Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, July 4, 2014

bowl of chowdah

Welcome back.  I actually lasted another week!  The good thing is my Mom and Dad never stay mad for very long.  It took some time, but I have managed to wrap them around my l'il ol' paw!

To say life in Chowdahville has been a little rocky would be an understatement.  I overheard Mom and Dad talking about how they think I am always testing them.  They're probably right. 

Let's start with Monday.  You know what that means... Puppy School.  It's hard enough to be going to school at a mere 5 months old, but now my Mom says I am getting too heavy to pick up and put into the car.  I beg to differ.  I am tipping the scale at a svelte 30 pounds.

Mom asked me why I can jump on all the furniture but I can't jump in the car. 

Guess I'm just testing you Mom.

Here is Mom's lame attempt at making me think it is "fun" to jump in the car.  

End result:  Mom hurt her back.  You can guess who got blamed for that one!  

I am very proud to say that I did much better in Puppy School.  It probably has to do with the fact that I have a major crush on my teacher, Miss Paula.  I just wish she would quit telling me to "sit" and just play ball with me!

She is sooooo pretty!

Would it kill her to throw a ball to me once in awhile?!?


This video pretty much sums up Tuesday.


Wednesday and Thursday are a bit of a blur.  All I remember is my Mom's face.  Who knew Mom didn't want me to bring 2 dead sleepy birdies and 1 mutilated under-the-weather mouse into the house?  I thought she would be proud of me for bringing home dinner!


Even though I hit a few speed bumps the previous couple of days, Friday was a whole new day.

It started off great!  My Dad took the day off from work and before  I knew it, a water park appeared in our backyard!  There are many advantages to having ancient slightly older parents.

I knew I lucked out when I got this Mom and Dad! 

And we even played Frisbee too!

This is where this incredibly fun day came to a screeching halt.

The first speed bump came along about a half hour after Mom and Dad went back into the house.  

Note to self:  a blow-up pool is not a chew toy.

The second lesson I learned came about an hour later. I realized that I am not a magician.

  I should never again try to pull a cocktail napkin out from under  my Dad's glass of wine.

Although it was early, the evening ended pretty quickly after that.  Before I knew it, I was back in the laundry room and Mom was running around looking for club soda.

It wasn't the best week in Chowdahville, but then again, it wasn't the worst either.  

But it sure was lots of fun!

Don't tell Mom I'm sitting in her plants again!

Happy 4th of July!
Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Cute... but not as cute as me.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Loved your post! Sadie, our wheaten, and I just got back from our town parade where we met a 4 month old Golden Doodle. He had the most beautiful red coat because his father was a red poodle. Happy 4th! PS I wonder if C. will be frightened of the fireworks?

    1. I love wheatens! Our Gypsy was part wheaten and the best dog in the whole world. Don't tell Chowdah I said that. Don't know whether Chowdah is afraid of fireworks yet because we are in the midst of Hurricane Arthur. Hope you have a great 4th!

  2. I am now about to utter words I NEVER thought I'd say - I am in love with a dog!

    1. Never say never, sweet Denise! Hope you're having a great 4th!

  3. WOW....what a curly haired ball of energy!! I can't believe how big he has grown! Now I know your secret to staying in shape!!! Happy 4th! Fireworks are cancelled for this evening; DD is not happy :(.

    1. He is growing before our eyes!! So sorry fireworks are xld for DD! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Woman versus dog and I think I know who is winning. Happy 4th, my friend. xo Laura

  5. You are killing us over here! Oh my word, he is a busy thing. You must bath him 10 times a day!!!! Kylee is jealous however...she wants a pool and her favorite thing is the sprinkler!!

  6. I always show my husband your posts about Chowdah and we always have a good laugh! Get a big old hard plastic pool; we have a yellow lab so I know what I am talking about! Happy 4th of July!

    1. Nancy... Happy 4th to you. Just looked you up to reply to you personally and see that you are from one of my bf's towns! E-mail me - I bet you might know her! Have a good one. We are going out for the plastic pool tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.

  7. Love that Chowdah!

  8. Hi Katie, so nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by and your new following. I am your newest follower too and so enjoyed my visit. What a hoot Chowdah is and what an adventure you are on with him. Brings back many memories!!
    You have me LOL here. Wishing you a great rest of the holiday weekend.

  9. Katie,
    Whenever I comment, I sign myself anonymous. That just seems silly now. You keep me laughing and I feel in many ways we are friends cut from the same cloth. If you're ever in central New Jersey, please let me know. I'd love to have lunch. My best regards, your friend, Cathy

    1. Hi Cathy - thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I definitely will take you up on lunch on my next trip to New Jersey. Have a great Sunday. Hope you're have the beautiful weather that we are having.

  10. Dear Katie, all your lovely family & Chowdah
    Have a very very happy 4th of July weekend...thinking of you guys, our friends over the pond who mean a real lot to us..on this your special day ( Im one day late, sorry for computer glitches)
    Chowdah is truly hilarious, but so cute Im sure you have forgiven him!!
    love Sallyxx

    1. Hellllooooo Sweet Sally! Great to hear from you as always. Hope you have a great Sunday across the pond!

  11. What a week! But what a face! How can you possibly stay angry looking into those sweet, sweet eyes! Hope you and Chowdah are enjoying to beautiful weekend this weekend. Especially now that the pool has been... put out of commission.

  12. Oh Chowdah, I am on your side! You hang in there buddy, and you always have a room here if you wanna come south. Pssst, if you can't come now, I will be in Boston in October....if you can just hang on til then I can swing by and pick you up :) I am off to post a few pics of my sweet Sophie, and another cute doodle. Don't tell your mom, but this doodle did exactly what her mom told her to do.....with a smile on her beautiful little face. I tried to bring her home with me, too!

  13. Oh my goodness I could barely keep up with you! Your mom and dad have to love you no matter what - but what's not to love. This was so funny!


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