Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, May 5, 2017

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Cinco de Mayo!  I hope that you enjoyed your week.  The highlight of mine was the  Buttonwood Books Breakfast With The Authors and a lovely lunch with my dear friend, Anne.  

Our Groundskeepers
They have as much enthusiasm about having their picture taken as my #1 and #2.

We are in for a wet one this weekend.  The Mister and I will be headed to the movies.  I am so glad that we got all our planting done last weekend.  We wouldn't have been able to do it all without our chief diggers in residence.


Are you in the market for a new home?  Here are a couple of properties that caught my eye.

Let's begin with this little beauty in Southampton

I bet my typos would be cut in half if my Blog Central looked like this one.


Or if you prefer Nantucket, this humble abode is also for sale.

Please reserve the guest room for moi.


Are you thinking about visiting a quaint coastal town this summer?  Here's a list of suggestions


If you're looking to rent a car to cruise that coastal town here are some tips on how to get the lowest prices.


Here's an article that will give you the 4-1-1 on the cheapest time to book your airline tickets.


In honor of Cinco de Mayo, here is a list of the most popular Margaritas according to Pinterest.


Here is the rundown on anti-aging skincare products that dermatologists use.

Not that I need them or anything, but I thought you might want to take a gander.


Are you looking to take better pictures on your vacation?  
This guy can give you some easy tips.


Speaking of photos, how cute are these!


Do you have a college student at home this summer?  
Here is a list of the best paying internships.


Not only did they admit that they are romantically involved, but Morning Joe and Mika became engaged this week.

I sensed romantic vibes when I saw them out to dinner together a couple of years ago.

And here I thought the vibes were coming from the Mister.



It was my turn to choose the movie last weekend.  
I thought my choice would be a sure winner. 

McSteamy plus Nantucket.
What could go wrong?

A lot.  
The Grey Lady is a disaster.  
The screenplay is poorly written and convoluted.  
The acting, or rather, the overacting is difficult to watch.  

The Mister and I were the only ones in the theater.  
You would think we would have caught on with that clue.

Save your money and skip The Grey Lady.  
Put your dough towards a visit to beautiful Nantucket instead. 



Yesterday, as I mentioned earlier, I attended another fabulous Breakfast with the Authors sponsored by Buttonwood Books and Toys.  A post full of details is in the works.  I was thrilled that Randy Susan Meyers was one of the authors because I just finished listening to her book and loved it.  

The Widow of Wall Street is a roman`a Clef.   How's that for a fancy term?  I learned it from the author yesterday.  The novel is loosely based on the Madoff Ponzi story, only it is so much more delicious because it centers around the clueless, likable wife.  I felt that Ms. Meyers took a black and white outline of a story and painted it with vivid color. 

I'll tell you more about the book and Randy Susan Meyers' humorous talk as well as the other authors and books soon.  But in the meantime, if you are stuck inside due to rain, pick up a copy of The Widow of Wall Street.  You'll thank me later.  

Until next time...

Ralph Lauren
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. We are getting rain and wind this weekend! Definitely time to get some good reading in!

    Those houses! Wow! I like the Nantucket one - it seems 'cozier' to me! ;)

  2. Our rain came through yesterday. Beautiful homes, but I want a smaller house, current one is 3000+sqft and there's just the 2 of us here.

  3. I have always wanted a New England house, now I have two to choose from.:) Will be adding that book to my TBR list. I always look forward to the Friday Files.

  4. Your tulips and blue pot are just beautiful! Smart that you did your planting last week. You'll never guess what we're doing in the rain tomorrow...

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Oh- Those houses!!!!! Amazing, aren't they? If I could have that VIEW I could do with a lot less house. I miss the ocean---living on the bay is just NOT the same!

    Thanks for the movie and book reviews. I always find I am in agreement with you on your choices of reading and watching.

