rooms harmonize.
    Of course my father forbid me to ride on a motor cycle. Of course the first time I rode on one, we were in an accident and I had to stay/hide in bed for two days "sick" because I was so sore and scraped up - and in the middle of the summer I had to wear pants and long-sleeve shirts until I healed.

  33. Oh my goodness, but I am so glad that you visited my blog yesterday and left a comment! I've never seen your little corner of the world, figuratively speaking, and can I just say that it is ADORABLE! Your home made me drool. Girl, you have a flair for decorating! I really enjoyed reading all of your responses to Joyce's questions. Have a great day!

  34. It's raining cats and dogs here, too, and we're hoping that the weekend isn't a washout! We'll never fly Spirit after one very awful experience with them so you're slogan is spot on. We hope you're having a wonderful week and stay dry!
    C + C

  35. Your colors are so pretty! I am in love with those red checks and that blue wallpaper! Such happy colors! It's raining like crazy here in NJ and is supposed to continue most of the weekend. Looks like we won't be doing our usual Memorial Day Weekend beach trip. Oh well... I am afraid of motorcycles too...Have a great weekend!

  36. Oh, your home is absolutely gorgeous and I do love all your choices of color. Great answer on #5 and true for me as well. Enjoy tomorrow in spite of the rain. Happy weekend!

  37. Your home is beautiful Katie, Love the blue laundry with dog portrait! How fun to meet Patti for lunch, I know you had fun~ I have gotten to where I hate to fly, and my husband has vowed never again...we'd both rather ride a motorcycle :)


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