Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Beacon Hill - Take 3

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Sunday!  We are enjoying some gorgeous sunny, cool weather this weekend.  

Last Thursday, I attended the Beacon Hill Garden Walk.  It was the third year in a row that I have attended this magnificent event.  If you care to refresh your memory on the past two years, you can find them here and here.  

It was a record-breaking day with temps breaking into the mid 90's on Thursday.  As far as I'm concerned, that's a Fall day in Texas.  My buddy, Mary, the Queen of the Sudbury Sweethearts, braved the heat with me and we hit about six gardens and in the process, met some lovely people.   We planned on meeting the rest of the girls later for lunch. 


I didn't get a lot of pics of the actual gardens this year because, despite the weather, it was fairly crowded.  The stars of this post are the window boxes and stunning doors and door knockers.

This was Miss Daisy's virgin voyage.

Miss Daisy is turning into quite the ham.

This was the first garden that we attended.  We met the owner, and she told us that she moved to Beacon Hill about 5 years ago from NYC.  She retired from the magazine business.

The owner had two beautiful mirrors placed on the trellis on each side of a sculpture.  They highlighted the beauty of the garden.  When I complimented her on them, she whispered to me that they were hung the previous evening.  Just in the nick of time and well worth the effort.

The owner also shared that this birdcage came with the house.

This was my favorite window box.

Hydrangeas in all colors, shapes, and sizes were featured in many of the window boxes and pots.

This charming gent chatted it up with Mary.  He was the owner and one of two male members of the garden club.  I have a feeling that he's pretty popular with the group.

This is his darling potting room right off the garden.

We also stopped by Blackstone's Book Store.  On the left is G.D. Spilsbury who was signing her books, and my buddy Liz.


This book is described as being a story of love between families, friends, and lovers that bind us through life's brief journey.  

Gail also wrote a podcast called Red Line which you can listen for free on iTunes.  You can read about it here.

I met Dolley Carlson at her book signing at the same bookstore two years ago.  Liz has been corresponding with her and enjoyed meeting her in person. 

Think Downton Abbey but set in Boston.

It was so nice to spend time with these lovely ladies again.  We caught up on all the latest news on graduations, weddings, and even a new grandbaby on the way. 

Miss Daisy was thrilled to be included in the day.

Until next time...

I was thrilled to meet one of the newest residents of Beacon Hill. 

Linking up with:
Silver Pennies Sunday
Amaze Me Mondays
Metamorphosis Monday
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Those are some gorgeous window boxes. I never would have thought to put hydrangeas in a window box! -Jenn

  2. Beautiful window boxes. Looks like a fun day with friends. xo Laura

  3. This garden tour looks fabulous! I love the window boxes! But even better than the gardens, the lunch with your friends how wonderful. I hope that you have a fabulous week.

  4. I think the star of the walk was Miss Daisy. I loved seeing all the pops of color, Katie, and what is better than a group of friends enjoying some girl talk.

  5. Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing! It seemed like I was there!😎

  6. Oh Katie, what a delightful way to spend an afternoon. The Beacon Hill window boxes are amazing and filled with dazzling flowers! I see you and Miss Daisy were enjoying every minute, along with friends for lunch. I feel like I was along for the tour! Have a wonderful week.........

  7. Wow - amazing gardens. I love home tours - you get so many ideas. I'd have never thought of adding mirrors.

  8. This was marvelous Katie...we always loved strolling through Beacon Hill....the most interesting Brownstones...so glad you shared the gardens and the lovely luncheon with your besties....have a great week.

  9. What a delight! I've never done this tour but it's on my list for next year. Thanks!

  10. What a wonderful day you had and to enjoy time with friends makes it even more special. Thank you for sharing your beautiful part of the country with us - and it truly is beautiful.

  11. Hydrangea make everything look beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. What a fun fun day with friends, and they look like a really fun group to be with too. The gardens were lovely and I have a thing for window boxes too. I hope to have at least one in our new cottage. Love Daisy the purse!!!

  13. This looks like loads of fun, Katie. And oh! Those hydrangeas and window boxes. Be still my heart. Makes me want to go get window boxes right now! I love your mirror selfie and it all looks like you had a perfect day and great companionship, too! One of those visits where I'd like to be peeking out of Miss Daisy's zipper!

  14. Looks like a fun-filled (albeit hot) day in Boston. I enjoyed all your photos!

  15. What fun Katie! I love, love, love the window boxes!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!


  16. Love it! Aren't you glad you made the move to Boston!! 💜

  17. Gardens, books and friends...it doesn't get much better than that. The blue hydrangeas in these pictures are so beautiful they look fake. Gorgeous.

  18. Books and blooms, what a perfect day! Thanks for the recommendations, I have kindle samples on the way!

  19. I'm happy that you captured these gorgeous window boxes. I may start a Pinterest page just for these photo. Just love a window box spilling over with color. Those white hydrangeas in the urn are huge! Glad to see Miss Daisy out and about enjoying Boston with the girls.

  20. Katie, I've been wanting to go on this amazing tour but this year I was busy again, this time in NYC on the ONLY hot, humid, awful day of the year so far. I would much rather have been touring with you and seeing those gorgeous window boxes! Nothing like a public tour of your garden to get those finishing bits like mirrors up! Can you imagine having a potting room in Beacon Hill?? Heavenly! Linda

  21. It looks like such a fun day and the window boxes are amazing. Would have loved to have tagged along with you!!


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