Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Date Night with the Mister

Hello dear friends.  Our weather in Massachusetts this weekend was nothing less than spectacular!

The Mister and I had a fairly busy weekend.  Saturday we went to my utopia, the Wrentham Outlets.  The stores were on major sale alert.  A lot of the stores were marking down their already lowest price by 50 percent.

  Kate Spade my style icon, for instance, had all her bags marked down by 50 percent and then another 20 percent off that price.  By the time I left the place she owed me money! 

In my flurry of shopping, I did take time to smell the flowers.  The mall was overflowing with these gorgeous hydrangea bushes.  I love to be surrounded by beauty while I save the Mister thousands of dollars.  By the way Mister, your welcome. 

We went home to our #1 son, Mr. Chowdah, and played with him for a while.  We tried to tire him out because we were going out for the evening and we knew he was not going to be happy.

Chow's sad face.  He must have overheard us talking.

I wore my new favorite pants ala Talbots.  I fell in love with them as soon as I saw them on the rack.  When I got home I realized why.  They match my kitchen curtains.  What woman doesn't want to match her drapes?  Even Scarlett O'Hara - she actually wore her window treatment!  If it's good enough for Scarlett - it's good enough for me!

Pretty close, huh?

The Mister and I went to one of our favorite restaurants in Hingham called Tosca.  We love to sit in the bar area, order beaucoup appetizers, a couple of glasses of vino and listen to the talented piano player. 

The Mister takes the job of ordering off the menu very seriously.

I asked this guy if he needed a soloist, but he said no - that he had it covered.  Whatevah...

This is the look the Mister gives me when he wants me to put away my phone and stop taking pictures.

And after a fabulous dinner, we were off to see the guys that I have been anxiously waiting to see for months.  We went to see Straight No Chaser at the South Shore Music Circus.

This couple does not look nearly as excited as I was to be there.

These two ladies were big fans of SNC.

Straight No Chaser did not disappoint.  They put on a great show and I enjoyed every minute of it. 

When we came home from our delightful evening, we were quite surprised with what we found.  I won't go into specifics for the sake of our family's privacy, but I did overhear our beloved Chowdah telling his father that a bunch of vandals broke in and tore up some boxes.  

Stay tuned for Chowdah's version of the evening for an upcoming post of  Bowl of Chowdah.

Happy Monday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. That bar sounds lovely! Your puppy is too funny - you definately got a dog with personality plus :-)

  2. You guys are too cute!! you looked lovely all blue and white!!

  3. Love your outfit! And, I would love to spend an evening in that bar. Can't wait to hear what Chowdah has to say about the whole "incident". LOL Oh, and that lady's face was PRICELESS!!!

  4. Love your pants! And matching the kitchen window treatments make them all the better! ;)
    I love Chowdah's story about the incident! My husband will do the same thing with our 19 year old son, he will say "I don't want to alarm you, but someone must have broken into our house and went in your room and threw your stuff ALL over the place! :)

  5. Dang! That Chowdah is a brave little guy!

    I did some shopping at Talbots myself this weekend, but no matching the draperies. What pattern would you recommend for venetian blinds?

  6. So glad you enjoyed Straight No Chaser. I'm seeing them later this year. As for Chowdah, pretty soon you'll have enough stories for your version of Marley and Me!

  7. Sounds like such a fun night and love how much of a good sport the Mister is:) Love you in your new pants...you look mighty sharp! That piano player had no idea what he was missing not giving you a chance to belt out a few:)

  8. Poor Chowdah. He must've been beside himself when the box vandals showed up. Your hubby is a real sport to be featured in your blog. And he can cook too...you lucky girl.

  9. kate spade purses are the best; I hope you will share which ones you purchased. love that your pants match the curtains. as usual you are ahead of this fashion/decorating trend. both the pants and the curtains are adorable! and chowdah; well that sweet thing is the cutest ever and I can't wait for his version of what happened. linda r (phila burbs)

  10. I do look forward to your posts. Some blogs can get pretty pretentious but yours always puts a smile on my face. Unless you meant to be pretentious ??!!

  11. You two always have so much fun! I need to start forwarding these posts to MY mister as a giant hint! Hope you are having a fabulous week! xoxo

  12. What a great weekend - except for the whole "vandals" thing! Your shopping economics are just like mine. I feel that the amount I saved is WAY more important than the amount I spent and, in fact, I should get to spend the savings because I saved them the first go 'round. My husband says that this type of thinking explains why I got a D in Economics class in college.


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