Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

european country antiques

Hello, dear friends.  I have recently discovered a great blog filled with great taste in decorating and adventures.  The name of the blog is An Urban Cottage.  The best part of it is that Steve lives in the Boston area.  His blog has become a great resource for me in finding great places to shop and visit. 

A couple of months ago, Steve did a post on a store in Boston called European Country Antiques.  The Mister and I had a luncheon in Boston one Saturday, so we went over and took a look afterwards.  

Loved these colorful plates and hutch.  The Mister told me if I brought home one more rooster, he would put me out in the hen house.

Lovin' these end tables.

I think the Mister got sick of me oohing and aahing so he went downstairs solo.  I also promised him we would stop for ice cream if he was a good boy and didn't whine too much.

Love the wheelbarrow.

They had some really pretty copper pieces.

Thanks, Steve, for introducing me to my new favorite place!  

Hope you're staying cool!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie,
    looks like an amazing shop! What a lot of gorgeous pieces all in one place! It's so fun exploring new shops and places in a new town.

  2. What a fabulous shop!! Filled to the brim with great finds. And, always good to find a new blog and friend.

  3. Glad you enjoyed it! Did you happen to check out the place across the street? It looks great but it's always been closed when I've been there.

    BTW, my name is Steve but you can call me Ron if you want.

  4. I bet this is a high-end antique store. The prices are probably way out of my league, but they are absolutely beautiful. You can tell someone put some real love into them.

  5. Everything looks amazing. I see so many wonderful design ideas.

  6. If I pick out a few things, would you kindly load them in your car and drive them to Alabama for me?

    Thank you in advance.

    1. I am still waiting on my granite steps. Ha! You know, the Mister could start a personal shopping and delivery business just from your blog. Oh, and you don't have a hen house unless the Mister plans on building you one, so buy away.

  7. An interesting shop - did the Mister get his ice cream?
    Have a nice sunny day

  8. Oh how fun...this is so my kind of store. I can see why you snapped away..fun way to spend the day!

  9. Oh the number hooks for be just prefect for three kiddos I know!

  10. I have been there and love it! What did you buy??? xoxo


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