Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, July 18, 2014

The Only Way to Get to Boston

Happy Friday, friends.  This is a post from last month that I hadn't published.  Better late than never...

On the first day of summer, the Mister took me to Boston on his new mode of transportation - the ferry.  Who says empty nesters can't live on the wild side?

We lucked out - it was a beautiful cool day.    

I caught the Mister mid-joke after reading this sign, and warned him not to finish it.  It would be a veeeery long day in Beantown if he had!

Lots of room inside.  Also, a bar and bartender are included which I am sure is taken full advantage of by the evening commuters. 

Being the living-on-the-edge empty nesters that we are, we chose to sit on the top deck.  I can read the Mister's mind.  He's thinking...I wanna buy a boat....I wanna buy a boat... I wanna buy a boat.  
I'm thinking...I wanna renovated master bath....I wanna renovated master bath....

My favorite part of looking at all the boats is reading the names.  This boat's name is The Dean's List.  How would you like to be stuck at sea with a guy telling you how smart he was in college?

I asked the Mister if this was George Clooney's island.  To my dismay, he said no.

A lot of weekend ferry riders departed at Georges Island for picnics.  Not us though, I had my fancy lady heels on.

Fasten your seatbelts, Beantown.  The crazy empty nesters are on their way to set the town on fire! 

The Mister took me to his latest favorite eatery, trade.

We felt automatically "cooler" the minute we walked in.  

The food was great.  The Mister doesn't allow me to take pictures of food anymore.  Take my word for it - stunning presentation.

The Mister and I walked to a place that he promised I would absolutely love for dessert.  During our stroll, I spotted this gorgeous flowerbox. 

He knows me so well.  We stopped for dessert at Miel Brasserie Provencale in the InterContinental Boston.

It's not often, but the Mister was right.  The room was beautiful and a perfect place for us to indulge our sweet tooths or is it teeth?

Lovin' the lavender....

Next we were off to the street fair!  My lucky day.  

These were interesting for the baseball fan in the family!

This lady had more men standing around than the baseball can opener tent.  Hmmm. I had to practically drag the Mister away from her demonstration.

These colorful dishes can be used to grate cheese.

Lots of signage for the townies that forget where they live.

Plenty of great looking accessories for our Chowdah.

Should have bought my #1 one of these.  She is the Queen of Selfies!

Love these "Yay! and Ugh..."  shirts.

Perhaps our next excursion?

Hope you have nothing but smooth sailing this weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Well I think trip to Boston is in order here, if I go you must meet me there!

  2. There is just something about being on the water that can make even a commute fun! I would have been crazy for that lavender too :-)

  3. Looks like so much fun! On one of our visits we hung out on the North End and people watched for a while. I saw several Tony Soprano clones... I have been having trouble commenting. I'm positive it's on my end. Just wanted to say how darling you looked in your Talbots pants the other day. I'm going to our outlets this weekend so I'll be on the hunt for those!

  4. I'm so jealous of your big ferries! We rode them when we were in the area, and it's such a relaxing form of transportation. There was talk of getting one for our small Mobile Bay, but too much shipping traffic prohibits it - plus all the politicians putting their two cents in. So for now, it's bridges.
    "Cracked" up over the woman doing the cooking demo!!!
    Happy weekend to you!

  5. Katie you make me love our city in a whole new way! Tell me these pics aren't from your cell phone cause they are spectacular!

  6. We used to ferry from Boston to Nantasket Beach and Georges Island...such a great day. Downtown Boston is so much fun in the summer. The street fair had plenty to see for you and apparently the Mister..seems you both enjoyed the views.

  7. Sounds like such a lovely day--you sure got a lot into it!

  8. Wow what fun..Boston is such an amazing city one of my faves!! I love going on a ferry too.....fun fun fun! Have a great weekend!

  9. Beautiful! Boston is such a fun city, especially in the summer. We enjoy riding the ferries and just walking along the harbor - excuse me, the HaBah.
    Love the YAY! Wine! shirt. It reminds me of a refrigerator magnet I got for my son and daughter-in-law when their twins were a few months old. YAY! Sleep! (Kind of cruel because at that point they still were not getting much sleep...)

  10. My idea of a perfect day! And really, is there anything more romantic! A beautiful memory for you.
    Cathy (nj)

  11. Your pictures are fantastic...they made me want to go to Boston! And, you two always seem to have SO much fun! Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!! xoxo


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