    Love the picture of the Queen and hubs. I hear that he is stepping out of his prominent position of public appearances and taking things a bit easier. WHAT? He is ONLY 95 years old!!!!

    Have a wonderful (if wet) weekend- xo Diana

  6. We could use the rain here, though no complaints about the perfect weather we've been enjoying. I've wanted a home on Nantucket as long as I can remember. The abode you share is obviously more than we need, and well, to be honest, it's out of our price range.
    Maybe we could all go in and do a time share. Ideas? ;-)
    Happy Cinco de Mayo!

  7. I can't decide which house I want!! However, I'll think about it later because for now I'm off to check out the anti aging products.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Those homes are lovely - ohhh, to dream..... Did yo notice the one in Southampton has 5 washing machines ?? I am off to see Lion (a little behind on my movies). Have a great weekend!

  9. I sure enjoyed all the grandeur you posted for us in those beautiful homes and places to go! Happy Friday, Katie, and thanks for the movie review. I won't bother!

  10. Oh, I see know that I need a "blog center". What does your's look like?-Laurel Bledsoe

  11. Just when I think my lakehouse is looking good, I see something like these homes!!! OMGoodness, Katie, I'd take any of them.

    Totally not going to be able to comment on everything you wrote, but please know I so enjoy your take on everything from movies to books. And of course, your sense of humor!

    Jane x

  12. Love this version of Friday files (and adore the Queen. I'll cry when she dies.) Looks like you are getting our nasty weather of the past week. Enjoy the movies!

    If I lived in those white rooms, they wouldn't be white anymore. Don't these people ever get dirty?

  13. Prince Phillip was handsome (I feel bad typing that in past tense).
    I use 4 of the skincare products that the dermatologists use - and they really are great products.
    Your planters look beautiful. Not quite warm enough here to plant mine.
    Stay dry this weekend.

  14. Now you're making me look like a loser in the garden. I haven't even bought dirt, let alone flowers for my containers! And how about that $55M home in Southampton?? As gorgeous as that is, down here we call that kind of spending stupid money! But oh, that office view! so many fun topics in the Friday Files - always entertaining.

  15. Another great post. Thanks for the link to the photo-taking hints. They sound easy enough and will come in handy during our next trip... if I can remember them before I take a shot!

  16. Thanks for the links, so many great things here today! I am off to check them out now.

    I always rely on your for book and movie advice. Thanks for the tip on The Grey Lady.

    I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Hi Katie, Yes, I'm in the market for a new home but sadly it won't be either of those! I will, however, save a weekend for you in our guest room! Looking forward to hearing about the author breakfast! Linda

  18. Hey Katie, hope your weekend is going well. You always give me something fun to think about! I'm not su sure about this Joe/Mika thing. He and I grew up in Pensacola at the same time and our paths crossed here and there, but we never really knew each other. I met him a few years ago when he was in Fairhope and he seemed pretty nice. His first wife was a distant cousin and the daughter of my dentist, so it's definitely less than six degrees of separation. What an interesting world!

  19. Hmmm...I can't decide if I'm insulted or relieved the the quaint towns with white sandy beaches on the Gulf Coast didn't make the top beach destinations, but I think I'm relieved! Our area is growing too fast right now, as Leslie Anne from the best little coastal town in the US, Fairhope Al, can attest too! As for Joe and Mika, I stopped watching them drooling over each other several years ago, totally nauseating with morning coffee! I am definitely going to read that book, thanks!

  20. I think I will go for the home on Nantucket. It has lots more square footage and is so modestly priced that there would still be plenty in the budget to buy a helicopter to whisk me back and forth from the mainland. Perfection!

  21. OK, I have to get The Widow Of Wall Street, ASAP! Today I have been gathering my books that I have read and don't need anymore to take down to our clubhouse library, to share:) I would love to just stay a night in either of those amazing homes! That OFFICE!!!!! OMGoodness, I would never leave! Thanks for all the other tips too! Have a great day, Katie!


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